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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
1934R.I.P 3 sleeping playerPetrica Popovici471520595428737---35.2
3598R.I.P 4 sleeping playerPetrica Popovici477516615028737---28.0
6337Nufar sleeping playerGoanga 01490514616061244---17.2
7908Arcasi 9 sleeping playerLastKing512484740443315---20.0
61204.1 Oraşul lui suira sleeping playersuiram27487528766644090---30.9
60723.1 Silfax sleeping playersuiram27478523822444090---31.8
78483.2 Decebal sleeping playersuiram27477525823644090---34.0
8000CdSacalaz sleeping playerBoyme93516488828060912---20.0
7028CdChisoda sleeping playerBoyme93516488862760912---20.0
5648Sabii 5 sleeping playerLastKing500484863543315---16.0
6883CdGiarmata sleeping playerBoyme93516488888160912---20.0
7183CdBucovat sleeping playerBoyme93516488897160912---20.0
6270Sabii 6 sleeping playerHayabusa500484897293060Spartans III16.0
5794Crin sleeping playerGoanga 01497496931161244---5.0
303Bireme sleeping playerLastKing491487939243315---15.8
712519.Pyke sleeping playerMrxSaw4765019455105302Live Tm24.0
1119Timisoara sleeping playerBoyme93516488954860912---20.0
454109. sleeping playerjak11473514958451532Live Tm30.4
766721. sleeping playerjak11482474970251532Live Tm31.6
494914. sleeping playerjak11473514978351532Live Tm30.4
805Zona de atac sleeping playerLastKing492478979543315---23.4
1297631. sleeping playerjak114715201056751532Live Tm35.2
10061Tanc 0.1 attacked playerxXSkyl3dXx4775251066325481---34.0
1109HAUL01marian cu nasu mare52551910731146341Academia Zeilor31.4
468312. sleeping playerjak114735141089951532Live Tm30.4
20462Oraşul lui costy33 15 attacked playercosty335234731154940180---35.5
649717.Myr sleeping playerMrxSaw47650112714105302Live Tm24.0
36001.Winterfell sleeping playerMrxSaw48350112998105302Live Tm17.0
11523B-Heliopolis. 6 sleeping playerPetrica Popovici4775251373428737---34.0
1016ZONA A.004.1.marian cu nasu mare52551914630146341Academia Zeilor31.4
16160.thirty sleeping playerMrxSaw50050414863105302Live Tm4.0

Players list: Petrica Popovici; Goanga 01; LastKing; suiram27; Boyme93; Hayabusa; MrxSaw; jak11; xXSkyl3dXx; marian cu nasu mare; costy33
[town]1934[/town] 5954pts [player]Petrica Popovici[/player] 471/520 35.2
[town]3598[/town] 6150pts [player]Petrica Popovici[/player] 477/516 28.0
[town]6337[/town] 6160pts [player]Goanga 01[/player] 490/514 17.2
[town]7908[/town] 7404pts [player]LastKing[/player] 512/484 20.0
[town]6120[/town] 7666pts [player]suiram27[/player] 487/528 30.9
[town]6072[/town] 8224pts [player]suiram27[/player] 478/523 31.8
[town]7848[/town] 8236pts [player]suiram27[/player] 477/525 34.0
[town]8000[/town] 8280pts [player]Boyme93[/player] 516/488 20.0
[town]7028[/town] 8627pts [player]Boyme93[/player] 516/488 20.0
[town]5648[/town] 8635pts [player]LastKing[/player] 500/484 16.0
[town]6883[/town] 8881pts [player]Boyme93[/player] 516/488 20.0
[town]7183[/town] 8971pts [player]Boyme93[/player] 516/488 20.0
[town]6270[/town] 8972pts [player]Hayabusa[/player] 500/484 16.0
[town]5794[/town] 9311pts [player]Goanga 01[/player] 497/496 5.0
[town]303[/town] 9392pts [player]LastKing[/player] 491/487 15.8
[town]7125[/town] 9455pts [player]MrxSaw[/player] 476/501 24.0
[town]1119[/town] 9548pts [player]Boyme93[/player] 516/488 20.0
[town]4541[/town] 9584pts [player]jak11[/player] 473/514 30.4
[town]7667[/town] 9702pts [player]jak11[/player] 482/474 31.6
[town]4949[/town] 9783pts [player]jak11[/player] 473/514 30.4
[town]805[/town] 9795pts [player]LastKing[/player] 492/478 23.4
[town]12976[/town] 10567pts [player]jak11[/player] 471/520 35.2
[town]10061[/town] 10663pts [player]xXSkyl3dXx[/player] 477/525 34.0
[town]1109[/town] 10731pts [player]marian cu nasu mare[/player] 525/519 31.4
[town]4683[/town] 10899pts [player]jak11[/player] 473/514 30.4
[town]20462[/town] 11549pts [player]costy33[/player] 523/473 35.5
[town]6497[/town] 12714pts [player]MrxSaw[/player] 476/501 24.0
[town]360[/town] 12998pts [player]MrxSaw[/player] 483/501 17.0
[town]11523[/town] 13734pts [player]Petrica Popovici[/player] 477/525 34.0
[town]1016[/town] 14630pts [player]marian cu nasu mare[/player] 525/519 31.4
[town]161[/town] 14863pts [player]MrxSaw[/player] 500/504 4.0

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.