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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
20874nippur 4nippur514511500862136Goldland17.8
5514kongotongo only one grepolis town attacked playerdelpol47651951965196---30.6
2920markusfrances Stadt only one grepolis town attacked playermarkusfrance48549357695769Spartanier16.6
4843SPQR55 attacked playerSPQR91507503599440468Gold Gold7.6
2065SPQR54 attacked playerSPQR91505490695740468Gold Gold11.2
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12948x098 attacked playerStoff25509506727180781Ohne viel Aufwand10.8
11483x095 attacked playerStoff25509506835980781Ohne viel Aufwand10.8
11230x094 attacked playerStoff25509506853280781Ohne viel Aufwand10.8
11521x096 attacked playerStoff25509506887580781Ohne viel Aufwand10.8
11714x097 attacked playerStoff25509506890680781Ohne viel Aufwand10.8
11212x093 attacked playerStoff25509506914980781Ohne viel Aufwand10.8
3520Stadt 3 attacked playermatcher3000515473942645124Zerschmetterlinge30.9
6966SamStallones StadtSamStallone507503961311033STYX7.6
5558Todesbringer 1s StadtTodesbringer 1529499965663932Die Beste Allianz 229.0
5698Todesbringer 1s Stadt 2Todesbringer 1529499982163932Die Beste Allianz 229.0
1910Industrie sleeping playerHansliHornochse52752610286186962Ohne viel Gold37.5
282Celine Dion 010 attacked playerCeline Dion52548310347182414Stars 8030.2
8401nippur 3nippur5145111079062136Goldland17.8
255844 Alamo sleeping playerGernot CC47947311346176675The Outsiders34.2
3121nippur 5nippur5155031205462136Goldland15.3
2769x091 attacked playerStoff255095061361180781Ohne viel Aufwand10.8
3784x099 Sidequest attacked playerStoff254765271607880781Ohne viel Aufwand36.1

Players list: nippur; delpol; markusfrance; SPQR91; Stoff25; matcher3000; SamStallone; Todesbringer 1; HansliHornochse; Celine Dion; Gernot CC; VipeX
[town]20874[/town] 5008pts [player]nippur[/player] 514/511 17.8
[town]5514[/town] 5196pts [player]delpol[/player] 476/519 30.6
[town]2920[/town] 5769pts [player]markusfrance[/player] 485/493 16.6
[town]4843[/town] 5994pts [player]SPQR91[/player] 507/503 7.6
[town]2065[/town] 6957pts [player]SPQR91[/player] 505/490 11.2
[town]12948[/town] 7271pts [player]Stoff25[/player] 509/506 10.8
[town]11483[/town] 8359pts [player]Stoff25[/player] 509/506 10.8
[town]3374[/town] 8437pts [player]nippur[/player] 514/511 17.8
[town]11230[/town] 8532pts [player]Stoff25[/player] 509/506 10.8
[town]11521[/town] 8875pts [player]Stoff25[/player] 509/506 10.8
[town]11714[/town] 8906pts [player]Stoff25[/player] 509/506 10.8
[town]11212[/town] 9149pts [player]Stoff25[/player] 509/506 10.8
[town]3520[/town] 9426pts [player]matcher3000[/player] 515/473 30.9
[town]6966[/town] 9613pts [player]SamStallone[/player] 507/503 7.6
[town]5558[/town] 9656pts [player]Todesbringer 1[/player] 529/499 29.0
[town]5698[/town] 9821pts [player]Todesbringer 1[/player] 529/499 29.0
[town]1910[/town] 10286pts [player]HansliHornochse[/player] 527/526 37.5
[town]282[/town] 10347pts [player]Celine Dion[/player] 525/483 30.2
[town]7320[/town] 10687pts [player]nippur[/player] 514/511 17.8
[town]8401[/town] 10790pts [player]nippur[/player] 514/511 17.8
[town]2558[/town] 11346pts [player]Gernot CC[/player] 479/473 34.2
[town]3121[/town] 12054pts [player]nippur[/player] 515/503 15.3
[town]4279[/town] 13103pts [player]nippur[/player] 514/511 17.8
[town]2769[/town] 13611pts [player]Stoff25[/player] 509/506 10.8
[town]7053[/town] 15158pts [player]VipeX[/player] 509/506 10.8
[town]3784[/town] 16078pts [player]Stoff25[/player] 476/527 36.1

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.