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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
599ALVARON attacked playerassur500486552983626**Nazgul**14.0
755n.0 attacked playerassur500486618583626**Nazgul**14.0
13442City 3 attacked playerMetaDragão477480754687975Master30.5
11814madina attacked playerMetaDragão477483813987975Master28.6
10095City 2 attacked playerMetaDragão477480848687975Master30.5
10465Cidade 1 attacked playerMetaDragão482482864787975Master25.5
4748City 1 attacked playerMetaDragão477480874387975Master30.5
4152Cidade de SadamePT attacked playerSadamePT485484944739717Yoyodyne21.9
15162Cidade de gargula1 3 attacked playergargula14844779479131478Yoyodyne28.0
15137Cidade de gargula1 4 attacked playergargula148448010083131478Yoyodyne25.6
12875001 gargula1 attacked playergargula147748310498131478Yoyodyne28.6
13558Cidade de gargula1 6 attacked playergargula147447110517131478Yoyodyne38.9
28944 002 attacked playerZexion4824991165296060Power Puff Cucks18.0
6744123 attacked playerZexion4755241170396060Power Puff Cucks34.7
7072Cidade de Zexion 4 attacked playerZexion4785111180696060Power Puff Cucks24.6
8890010 - IM attacked playerxerifes4875181273272329---22.2
50110030 - IM attacked playerxerifes5255091279672329---26.6
9309GatoBravo attacked playerFM574774801283948411Yoyodyne30.5
135854.02andrue50647817314127028Pentium I22.8

Players list: assur; MetaDragão; SadamePT; gargula1; Zexion; xerifes; FM57; andrue
[town]599[/town] 5529pts [player]assur[/player] 500/486 14.0
[town]755[/town] 6185pts [player]assur[/player] 500/486 14.0
[town]13442[/town] 7546pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 477/480 30.5
[town]11814[/town] 8139pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 477/483 28.6
[town]10095[/town] 8486pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 477/480 30.5
[town]10465[/town] 8647pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 482/482 25.5
[town]4748[/town] 8743pts [player]MetaDragão[/player] 477/480 30.5
[town]4152[/town] 9447pts [player]SadamePT[/player] 485/484 21.9
[town]15162[/town] 9479pts [player]gargula1[/player] 484/477 28.0
[town]15137[/town] 10083pts [player]gargula1[/player] 484/480 25.6
[town]12875[/town] 10498pts [player]gargula1[/player] 477/483 28.6
[town]13558[/town] 10517pts [player]gargula1[/player] 474/471 38.9
[town]289[/town] 11652pts [player]Zexion[/player] 482/499 18.0
[town]674[/town] 11703pts [player]Zexion[/player] 475/524 34.7
[town]7072[/town] 11806pts [player]Zexion[/player] 478/511 24.6
[town]889[/town] 12732pts [player]xerifes[/player] 487/518 22.2
[town]5011[/town] 12796pts [player]xerifes[/player] 525/509 26.6
[town]9309[/town] 12839pts [player]FM57[/player] 477/480 30.5
[town]1358[/town] 17314pts [player]andrue[/player] 506/478 22.8

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.