Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
2198 | New Tebas | Eusougroot | 496 | 519 | 5048 | 12007 | --- | 19.4 |
1618 | FAEM 07 | Fernando Macedo | 495 | 521 | 5829 | 95384 | Euro Trip | 21.6 |
7613 | Cidade de Fenobarbital 2 | Fenobarbital | 478 | 516 | 5830 | 11730 | WARRIORS | 27.2 |
7961 | Cidade de Fenobarbital 3 | Fenobarbital | 478 | 516 | 5900 | 11730 | WARRIORS | 27.2 |
6136 | Cidade de rauprata neném | rauprata neném | 479 | 513 | 6958 | 9800 | Familia PT | 24.7 |
6270 | Cidade de Eusougroot | Eusougroot | 479 | 505 | 6959 | 12007 | --- | 21.6 |
8617 | FAEM 04 | Fernando Macedo | 519 | 526 | 7068 | 95384 | Euro Trip | 32.2 |
7322 | MARY PAM 2 | assur | 521 | 482 | 7835 | 81108 | G.O.E | 27.7 |
2318 | Cidade de Geitosinho | Geitosinho | 479 | 505 | 8160 | 22292 | CANAL PANDA | 21.6 |
1584 | Mary My Love | assur | 498 | 495 | 8266 | 81108 | G.O.E | 5.4 |
2283 | Cidade de Tubarão Martelo78 | Tubarão Martelo78 | 476 | 507 | 8466 | 23587 | CANAL PANDA | 25.0 |
6938 | Cidade de tutu vem mimi | tutu vem mimi | 509 | 514 | 8602 | 15429 | *D-E-V-A-S-T-A-D-O-R* | 16.6 |
2320 | Cidade de Geitosinho 2 | Geitosinho | 479 | 513 | 8647 | 22292 | CANAL PANDA | 24.7 |
2311 | Cidade de matheus.0800 2 | matheus.0800 | 479 | 509 | 8656 | 27309 | CANAL PANDA | 22.8 |
2308 | Cidade de matheus.0800 | matheus.0800 | 476 | 507 | 8669 | 27309 | CANAL PANDA | 25.0 |
2313 | Cidade de Sicalote 2 | Sicalote | 476 | 507 | 8683 | 26111 | CANAL PANDA | 25.0 |
2421 | 03.Konoah | UchiaItachi | 513 | 522 | 8716 | 82442 | ALLYBUT | 25.6 |
3968 | MUITOFORTE | Hellbrazer | 479 | 505 | 8814 | 47514 | --- | 21.6 |
2295 | Cidade de Tubarão Martelo78 2 | Tubarão Martelo78 | 479 | 513 | 8872 | 23587 | CANAL PANDA | 24.7 |
2304 | Cidade de Neném do Edgar 2 | Neném do Edgar | 479 | 509 | 8915 | 25476 | CANAL PANDA | 22.8 |
7980 | C45 04.Konoah | UchiaItachi | 490 | 527 | 8965 | 82442 | ALLYBUT | 28.8 |
2301 | Cidade de Senkay da Demacia 2 | Senkay da Demacia | 476 | 507 | 9153 | 24577 | CANAL PANDA | 25.0 |
6789 | MARY PAM | assur | 523 | 492 | 9392 | 81108 | G.O.E | 24.4 |
4674 | MARY PAM. | assur | 521 | 482 | 9608 | 81108 | G.O.E | 27.7 |
2319 | MARY PAM.. | assur | 502 | 498 | 9767 | 81108 | G.O.E | 2.8 |
7547 | A.8 | dimamond | 478 | 516 | 10003 | 125505 | G.O.E | 27.2 |
1654 | 003 - Michonne | ivo d | 502 | 477 | 10040 | 38200 | Legião Anónima | 23.1 |
8548 | Country of the sound | darkwinner | 497 | 479 | 10166 | 110659 | ALLYBUT | 21.2 |
3062 | Beja | Overdesign | 515 | 476 | 10286 | 59110 | Order Of Tyr | 28.3 |
1593 | 009 - Zeta | Jéferson Eliel | 509 | 482 | 10580 | 90044 | Order Of Tyr | 20.1 |
2496 | ME AND YOU MARY PAM | assur | 502 | 477 | 10720 | 81108 | G.O.E | 23.1 |
5972 | A.6 | dimamond | 478 | 516 | 10835 | 125505 | G.O.E | 27.2 |
192 | 002 Tartaruga | qorpzz | 519 | 497 | 10989 | 175436 | ALLYBUT | 19.2 |
1385 | Country of water | darkwinner | 509 | 482 | 11107 | 110659 | ALLYBUT | 20.1 |
324 | 0003 | instringuerbr | 488 | 510 | 11141 | 108522 | Euro Trip | 15.6 |
2208 | 54.10.Titanium | Overloque | 509 | 482 | 11240 | 120534 | Order Of Tyr | 20.1 |
1700 | MARY PAM LOVED | assur | 502 | 498 | 11301 | 81108 | G.O.E | 2.8 |
4780 | A.5 | dimamond | 478 | 516 | 11337 | 125505 | G.O.E | 27.2 |
1977 | Country of wind | darkwinner | 509 | 482 | 11423 | 110659 | ALLYBUT | 20.1 |
269 | 001-1.2CR | gilbertodi | 521 | 476 | 11578 | 25542 | = ALYBUT = | 31.9 |
7548 | ZORKIS 04 | saidsotam | 510 | 495 | 11668 | 105792 | DOIDOS VARRIDOS | 11.2 |
4665 | A.4 | dimamond | 478 | 516 | 11763 | 125505 | G.O.E | 27.2 |
682 | BR01 | Mr. Blade | 488 | 471 | 11847 | 29716 | --- | 31.4 |
119 | 001 Caracol | qorpzz | 504 | 486 | 12124 | 175436 | ALLYBUT | 14.6 |
1744 | K4401 Shauri | Taicos | 495 | 476 | 12335 | 139188 | ALLYBUT | 24.5 |
2616 | 08-55 | treinadork9 | 498 | 515 | 12627 | 16630 | --- | 15.1 |
1718 | 44.02 | ferragudo | 496 | 482 | 12993 | 182841 | = ALYBUT = | 18.4 |
1670 | ZORKIS 06 | saidsotam | 498 | 515 | 13118 | 105792 | DOIDOS VARRIDOS | 15.1 |
1594 | ZORKIS 02 | saidsotam | 498 | 515 | 13324 | 105792 | DOIDOS VARRIDOS | 15.1 |
5096 | APOCALIPSE SUPREMO | Overloque | 509 | 482 | 13368 | 120534 | Order Of Tyr | 20.1 |
260 | K4406 Maycon | Taicos | 495 | 476 | 13568 | 139188 | ALLYBUT | 24.5 |
103 | Country of fire. | darkwinner | 504 | 478 | 14405 | 110659 | ALLYBUT | 22.4 |
1391 | ZORKIS 01 | saidsotam | 498 | 515 | 14412 | 105792 | DOIDOS VARRIDOS | 15.1 |
501 | 044-001-001 | fernandoax81 | 495 | 476 | 14727 | 21686 | Legião Anónima | 24.5 |
1510 | ZORKIS 05 | saidsotam | 498 | 515 | 14765 | 105792 | DOIDOS VARRIDOS | 15.1 |
5983 | A.3 | dimamond | 478 | 516 | 14814 | 125505 | G.O.E | 27.2 |
6040 | A.2 | dimamond | 478 | 516 | 14926 | 125505 | G.O.E | 27.2 |
1679 | Oc.45 - 009 Black | blackvamp | 489 | 504 | 15093 | 137570 | Se7e Mares | 11.7 |
1764 | Cogumelo 03 | Cogumelo | 519 | 497 | 15396 | 91345 | Euro Trip | 19.2 |
155 | 001 | -RodrigoBoss- | 526 | 495 | 15888 | 43768 | = ALYBUT = | 26.5 |
3278 | duarte 02 | lipe duarte | 495 | 527 | 16275 | 118266 | OCEANOS ELITE .. | 27.5 |
388 | K4400 | Taicos | 495 | 476 | 17436 | 139188 | ALLYBUT | 24.5 |
877 | K4411 KATANE | Taicos | 497 | 473 | 17508 | 139188 | ALLYBUT | 27.2 |
897 | 44 02 01 HH | jonasf1996M | 488 | 471 | 17786 | 163177 | ALLYBUT | 31.4 |
Players list: Eusougroot; Fernando Macedo; Fenobarbital; rauprata neném; assur; Geitosinho; Tubarão Martelo78; tutu vem mimi; matheus.0800; Sicalote; UchiaItachi; Hellbrazer; Neném do Edgar; Senkay da Demacia; dimamond; ivo d; darkwinner; Overdesign; Jéferson Eliel; qorpzz; instringuerbr; Overloque; gilbertodi; saidsotam; Mr. Blade; Taicos; treinadork9; ferragudo; fernandoax81; blackvamp; Cogumelo; -RodrigoBoss-; lipe duarte; jonasf1996M
[town]2198[/town] 5048pts [player]Eusougroot[/player] 496/519 19.4
[town]1618[/town] 5829pts [player]Fernando Macedo[/player] 495/521 21.6
[town]7613[/town] 5830pts [player]Fenobarbital[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]7961[/town] 5900pts [player]Fenobarbital[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]6136[/town] 6958pts [player]rauprata neném[/player] 479/513 24.7
[town]6270[/town] 6959pts [player]Eusougroot[/player] 479/505 21.6
[town]8617[/town] 7068pts [player]Fernando Macedo[/player] 519/526 32.2
[town]7322[/town] 7835pts [player]assur[/player] 521/482 27.7
[town]2318[/town] 8160pts [player]Geitosinho[/player] 479/505 21.6
[town]1584[/town] 8266pts [player]assur[/player] 498/495 5.4
[town]2283[/town] 8466pts [player]Tubarão Martelo78[/player] 476/507 25.0
[town]6938[/town] 8602pts [player]tutu vem mimi[/player] 509/514 16.6
[town]2320[/town] 8647pts [player]Geitosinho[/player] 479/513 24.7
[town]2311[/town] 8656pts [player]matheus.0800[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]2308[/town] 8669pts [player]matheus.0800[/player] 476/507 25.0
[town]2313[/town] 8683pts [player]Sicalote[/player] 476/507 25.0
[town]2421[/town] 8716pts [player]UchiaItachi[/player] 513/522 25.6
[town]3968[/town] 8814pts [player]Hellbrazer[/player] 479/505 21.6
[town]2295[/town] 8872pts [player]Tubarão Martelo78[/player] 479/513 24.7
[town]2304[/town] 8915pts [player]Neném do Edgar[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]7980[/town] 8965pts [player]UchiaItachi[/player] 490/527 28.8
[town]2301[/town] 9153pts [player]Senkay da Demacia[/player] 476/507 25.0
[town]6789[/town] 9392pts [player]assur[/player] 523/492 24.4
[town]4674[/town] 9608pts [player]assur[/player] 521/482 27.7
[town]2319[/town] 9767pts [player]assur[/player] 502/498 2.8
[town]7547[/town] 10003pts [player]dimamond[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]1654[/town] 10040pts [player]ivo d[/player] 502/477 23.1
[town]8548[/town] 10166pts [player]darkwinner[/player] 497/479 21.2
[town]3062[/town] 10286pts [player]Overdesign[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]1593[/town] 10580pts [player]Jéferson Eliel[/player] 509/482 20.1
[town]2496[/town] 10720pts [player]assur[/player] 502/477 23.1
[town]5972[/town] 10835pts [player]dimamond[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]192[/town] 10989pts [player]qorpzz[/player] 519/497 19.2
[town]1385[/town] 11107pts [player]darkwinner[/player] 509/482 20.1
[town]324[/town] 11141pts [player]instringuerbr[/player] 488/510 15.6
[town]2208[/town] 11240pts [player]Overloque[/player] 509/482 20.1
[town]1700[/town] 11301pts [player]assur[/player] 502/498 2.8
[town]4780[/town] 11337pts [player]dimamond[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]1977[/town] 11423pts [player]darkwinner[/player] 509/482 20.1
[town]269[/town] 11578pts [player]gilbertodi[/player] 521/476 31.9
[town]7548[/town] 11668pts [player]saidsotam[/player] 510/495 11.2
[town]4665[/town] 11763pts [player]dimamond[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]682[/town] 11847pts [player]Mr. Blade[/player] 488/471 31.4
[town]119[/town] 12124pts [player]qorpzz[/player] 504/486 14.6
[town]1744[/town] 12335pts [player]Taicos[/player] 495/476 24.5
[town]2616[/town] 12627pts [player]treinadork9[/player] 498/515 15.1
[town]1718[/town] 12993pts [player]ferragudo[/player] 496/482 18.4
[town]1670[/town] 13118pts [player]saidsotam[/player] 498/515 15.1
[town]1594[/town] 13324pts [player]saidsotam[/player] 498/515 15.1
[town]5096[/town] 13368pts [player]Overloque[/player] 509/482 20.1
[town]260[/town] 13568pts [player]Taicos[/player] 495/476 24.5
[town]103[/town] 14405pts [player]darkwinner[/player] 504/478 22.4
[town]1391[/town] 14412pts [player]saidsotam[/player] 498/515 15.1
[town]501[/town] 14727pts [player]fernandoax81[/player] 495/476 24.5
[town]1510[/town] 14765pts [player]saidsotam[/player] 498/515 15.1
[town]5983[/town] 14814pts [player]dimamond[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]6040[/town] 14926pts [player]dimamond[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]1679[/town] 15093pts [player]blackvamp[/player] 489/504 11.7
[town]1764[/town] 15396pts [player]Cogumelo[/player] 519/497 19.2
[town]155[/town] 15888pts [player]-RodrigoBoss-[/player] 526/495 26.5
[town]3278[/town] 16275pts [player]lipe duarte[/player] 495/527 27.5
[town]388[/town] 17436pts [player]Taicos[/player] 495/476 24.5
[town]877[/town] 17508pts [player]Taicos[/player] 497/473 27.2
[town]897[/town] 17786pts [player]jonasf1996M[/player] 488/471 31.4
[town]2198[/town] 5048pts [player]Eusougroot[/player] 496/519 19.4
[town]1618[/town] 5829pts [player]Fernando Macedo[/player] 495/521 21.6
[town]7613[/town] 5830pts [player]Fenobarbital[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]7961[/town] 5900pts [player]Fenobarbital[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]6136[/town] 6958pts [player]rauprata neném[/player] 479/513 24.7
[town]6270[/town] 6959pts [player]Eusougroot[/player] 479/505 21.6
[town]8617[/town] 7068pts [player]Fernando Macedo[/player] 519/526 32.2
[town]7322[/town] 7835pts [player]assur[/player] 521/482 27.7
[town]2318[/town] 8160pts [player]Geitosinho[/player] 479/505 21.6
[town]1584[/town] 8266pts [player]assur[/player] 498/495 5.4
[town]2283[/town] 8466pts [player]Tubarão Martelo78[/player] 476/507 25.0
[town]6938[/town] 8602pts [player]tutu vem mimi[/player] 509/514 16.6
[town]2320[/town] 8647pts [player]Geitosinho[/player] 479/513 24.7
[town]2311[/town] 8656pts [player]matheus.0800[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]2308[/town] 8669pts [player]matheus.0800[/player] 476/507 25.0
[town]2313[/town] 8683pts [player]Sicalote[/player] 476/507 25.0
[town]2421[/town] 8716pts [player]UchiaItachi[/player] 513/522 25.6
[town]3968[/town] 8814pts [player]Hellbrazer[/player] 479/505 21.6
[town]2295[/town] 8872pts [player]Tubarão Martelo78[/player] 479/513 24.7
[town]2304[/town] 8915pts [player]Neném do Edgar[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]7980[/town] 8965pts [player]UchiaItachi[/player] 490/527 28.8
[town]2301[/town] 9153pts [player]Senkay da Demacia[/player] 476/507 25.0
[town]6789[/town] 9392pts [player]assur[/player] 523/492 24.4
[town]4674[/town] 9608pts [player]assur[/player] 521/482 27.7
[town]2319[/town] 9767pts [player]assur[/player] 502/498 2.8
[town]7547[/town] 10003pts [player]dimamond[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]1654[/town] 10040pts [player]ivo d[/player] 502/477 23.1
[town]8548[/town] 10166pts [player]darkwinner[/player] 497/479 21.2
[town]3062[/town] 10286pts [player]Overdesign[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]1593[/town] 10580pts [player]Jéferson Eliel[/player] 509/482 20.1
[town]2496[/town] 10720pts [player]assur[/player] 502/477 23.1
[town]5972[/town] 10835pts [player]dimamond[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]192[/town] 10989pts [player]qorpzz[/player] 519/497 19.2
[town]1385[/town] 11107pts [player]darkwinner[/player] 509/482 20.1
[town]324[/town] 11141pts [player]instringuerbr[/player] 488/510 15.6
[town]2208[/town] 11240pts [player]Overloque[/player] 509/482 20.1
[town]1700[/town] 11301pts [player]assur[/player] 502/498 2.8
[town]4780[/town] 11337pts [player]dimamond[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]1977[/town] 11423pts [player]darkwinner[/player] 509/482 20.1
[town]269[/town] 11578pts [player]gilbertodi[/player] 521/476 31.9
[town]7548[/town] 11668pts [player]saidsotam[/player] 510/495 11.2
[town]4665[/town] 11763pts [player]dimamond[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]682[/town] 11847pts [player]Mr. Blade[/player] 488/471 31.4
[town]119[/town] 12124pts [player]qorpzz[/player] 504/486 14.6
[town]1744[/town] 12335pts [player]Taicos[/player] 495/476 24.5
[town]2616[/town] 12627pts [player]treinadork9[/player] 498/515 15.1
[town]1718[/town] 12993pts [player]ferragudo[/player] 496/482 18.4
[town]1670[/town] 13118pts [player]saidsotam[/player] 498/515 15.1
[town]1594[/town] 13324pts [player]saidsotam[/player] 498/515 15.1
[town]5096[/town] 13368pts [player]Overloque[/player] 509/482 20.1
[town]260[/town] 13568pts [player]Taicos[/player] 495/476 24.5
[town]103[/town] 14405pts [player]darkwinner[/player] 504/478 22.4
[town]1391[/town] 14412pts [player]saidsotam[/player] 498/515 15.1
[town]501[/town] 14727pts [player]fernandoax81[/player] 495/476 24.5
[town]1510[/town] 14765pts [player]saidsotam[/player] 498/515 15.1
[town]5983[/town] 14814pts [player]dimamond[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]6040[/town] 14926pts [player]dimamond[/player] 478/516 27.2
[town]1679[/town] 15093pts [player]blackvamp[/player] 489/504 11.7
[town]1764[/town] 15396pts [player]Cogumelo[/player] 519/497 19.2
[town]155[/town] 15888pts [player]-RodrigoBoss-[/player] 526/495 26.5
[town]3278[/town] 16275pts [player]lipe duarte[/player] 495/527 27.5
[town]388[/town] 17436pts [player]Taicos[/player] 495/476 24.5
[town]877[/town] 17508pts [player]Taicos[/player] 497/473 27.2
[town]897[/town] 17786pts [player]jonasf1996M[/player] 488/471 31.4
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.