Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
1359 | 55-A2 | 17alvaro | 512 | 526 | 5039 | 108339 | ObSerVer | 28.6 |
19131 | Cidade de kelso | kelso | 521 | 524 | 5185 | 153735 | - Mare Nostrum AC - | 31.9 |
19132 | Cidade de kelso 7 | kelso | 521 | 524 | 5239 | 153735 | - Mare Nostrum AC - | 31.9 |
18319 | Cidade de kelso 3 | kelso | 521 | 524 | 6079 | 153735 | - Mare Nostrum AC - | 31.9 |
18322 | Cidade de kelso 6 | kelso | 521 | 524 | 6097 | 153735 | - Mare Nostrum AC - | 31.9 |
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18320 | Cidade de kelso 4 | kelso | 521 | 524 | 6140 | 153735 | - Mare Nostrum AC - | 31.9 |
18321 | Cidade de kelso 5 | kelso | 521 | 524 | 6140 | 153735 | - Mare Nostrum AC - | 31.9 |
12554 | 55.005 | kelso | 526 | 523 | 6564 | 153735 | - Mare Nostrum AC - | 34.7 |
4841 | Fio da Espada | TiTãN | 526 | 523 | 7710 | 158850 | Os donos dos Mundo | 34.7 |
10954 | 55.004 | kelso | 526 | 523 | 8879 | 153735 | - Mare Nostrum AC - | 34.7 |
10635 | 55.003 | kelso | 526 | 523 | 10513 | 153735 | - Mare Nostrum AC - | 34.7 |
4992 | 55.001 | kelso | 526 | 523 | 13245 | 153735 | - Mare Nostrum AC - | 34.7 |
5297 | 55.002 | kelso | 526 | 523 | 13245 | 153735 | - Mare Nostrum AC - | 34.7 |
Players list: 17alvaro; kelso; TiTãN
[town]1359[/town] 5039pts [player]17alvaro[/player] 512/526 28.6
[town]19131[/town] 5185pts [player]kelso[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]19132[/town] 5239pts [player]kelso[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]18319[/town] 6079pts [player]kelso[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]18322[/town] 6097pts [player]kelso[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]18320[/town] 6140pts [player]kelso[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]18321[/town] 6140pts [player]kelso[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]12554[/town] 6564pts [player]kelso[/player] 526/523 34.7
[town]4841[/town] 7710pts [player]TiTãN[/player] 526/523 34.7
[town]10954[/town] 8879pts [player]kelso[/player] 526/523 34.7
[town]10635[/town] 10513pts [player]kelso[/player] 526/523 34.7
[town]4992[/town] 13245pts [player]kelso[/player] 526/523 34.7
[town]5297[/town] 13245pts [player]kelso[/player] 526/523 34.7
[town]1359[/town] 5039pts [player]17alvaro[/player] 512/526 28.6
[town]19131[/town] 5185pts [player]kelso[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]19132[/town] 5239pts [player]kelso[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]18319[/town] 6079pts [player]kelso[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]18322[/town] 6097pts [player]kelso[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]18320[/town] 6140pts [player]kelso[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]18321[/town] 6140pts [player]kelso[/player] 521/524 31.9
[town]12554[/town] 6564pts [player]kelso[/player] 526/523 34.7
[town]4841[/town] 7710pts [player]TiTãN[/player] 526/523 34.7
[town]10954[/town] 8879pts [player]kelso[/player] 526/523 34.7
[town]10635[/town] 10513pts [player]kelso[/player] 526/523 34.7
[town]4992[/town] 13245pts [player]kelso[/player] 526/523 34.7
[town]5297[/town] 13245pts [player]kelso[/player] 526/523 34.7
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.