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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
1523TheAce 04 only one grepolis town attacked playerTheAce52951657525752---33.1
21399Nova unumFalo4725176069141661*Why not?32.8
22733Unum do sulFalo4735276591141661*Why not?38.2
10370Vindicta 002 attacked playerAquilus476476692220444---33.9
680011 SilvaSilvaxxx4725068209180990???????????????28.6
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1149TheAce 02 sleeping playerKuazis11514520850552586---24.4
302CEMITÉRIO DOS NOOBS sleeping playerKuazis11509512871852586---15.0
1841302 MOVELegend Shank4865149203198096*Why not?19.8
293electi 009 sleeping playerMullernage4914771011785419---24.7
1947036 sleeping playerandrepinto151050810315106750QFGQSCTU12.8
993203 BACK 02Legend Shank47352710495198096*Why not?38.2
1808electi 003 sleeping playerMullernage4914771051885419---24.7
18303Cidade de hw-burn 6hw-burn52050611049194444STRAY DOGS Monkey20.9
230702 LEVELSLegend Shank48651411178198096*Why not?19.8
595703 BACK 01Legend Shank47352711406198096*Why not?38.2
20071035 Chris Evans SB55hw-burn52050611591194444STRAY DOGS Monkey20.9
10366electi 025 sleeping playerMullernage4764761186885419---33.9
14503Cidade de hw-burn 3hw-burn52849711927194444STRAY DOGS Monkey28.2
3327PeseshetPapoide47251112086163241*Why not?30.1
17180Cidade de hw-burn 5hw-burn52849712106194444STRAY DOGS Monkey28.2
4579010 sleeping playermiguel martins 250652812292192766---28.6
740UnumFalo47251112862141661*Why not?30.1
3234R - 003 sleeping playerrodrix90050447313514136100---27.3
372003 SilvaSilvaxxx50448613831180990???????????????14.6
427008 SilvaSilvaxxx50448614383180990???????????????14.6
94755.4helloween50952215321175780STRAY DOGS Monkey23.8
1986Dtron CityDtron47251715348189638*Why not?32.8
60055-1helloween51651515680175780STRAY DOGS Monkey21.9
1564Ostri Ketchup 025hw-burn52050615718194444STRAY DOGS Monkey20.9
96155.3helloween51452016421175780STRAY DOGS Monkey24.4
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60009 SilvaSilvaxxx50748916763180990???????????????13.0
306002 SilvaSilvaxxx47248617423180990???????????????31.3

Players list: TheAce; Falo; Aquilus; Silvaxxx; Kuazis11; Legend Shank; Mullernage; andrepinto1; hw-burn; Papoide; miguel martins 2; rodrix900; helloween; Dtron
[town]1523[/town] 5752pts [player]TheAce[/player] 529/516 33.1
[town]21399[/town] 6069pts [player]Falo[/player] 472/517 32.8
[town]22733[/town] 6591pts [player]Falo[/player] 473/527 38.2
[town]10370[/town] 6922pts [player]Aquilus[/player] 476/476 33.9
[town]680[/town] 8209pts [player]Silvaxxx[/player] 472/506 28.6
[town]1149[/town] 8505pts [player]Kuazis11[/player] 514/520 24.4
[town]302[/town] 8718pts [player]Kuazis11[/player] 509/512 15.0
[town]18413[/town] 9203pts [player]Legend Shank[/player] 486/514 19.8
[town]293[/town] 10117pts [player]Mullernage[/player] 491/477 24.7
[town]1947[/town] 10315pts [player]andrepinto1[/player] 510/508 12.8
[town]9932[/town] 10495pts [player]Legend Shank[/player] 473/527 38.2
[town]1808[/town] 10518pts [player]Mullernage[/player] 491/477 24.7
[town]18303[/town] 11049pts [player]hw-burn[/player] 520/506 20.9
[town]2307[/town] 11178pts [player]Legend Shank[/player] 486/514 19.8
[town]5957[/town] 11406pts [player]Legend Shank[/player] 473/527 38.2
[town]20071[/town] 11591pts [player]hw-burn[/player] 520/506 20.9
[town]10366[/town] 11868pts [player]Mullernage[/player] 476/476 33.9
[town]14503[/town] 11927pts [player]hw-burn[/player] 528/497 28.2
[town]3327[/town] 12086pts [player]Papoide[/player] 472/511 30.1
[town]17180[/town] 12106pts [player]hw-burn[/player] 528/497 28.2
[town]4579[/town] 12292pts [player]miguel martins 2[/player] 506/528 28.6
[town]740[/town] 12862pts [player]Falo[/player] 472/511 30.1
[town]3234[/town] 13514pts [player]rodrix900[/player] 504/473 27.3
[town]372[/town] 13831pts [player]Silvaxxx[/player] 504/486 14.6
[town]427[/town] 14383pts [player]Silvaxxx[/player] 504/486 14.6
[town]947[/town] 15321pts [player]helloween[/player] 509/522 23.8
[town]1986[/town] 15348pts [player]Dtron[/player] 472/517 32.8
[town]600[/town] 15680pts [player]helloween[/player] 516/515 21.9
[town]1564[/town] 15718pts [player]hw-burn[/player] 520/506 20.9
[town]961[/town] 16421pts [player]helloween[/player] 514/520 24.4
[town]60[/town] 16763pts [player]Silvaxxx[/player] 507/489 13.0
[town]306[/town] 17423pts [player]Silvaxxx[/player] 472/486 31.3

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.