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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
6758014grafic5284825358138512Spartans and JAT33.3
2733Cidade de alvarom 2 attacked playeralvarom518485590437334Spartans and JAT 2.023.4
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4888013-Babilonia sleeping playerpinheiro24519488638566720Spartans and JAT22.5
7109ReZaS'001 only one grepolis townrezas47750166976697Pinguins do Sepl23.0
2681Cidade de marsilea attacked playeralvarom528522706237334Spartans and JAT 2.035.6
5513OC 55 Cvieirapolis526529775887893EVOLUTION38.9
608819 Olivia Rodrigo attacked playerChucky526529823129364---38.9
6103MAFRAMDK695265298438184468Spartans and JAT38.9
6860Cidade de xico1962 4xico19625145269207102834EVOLUTION29.5
1064002-Zeus sleeping playerpinheiro24528482965066720Spartans and JAT33.3
6757Cidade de xico1962 2xico196251452610153102834EVOLUTION29.5
1846Cidade de Picadinyxico196251452610418102834EVOLUTION29.5
79300 tás a vontade kkkSadamePT4755091042981832EVOLUTION26.6
4318GebFonxeka52652912515137693Spartans and JAT38.9
1729Destiny 2xico196251452612713102834EVOLUTION29.5
1581DeltaPoluxCastor50747712849186604Spartans and JAT24.0
5766HORTAMDK6952852213921184468Spartans and JAT35.6
1946EluroFonxeka52651014131137693Spartans and JAT27.9
2700QuebeqPoluxCastor52848214207186604Spartans and JAT33.3
6208Cidade de xico1962 3xico196251452615411102834EVOLUTION29.5

Players list: grafic; orla; alvarom; pinheiro24; rezas; vieirapolis; Chucky; MDK69; xico1962; fanta77; SadamePT; Fonxeka; PoluxCastor
[town]6758[/town] 5358pts [player]grafic[/player] 528/482 33.3
[town]6819[/town] 5752pts [player]orla[/player] 518/485 23.4
[town]6738[/town] 5853pts [player]orla[/player] 512/487 17.7
[town]2733[/town] 5904pts [player]alvarom[/player] 518/485 23.4
[town]6773[/town] 6127pts [player]orla[/player] 512/487 17.7
[town]6798[/town] 6180pts [player]orla[/player] 512/487 17.7
[town]4888[/town] 6385pts [player]pinheiro24[/player] 519/488 22.5
[town]7109[/town] 6697pts [player]rezas[/player] 477/501 23.0
[town]6687[/town] 6811pts [player]orla[/player] 512/487 17.7
[town]6549[/town] 6899pts [player]orla[/player] 518/485 23.4
[town]2681[/town] 7062pts [player]alvarom[/player] 528/522 35.6
[town]6456[/town] 7090pts [player]orla[/player] 518/485 23.4
[town]5513[/town] 7758pts [player]vieirapolis[/player] 526/529 38.9
[town]6088[/town] 8231pts [player]Chucky[/player] 526/529 38.9
[town]6103[/town] 8438pts [player]MDK69[/player] 526/529 38.9
[town]6860[/town] 9207pts [player]xico1962[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]1064[/town] 9650pts [player]pinheiro24[/player] 528/482 33.3
[town]6757[/town] 10153pts [player]xico1962[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]1967[/town] 10371pts [player]fanta77[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]1846[/town] 10418pts [player]xico1962[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]793[/town] 10429pts [player]SadamePT[/player] 475/509 26.6
[town]4318[/town] 12515pts [player]Fonxeka[/player] 526/529 38.9
[town]1729[/town] 12713pts [player]xico1962[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]1581[/town] 12849pts [player]PoluxCastor[/player] 507/477 24.0
[town]5766[/town] 13921pts [player]MDK69[/player] 528/522 35.6
[town]1946[/town] 14131pts [player]Fonxeka[/player] 526/510 27.9
[town]2700[/town] 14207pts [player]PoluxCastor[/player] 528/482 33.3
[town]6208[/town] 15411pts [player]xico1962[/player] 514/526 29.5

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.