Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
7615 | RUDOLF 6 | dsro19752018 | 528 | 489 | 5043 | 44734 | --- | 30.1 |
6514 | Kocham Cię VII | NowyAleStary | 498 | 494 | 5244 | 65886 | Następnym razem się uda | 6.3 |
6871 | Kocham Cię VIII | NowyAleStary | 498 | 494 | 5262 | 65886 | Następnym razem się uda | 6.3 |
6513 | Kocham Cię VI | NowyAleStary | 498 | 494 | 5631 | 65886 | Następnym razem się uda | 6.3 |
1018 | Petunie | paulisiek | 524 | 517 | 5827 | 180695 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 29.4 |
12456 | M45 Termopile I | ELTORIO | 484 | 522 | 6109 | 174144 | Był sobie łajdak | 27.2 |
6068 | RUDOLF 5 | dsro19752018 | 522 | 490 | 6559 | 44734 | --- | 24.2 |
11980 | Miasto gracza aniula 7 | aniula | 474 | 529 | 7030 | 153642 | V.V.V. | 38.9 |
7837 | Miasto M55-3 | paulisiek | 523 | 523 | 7232 | 180695 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 32.5 |
8311 | Miasto gracza cmazBOSS | cmazBOSS | 522 | 477 | 7795 | 38995 | B.I.O | 31.8 |
11648 | Miasto gracza aniula 6 | aniula | 483 | 515 | 8252 | 153642 | V.V.V. | 22.7 |
6084 | Kocham Cię IV | NowyAleStary | 498 | 494 | 8291 | 65886 | Następnym razem się uda | 6.3 |
314 | Szalony Koń | Crazy Horse | 495 | 518 | 8318 | 110315 | Unia Indiańskich Plemion | 18.7 |
8754 | 14.NGO | radzio147 | 483 | 509 | 8422 | 144441 | --- | 19.2 |
373 | OddechSzatana | jaco5555 | 490 | 475 | 8454 | 191218 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 26.9 |
2195 | 09.Góra Przeznaczeni | radzio147 | 479 | 509 | 8722 | 144441 | --- | 22.8 |
11170 | 8-1.Misty Woods | Mifhalekk | 475 | 512 | 8783 | 199272 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 27.7 |
8509 | Miasto gracza cmazBOSS 2 | cmazBOSS | 522 | 477 | 8791 | 38995 | B.I.O | 31.8 |
2013 | złotko | Jarek.P | 525 | 527 | 8851 | 8851 | --- | 36.8 |
4499 | 3.Trzy | bull999 | 506 | 505 | 8898 | 34277 | Pozytywnie Zakręceni | 7.8 |
8752 | 13.GO | radzio147 | 483 | 509 | 8925 | 144441 | --- | 19.2 |
200 | A10-1.Snowwhite | Mifhalekk | 487 | 511 | 8996 | 199272 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 17.0 |
9113 | 043. S Sena | zaqu123 | 507 | 494 | 9181 | 108725 | Kawa czy Herbata? 2 | 9.2 |
9135 | 044. S Plateje | zaqu123 | 507 | 494 | 9284 | 108725 | Kawa czy Herbata? 2 | 9.2 |
5810 | Kocham Cię III | NowyAleStary | 498 | 494 | 9323 | 65886 | Następnym razem się uda | 6.3 |
1924 | Miasto M55 | paulisiek | 523 | 523 | 9582 | 180695 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 32.5 |
6111 | Kocham Cię V | NowyAleStary | 498 | 494 | 9612 | 65886 | Następnym razem się uda | 6.3 |
8451 | 11.Numenor | radzio147 | 483 | 509 | 9649 | 144441 | --- | 19.2 |
8679 | 12. | radzio147 | 483 | 509 | 9653 | 144441 | --- | 19.2 |
7846 | 7-1.Isengard | Mifhalekk | 475 | 505 | 9819 | 199272 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 25.5 |
9425 | Miasto gracza xF3rN 6 | xF3rN | 507 | 494 | 9976 | 9976 | --- | 9.2 |
218 | A10-2.Figi | Mifhalekk | 487 | 511 | 9993 | 199272 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 17.0 |
8383 | 10.Rivendel | radzio147 | 483 | 509 | 10085 | 144441 | --- | 19.2 |
1415 | AREKSBURG IV | Racness | 474 | 529 | 10544 | 125243 | --- | 38.9 |
1999 | 002WA | Neron987 | 475 | 524 | 10683 | 26647 | --- | 34.7 |
3218 | 2.Dwa | bull999 | 506 | 505 | 10789 | 34277 | Pozytywnie Zakręceni | 7.8 |
4478 | 04.Rohan | radzio147 | 479 | 509 | 10828 | 144441 | --- | 22.8 |
5434 | 06. Gondor | radzio147 | 479 | 509 | 10874 | 144441 | --- | 22.8 |
5629 | 07.FS | radzio147 | 479 | 509 | 11154 | 144441 | --- | 22.8 |
4833 | 05.Shire | radzio147 | 479 | 509 | 11191 | 144441 | --- | 22.8 |
2294 | 08. Helmowy jar | radzio147 | 479 | 509 | 11249 | 144441 | --- | 22.8 |
1111 | Miasto M55-2 | paulisiek | 523 | 523 | 11276 | 180695 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 32.5 |
744 | Miasto M54 | paulisiek | 526 | 477 | 11328 | 180695 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 34.7 |
9616 | Skałka | zaqu123 | 507 | 494 | 11369 | 108725 | Kawa czy Herbata? 2 | 9.2 |
2409 | 1.Jeden | bull999 | 506 | 505 | 11375 | 34277 | Pozytywnie Zakręceni | 7.8 |
443 | A11-1.Toy Story | Mifhalekk | 488 | 519 | 11484 | 199272 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 22.5 |
1140 | 002 | paulisiek | 473 | 472 | 11520 | 180695 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 38.9 |
1732 | 003 | Szprot w oleju | 507 | 475 | 11841 | 170095 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 26.0 |
9624 | 045. S B | zaqu123 | 507 | 494 | 12056 | 108725 | Kawa czy Herbata? 2 | 9.2 |
3605 | 03.Minas Morgul | radzio147 | 479 | 509 | 12095 | 144441 | --- | 22.8 |
735 | 8-2.Wolska | Mifhalekk | 475 | 512 | 12412 | 199272 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 27.7 |
681 | Miasto M54-1 | paulisiek | 526 | 477 | 13173 | 180695 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 34.7 |
1105 | Miasto M55-1 | paulisiek | 523 | 523 | 13326 | 180695 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 32.5 |
2164 | B-1 | bogdanr | 517 | 493 | 13711 | 48747 | --- | 18.4 |
3974 | Miasto gracza zaqu123 | zaqu123 | 507 | 494 | 13946 | 108725 | Kawa czy Herbata? 2 | 9.2 |
3453 | KL 04.A | zaqu123 | 528 | 472 | 14449 | 108725 | Kawa czy Herbata? 2 | 39.6 |
1795 | M55.02.Mława | ostrr | 516 | 502 | 14898 | 14898 | Następnym razem się uda | 16.1 |
3102 | 02.Minas tirith | radzio147 | 479 | 509 | 15397 | 144441 | --- | 22.8 |
279 | 001. S.p. z.oo | Szprot w oleju | 490 | 475 | 15956 | 170095 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 26.9 |
275 | Fc Balony 001 | Łysol | 479 | 478 | 17786 | 151605 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 30.4 |
1225 | Fc Balony 002 | Łysol | 473 | 472 | 17786 | 151605 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 38.9 |
1430 | Fc Balony 005 | Łysol | 487 | 479 | 17786 | 151605 | Kawa czy Herbata? | 24.7 |
Players list: dsro19752018; NowyAleStary; paulisiek; ELTORIO; aniula; cmazBOSS; Crazy Horse; radzio147; jaco5555; Mifhalekk; Jarek.P; bull999; zaqu123; xF3rN; Racness; Neron987; Szprot w oleju; bogdanr; ostrr; Łysol
[town]7615[/town] 5043pts [player]dsro19752018[/player] 528/489 30.1
[town]6514[/town] 5244pts [player]NowyAleStary[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]6871[/town] 5262pts [player]NowyAleStary[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]6513[/town] 5631pts [player]NowyAleStary[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]1018[/town] 5827pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 524/517 29.4
[town]12456[/town] 6109pts [player]ELTORIO[/player] 484/522 27.2
[town]6068[/town] 6559pts [player]dsro19752018[/player] 522/490 24.2
[town]11980[/town] 7030pts [player]aniula[/player] 474/529 38.9
[town]7837[/town] 7232pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 523/523 32.5
[town]8311[/town] 7795pts [player]cmazBOSS[/player] 522/477 31.8
[town]11648[/town] 8252pts [player]aniula[/player] 483/515 22.7
[town]6084[/town] 8291pts [player]NowyAleStary[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]314[/town] 8318pts [player]Crazy Horse[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]8754[/town] 8422pts [player]radzio147[/player] 483/509 19.2
[town]373[/town] 8454pts [player]jaco5555[/player] 490/475 26.9
[town]2195[/town] 8722pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]11170[/town] 8783pts [player]Mifhalekk[/player] 475/512 27.7
[town]8509[/town] 8791pts [player]cmazBOSS[/player] 522/477 31.8
[town]2013[/town] 8851pts [player]Jarek.P[/player] 525/527 36.8
[town]4499[/town] 8898pts [player]bull999[/player] 506/505 7.8
[town]8752[/town] 8925pts [player]radzio147[/player] 483/509 19.2
[town]200[/town] 8996pts [player]Mifhalekk[/player] 487/511 17.0
[town]9113[/town] 9181pts [player]zaqu123[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]9135[/town] 9284pts [player]zaqu123[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]5810[/town] 9323pts [player]NowyAleStary[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]1924[/town] 9582pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 523/523 32.5
[town]6111[/town] 9612pts [player]NowyAleStary[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]8451[/town] 9649pts [player]radzio147[/player] 483/509 19.2
[town]8679[/town] 9653pts [player]radzio147[/player] 483/509 19.2
[town]7846[/town] 9819pts [player]Mifhalekk[/player] 475/505 25.5
[town]9425[/town] 9976pts [player]xF3rN[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]218[/town] 9993pts [player]Mifhalekk[/player] 487/511 17.0
[town]8383[/town] 10085pts [player]radzio147[/player] 483/509 19.2
[town]1415[/town] 10544pts [player]Racness[/player] 474/529 38.9
[town]1999[/town] 10683pts [player]Neron987[/player] 475/524 34.7
[town]3218[/town] 10789pts [player]bull999[/player] 506/505 7.8
[town]4478[/town] 10828pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]5434[/town] 10874pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]5629[/town] 11154pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]4833[/town] 11191pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]2294[/town] 11249pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]1111[/town] 11276pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 523/523 32.5
[town]744[/town] 11328pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]9616[/town] 11369pts [player]zaqu123[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]2409[/town] 11375pts [player]bull999[/player] 506/505 7.8
[town]443[/town] 11484pts [player]Mifhalekk[/player] 488/519 22.5
[town]1140[/town] 11520pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]1732[/town] 11841pts [player]Szprot w oleju[/player] 507/475 26.0
[town]9624[/town] 12056pts [player]zaqu123[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]3605[/town] 12095pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]735[/town] 12412pts [player]Mifhalekk[/player] 475/512 27.7
[town]681[/town] 13173pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]1105[/town] 13326pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 523/523 32.5
[town]2164[/town] 13711pts [player]bogdanr[/player] 517/493 18.4
[town]3974[/town] 13946pts [player]zaqu123[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]3453[/town] 14449pts [player]zaqu123[/player] 528/472 39.6
[town]1795[/town] 14898pts [player]ostrr[/player] 516/502 16.1
[town]3102[/town] 15397pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]279[/town] 15956pts [player]Szprot w oleju[/player] 490/475 26.9
[town]275[/town] 17786pts [player]Łysol[/player] 479/478 30.4
[town]1225[/town] 17786pts [player]Łysol[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]1430[/town] 17786pts [player]Łysol[/player] 487/479 24.7
[town]7615[/town] 5043pts [player]dsro19752018[/player] 528/489 30.1
[town]6514[/town] 5244pts [player]NowyAleStary[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]6871[/town] 5262pts [player]NowyAleStary[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]6513[/town] 5631pts [player]NowyAleStary[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]1018[/town] 5827pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 524/517 29.4
[town]12456[/town] 6109pts [player]ELTORIO[/player] 484/522 27.2
[town]6068[/town] 6559pts [player]dsro19752018[/player] 522/490 24.2
[town]11980[/town] 7030pts [player]aniula[/player] 474/529 38.9
[town]7837[/town] 7232pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 523/523 32.5
[town]8311[/town] 7795pts [player]cmazBOSS[/player] 522/477 31.8
[town]11648[/town] 8252pts [player]aniula[/player] 483/515 22.7
[town]6084[/town] 8291pts [player]NowyAleStary[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]314[/town] 8318pts [player]Crazy Horse[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]8754[/town] 8422pts [player]radzio147[/player] 483/509 19.2
[town]373[/town] 8454pts [player]jaco5555[/player] 490/475 26.9
[town]2195[/town] 8722pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]11170[/town] 8783pts [player]Mifhalekk[/player] 475/512 27.7
[town]8509[/town] 8791pts [player]cmazBOSS[/player] 522/477 31.8
[town]2013[/town] 8851pts [player]Jarek.P[/player] 525/527 36.8
[town]4499[/town] 8898pts [player]bull999[/player] 506/505 7.8
[town]8752[/town] 8925pts [player]radzio147[/player] 483/509 19.2
[town]200[/town] 8996pts [player]Mifhalekk[/player] 487/511 17.0
[town]9113[/town] 9181pts [player]zaqu123[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]9135[/town] 9284pts [player]zaqu123[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]5810[/town] 9323pts [player]NowyAleStary[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]1924[/town] 9582pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 523/523 32.5
[town]6111[/town] 9612pts [player]NowyAleStary[/player] 498/494 6.3
[town]8451[/town] 9649pts [player]radzio147[/player] 483/509 19.2
[town]8679[/town] 9653pts [player]radzio147[/player] 483/509 19.2
[town]7846[/town] 9819pts [player]Mifhalekk[/player] 475/505 25.5
[town]9425[/town] 9976pts [player]xF3rN[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]218[/town] 9993pts [player]Mifhalekk[/player] 487/511 17.0
[town]8383[/town] 10085pts [player]radzio147[/player] 483/509 19.2
[town]1415[/town] 10544pts [player]Racness[/player] 474/529 38.9
[town]1999[/town] 10683pts [player]Neron987[/player] 475/524 34.7
[town]3218[/town] 10789pts [player]bull999[/player] 506/505 7.8
[town]4478[/town] 10828pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]5434[/town] 10874pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]5629[/town] 11154pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]4833[/town] 11191pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]2294[/town] 11249pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]1111[/town] 11276pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 523/523 32.5
[town]744[/town] 11328pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]9616[/town] 11369pts [player]zaqu123[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]2409[/town] 11375pts [player]bull999[/player] 506/505 7.8
[town]443[/town] 11484pts [player]Mifhalekk[/player] 488/519 22.5
[town]1140[/town] 11520pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]1732[/town] 11841pts [player]Szprot w oleju[/player] 507/475 26.0
[town]9624[/town] 12056pts [player]zaqu123[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]3605[/town] 12095pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]735[/town] 12412pts [player]Mifhalekk[/player] 475/512 27.7
[town]681[/town] 13173pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]1105[/town] 13326pts [player]paulisiek[/player] 523/523 32.5
[town]2164[/town] 13711pts [player]bogdanr[/player] 517/493 18.4
[town]3974[/town] 13946pts [player]zaqu123[/player] 507/494 9.2
[town]3453[/town] 14449pts [player]zaqu123[/player] 528/472 39.6
[town]1795[/town] 14898pts [player]ostrr[/player] 516/502 16.1
[town]3102[/town] 15397pts [player]radzio147[/player] 479/509 22.8
[town]279[/town] 15956pts [player]Szprot w oleju[/player] 490/475 26.9
[town]275[/town] 17786pts [player]Łysol[/player] 479/478 30.4
[town]1225[/town] 17786pts [player]Łysol[/player] 473/472 38.9
[town]1430[/town] 17786pts [player]Łysol[/player] 487/479 24.7
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.