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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
4482geta04geta 704915037586165059Formatia Marinica Namol9.5
1642906.Regatul SuebilorIndeedWise4914927601128362Formatia Marinica Namol12.0
514nu atac pe nimeni. attacked playercristi0547148676038870sunt pentru gold pace32.2
1639305.Regatul AvarIndeedWise5014888778128362Formatia Marinica Namol12.0
1626604.KhazarsIndeedWise4914929266128362Formatia Marinica Namol12.0
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121geta01geta 7049650810092165059Formatia Marinica Namol8.9
17189Oraşul lui gabrielli 3gabrielli50148810149146736W.o.A12.0
15994Oraşul lui georgelol 6georgelol50152010200165918HOUSE OF THE DRAGON20.0
15897Oraşul 1georgelol50152010228165918HOUSE OF THE DRAGON20.0
31502.GotIndeedWise48848410523128362Formatia Marinica Namol20.0
1555003.VizigotIndeedWise47148610566128362Formatia Marinica Namol32.2
1491101.CostobociIndeedWise49449410934128362Formatia Marinica Namol8.5
8065geta02geta 7049650812753165059Formatia Marinica Namol8.9

Players list: geta 70; IndeedWise; cristi05; gabrielli; georgelol
[town]4482[/town] 7586pts [player]geta 70[/player] 491/503 9.5
[town]16429[/town] 7601pts [player]IndeedWise[/player] 491/492 12.0
[town]514[/town] 7603pts [player]cristi05[/player] 471/486 32.2
[town]16393[/town] 8778pts [player]IndeedWise[/player] 501/488 12.0
[town]16266[/town] 9266pts [player]IndeedWise[/player] 491/492 12.0
[town]121[/town] 10092pts [player]geta 70[/player] 496/508 8.9
[town]17189[/town] 10149pts [player]gabrielli[/player] 501/488 12.0
[town]15994[/town] 10200pts [player]georgelol[/player] 501/520 20.0
[town]15897[/town] 10228pts [player]georgelol[/player] 501/520 20.0
[town]315[/town] 10523pts [player]IndeedWise[/player] 488/484 20.0
[town]15550[/town] 10566pts [player]IndeedWise[/player] 471/486 32.2
[town]14911[/town] 10934pts [player]IndeedWise[/player] 494/494 8.5
[town]8065[/town] 12753pts [player]geta 70[/player] 496/508 8.9

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.