Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
9930 | Cidadela | sapo11 | 518 | 491 | 5372 | 34659 | Legião | 20.1 |
10521 | Cidade de cerqueira1967 | cerqueira1967 | 508 | 479 | 5691 | 176419 | Os leais | 22.5 |
8036 | OLEADO 04 | cerqueira1967 | 522 | 480 | 5788 | 176419 | Os leais | 29.7 |
6086 | OLEADO 02 | cerqueira1967 | 522 | 480 | 5797 | 176419 | Os leais | 29.7 |
1279 | PT83 OC45 | *Mr.Wilson* | 486 | 505 | 6343 | 122009 | --- | 14.9 |
5438 | kav 026 evo | KAVER f | 510 | 484 | 6398 | 50220 | *Legião de Elite* | 18.9 |
9180 | Catlântida | cerqueira1967 | 522 | 480 | 6398 | 176419 | Os leais | 29.7 |
1494 | blade 16 | blade-blac19 | 505 | 502 | 7690 | 191772 | =RESPECT= | 5.4 |
9521 | cavalaria | nobre alex | 519 | 497 | 7786 | 125272 | Os Inúteis | 19.2 |
1487 | OC 55 - 001 | blade-blac19 | 505 | 502 | 8183 | 191772 | =RESPECT= | 5.4 |
3258 | OLEADO 01 | cerqueira1967 | 522 | 480 | 8268 | 176419 | Os leais | 29.7 |
6151 | 010 - Moon Darkness | ZeusDaWish | 513 | 478 | 8268 | 172400 | Os Inúteis | 25.6 |
1312 | blade 13 | blade-blac19 | 502 | 505 | 9296 | 191772 | =RESPECT= | 5.4 |
3259 | opa 0 | vieirapolis | 519 | 497 | 9592 | 128336 | Legião | 19.2 |
5011 | ALFA 5 | americoprata | 528 | 511 | 9669 | 77354 | Os leais | 30.1 |
586 | burn baby burm | nobre alex | 526 | 496 | 9675 | 125272 | Os Inúteis | 26.3 |
6226 | 009 - Moon Darkness | ZeusDaWish | 513 | 478 | 9731 | 172400 | Os Inúteis | 25.6 |
1602 | kav 019 | KAVER f | 525 | 520 | 10186 | 50220 | *Legião de Elite* | 32.0 |
1027 | 54.001 Leffe | nobre alex | 512 | 487 | 10591 | 125272 | Os Inúteis | 17.7 |
5437 | 006 - Caipirinha 2 | ZeusDaWish | 510 | 484 | 10983 | 172400 | Os Inúteis | 18.9 |
634 | esparta | nobre alex | 518 | 494 | 11115 | 125272 | Os Inúteis | 19.0 |
2241 | ALFA 2 | americoprata | 528 | 511 | 11155 | 77354 | Os leais | 30.1 |
1489 | 666 - DVL | blade-blac19 | 502 | 505 | 11518 | 191772 | =RESPECT= | 5.4 |
3132 | ALFA 3 | americoprata | 514 | 509 | 11551 | 77354 | Os leais | 16.6 |
2831 | Revenge Town I | blade-blac19 | 524 | 525 | 11639 | 191772 | =RESPECT= | 34.7 |
641 | MK - NAZARE | ALP.Lanza | 518 | 494 | 11929 | 181962 | Os Inúteis | 19.0 |
225 | infernal | nobre alex | 526 | 496 | 12145 | 125272 | Os Inúteis | 26.3 |
1153 | blade 10 | blade-blac19 | 512 | 501 | 12188 | 191772 | =RESPECT= | 12.0 |
333 | 003 rezas | nobre alex | 512 | 487 | 12190 | 125272 | Os Inúteis | 17.7 |
922 | Cagliari | nobre alex | 504 | 482 | 12479 | 125272 | Os Inúteis | 18.4 |
1125 | blade 7 | blade-blac19 | 512 | 501 | 12848 | 191772 | =RESPECT= | 12.0 |
3981 | 005 - Caipirinha | ZeusDaWish | 510 | 484 | 13112 | 172400 | Os Inúteis | 18.9 |
7774 | 55.003 HYAE | KAVER f | 527 | 518 | 13214 | 50220 | *Legião de Elite* | 32.4 |
2069 | 011 - Fanta77 | ZeusDaWish | 517 | 475 | 13678 | 172400 | Os Inúteis | 30.2 |
1593 | 049 | blade-blac19 | 515 | 520 | 13828 | 191772 | =RESPECT= | 25.0 |
314 | 050 | blade-blac19 | 510 | 504 | 14167 | 191772 | =RESPECT= | 10.8 |
1430 | Ohh My Goood | blade-blac19 | 502 | 505 | 14322 | 191772 | =RESPECT= | 5.4 |
5343 | 034 | blade-blac19 | 515 | 520 | 14852 | 191772 | =RESPECT= | 25.0 |
133 | 007 - Já Vens Tarde | ZeusDaWish | 511 | 496 | 15335 | 172400 | Os Inúteis | 11.7 |
5254 | 024 | americoprata | 501 | 511 | 15418 | 77354 | Os leais | 11.0 |
642 | 008 - CrazyPete | ZeusDaWish | 521 | 486 | 15428 | 172400 | Os Inúteis | 25.2 |
1434 | OCEANIA | gisigov | 508 | 479 | 15674 | 54475 | *Legião de Elite* | 22.5 |
656 | 003 - leonor2015 | ZeusDaWish | 521 | 486 | 15843 | 172400 | Os Inúteis | 25.2 |
220 | 002 - treinadork9 | ZeusDaWish | 521 | 486 | 16176 | 172400 | Os Inúteis | 25.2 |
8591 | Agualva | ALP.Lanza | 518 | 491 | 17178 | 181962 | Os Inúteis | 20.1 |
514 | 54.C1 Cidania | ALP.Lanza | 512 | 487 | 17276 | 181962 | Os Inúteis | 17.7 |
451 | = 011 º H e L L = | Brunesco | 479 | 516 | 17350 | 105883 | United Noobs | 26.4 |
Players list: sapo11; cerqueira1967; *Mr.Wilson*; KAVER f; blade-blac19; nobre alex; ZeusDaWish; vieirapolis; americoprata; ALP.Lanza; gisigov; Brunesco
[town]9930[/town] 5372pts [player]sapo11[/player] 518/491 20.1
[town]10521[/town] 5691pts [player]cerqueira1967[/player] 508/479 22.5
[town]8036[/town] 5788pts [player]cerqueira1967[/player] 522/480 29.7
[town]6086[/town] 5797pts [player]cerqueira1967[/player] 522/480 29.7
[town]1279[/town] 6343pts [player]*Mr.Wilson*[/player] 486/505 14.9
[town]5438[/town] 6398pts [player]KAVER f[/player] 510/484 18.9
[town]9180[/town] 6398pts [player]cerqueira1967[/player] 522/480 29.7
[town]1494[/town] 7690pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 505/502 5.4
[town]9521[/town] 7786pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 519/497 19.2
[town]1487[/town] 8183pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 505/502 5.4
[town]3258[/town] 8268pts [player]cerqueira1967[/player] 522/480 29.7
[town]6151[/town] 8268pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 513/478 25.6
[town]1312[/town] 9296pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 502/505 5.4
[town]3259[/town] 9592pts [player]vieirapolis[/player] 519/497 19.2
[town]5011[/town] 9669pts [player]americoprata[/player] 528/511 30.1
[town]586[/town] 9675pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 526/496 26.3
[town]6226[/town] 9731pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 513/478 25.6
[town]1602[/town] 10186pts [player]KAVER f[/player] 525/520 32.0
[town]1027[/town] 10591pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 512/487 17.7
[town]5437[/town] 10983pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 510/484 18.9
[town]634[/town] 11115pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 518/494 19.0
[town]2241[/town] 11155pts [player]americoprata[/player] 528/511 30.1
[town]1489[/town] 11518pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 502/505 5.4
[town]3132[/town] 11551pts [player]americoprata[/player] 514/509 16.6
[town]2831[/town] 11639pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 524/525 34.7
[town]641[/town] 11929pts [player]ALP.Lanza[/player] 518/494 19.0
[town]225[/town] 12145pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 526/496 26.3
[town]1153[/town] 12188pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 512/501 12.0
[town]333[/town] 12190pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 512/487 17.7
[town]922[/town] 12479pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 504/482 18.4
[town]1125[/town] 12848pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 512/501 12.0
[town]3981[/town] 13112pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 510/484 18.9
[town]7774[/town] 13214pts [player]KAVER f[/player] 527/518 32.4
[town]2069[/town] 13678pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 517/475 30.2
[town]1593[/town] 13828pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 515/520 25.0
[town]314[/town] 14167pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 510/504 10.8
[town]1430[/town] 14322pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 502/505 5.4
[town]5343[/town] 14852pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 515/520 25.0
[town]133[/town] 15335pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 511/496 11.7
[town]5254[/town] 15418pts [player]americoprata[/player] 501/511 11.0
[town]642[/town] 15428pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 521/486 25.2
[town]1434[/town] 15674pts [player]gisigov[/player] 508/479 22.5
[town]656[/town] 15843pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 521/486 25.2
[town]220[/town] 16176pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 521/486 25.2
[town]8591[/town] 17178pts [player]ALP.Lanza[/player] 518/491 20.1
[town]514[/town] 17276pts [player]ALP.Lanza[/player] 512/487 17.7
[town]451[/town] 17350pts [player]Brunesco[/player] 479/516 26.4
[town]9930[/town] 5372pts [player]sapo11[/player] 518/491 20.1
[town]10521[/town] 5691pts [player]cerqueira1967[/player] 508/479 22.5
[town]8036[/town] 5788pts [player]cerqueira1967[/player] 522/480 29.7
[town]6086[/town] 5797pts [player]cerqueira1967[/player] 522/480 29.7
[town]1279[/town] 6343pts [player]*Mr.Wilson*[/player] 486/505 14.9
[town]5438[/town] 6398pts [player]KAVER f[/player] 510/484 18.9
[town]9180[/town] 6398pts [player]cerqueira1967[/player] 522/480 29.7
[town]1494[/town] 7690pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 505/502 5.4
[town]9521[/town] 7786pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 519/497 19.2
[town]1487[/town] 8183pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 505/502 5.4
[town]3258[/town] 8268pts [player]cerqueira1967[/player] 522/480 29.7
[town]6151[/town] 8268pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 513/478 25.6
[town]1312[/town] 9296pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 502/505 5.4
[town]3259[/town] 9592pts [player]vieirapolis[/player] 519/497 19.2
[town]5011[/town] 9669pts [player]americoprata[/player] 528/511 30.1
[town]586[/town] 9675pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 526/496 26.3
[town]6226[/town] 9731pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 513/478 25.6
[town]1602[/town] 10186pts [player]KAVER f[/player] 525/520 32.0
[town]1027[/town] 10591pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 512/487 17.7
[town]5437[/town] 10983pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 510/484 18.9
[town]634[/town] 11115pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 518/494 19.0
[town]2241[/town] 11155pts [player]americoprata[/player] 528/511 30.1
[town]1489[/town] 11518pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 502/505 5.4
[town]3132[/town] 11551pts [player]americoprata[/player] 514/509 16.6
[town]2831[/town] 11639pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 524/525 34.7
[town]641[/town] 11929pts [player]ALP.Lanza[/player] 518/494 19.0
[town]225[/town] 12145pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 526/496 26.3
[town]1153[/town] 12188pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 512/501 12.0
[town]333[/town] 12190pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 512/487 17.7
[town]922[/town] 12479pts [player]nobre alex[/player] 504/482 18.4
[town]1125[/town] 12848pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 512/501 12.0
[town]3981[/town] 13112pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 510/484 18.9
[town]7774[/town] 13214pts [player]KAVER f[/player] 527/518 32.4
[town]2069[/town] 13678pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 517/475 30.2
[town]1593[/town] 13828pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 515/520 25.0
[town]314[/town] 14167pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 510/504 10.8
[town]1430[/town] 14322pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 502/505 5.4
[town]5343[/town] 14852pts [player]blade-blac19[/player] 515/520 25.0
[town]133[/town] 15335pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 511/496 11.7
[town]5254[/town] 15418pts [player]americoprata[/player] 501/511 11.0
[town]642[/town] 15428pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 521/486 25.2
[town]1434[/town] 15674pts [player]gisigov[/player] 508/479 22.5
[town]656[/town] 15843pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 521/486 25.2
[town]220[/town] 16176pts [player]ZeusDaWish[/player] 521/486 25.2
[town]8591[/town] 17178pts [player]ALP.Lanza[/player] 518/491 20.1
[town]514[/town] 17276pts [player]ALP.Lanza[/player] 512/487 17.7
[town]451[/town] 17350pts [player]Brunesco[/player] 479/516 26.4
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.