Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
4382 | 0.2-Δίον | ShadowKing | 521 | 525 | 5188 | 39758 | ΓΙΔΟΒΟΣΚΟΙ | 32.6 |
13310 | χρυ | tsakatsoykas | 495 | 492 | 6397 | 29609 | ΦΑΕ ΤΟ ΓΕΙΤΟΝΑ ΣΟΥ | 9.4 |
10712 | HELLAS 10 | tasos1311 | 498 | 484 | 7531 | 153112 | --- | 16.1 |
1411 | MEGALOPOLIS | depp77 | 506 | 472 | 7910 | 29314 | --- | 28.6 |
10357 | HELLAS 9 | tasos1311 | 498 | 484 | 8095 | 153112 | --- | 16.1 |
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11805 | Πόλη του παίκτη tsakatsoykas | tsakatsoykas | 512 | 492 | 8383 | 29609 | ΦΑΕ ΤΟ ΓΕΙΤΟΝΑ ΣΟΥ | 14.4 |
531 | 01. Φούσκα | Paraskov | 482 | 496 | 9554 | 19723 | --- | 18.4 |
1955 | ΑΠΟΙΚΙΑ | LINOS126 | 514 | 507 | 10092 | 24533 | ΤΙΤΑΝΕΣ | 15.7 |
193 | ΛΑΡΙΣΑ 2 | vasilis1965 | 524 | 499 | 10221 | 154607 | ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΙ | 24.0 |
53 | ΛΑΡΙΣΑ 11 | vasilis1965 | 520 | 500 | 10228 | 154607 | ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΙ | 20.0 |
967 | 07. ΠΕΛΕΚΥΣ | Kitsikitsikis | 481 | 525 | 10313 | 23144 | --- | 31.4 |
958 | ΛΑΡΙΣΑ 1 | vasilis1965 | 520 | 500 | 10344 | 154607 | ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΙ | 20.0 |
3025 | 13.ΣΑΛΟΥΓΚΑ | Angel12 | 527 | 484 | 10700 | 197789 | ΦΑΝΤΑΣΜΑΤΑ ΕΝ ΔΡΑΣΗ | 31.4 |
3684 | 0.1-Αιγίνιον | ShadowKing | 521 | 525 | 10777 | 39758 | ΓΙΔΟΒΟΣΚΟΙ | 32.6 |
3690 | 01.55 | mania2012 | 513 | 527 | 11537 | 50317 | ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΙ | 30.0 |
5938 | 009 | Kosamar | 516 | 477 | 11707 | 87224 | PHOENIX | 28.0 |
4997 | 45.02 HR | Ektor66 | 493 | 520 | 11782 | 27154 | STAVLOS | 21.2 |
595 | ΑΜΥΝΤΑΙΟ | vaggelis 3 | 508 | 507 | 11914 | 178240 | --- | 10.6 |
2994 | ΑΓΙΑΣΟΦΙΑ | theodal | 513 | 527 | 11924 | 41152 | *The Hunters* | 30.0 |
12686 | ΚΡΗΤΙΚΙΑ | elpa132 | 493 | 512 | 11971 | 34946 | *ΔΙΠΛΑ ΠΡΟΦΙΛ ΚΑΙ ΜΟΝΕΥ* | 13.9 |
4098 | 03.ΠΥΛΟΣ | Alexandros K. | 528 | 488 | 12384 | 188358 | ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΙ | 30.5 |
635 | 45.003 | StevePapass | 483 | 513 | 12877 | 63540 | --ΟΙ ΤΡΕΛΑΜΕΝΟΙ-- | 21.4 |
3683 | vasilis1965 | vasilis1965 | 521 | 525 | 12991 | 154607 | ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΙ | 32.6 |
1200 | 01.ΘΗΒΑ | Alexandros K. | 522 | 483 | 13041 | 188358 | ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΙ | 27.8 |
2224 | 02.ΜΕΣΣΗΝΗ | Alexandros K. | 527 | 484 | 13068 | 188358 | ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΙ | 31.4 |
4714 | W.Μαινομενος Lelwenn | elpa132 | 528 | 476 | 13283 | 34946 | *ΔΙΠΛΑ ΠΡΟΦΙΛ ΚΑΙ ΜΟΝΕΥ* | 36.9 |
806 | 01.ΡΙΚΟΣ | KAVELARI | 497 | 522 | 14125 | 166925 | *ΙΕΡΑ ΕΞΕΤΑΣΗ* | 22.2 |
204 | ΛΑΡΙΣΑ 21 | vasilis1965 | 524 | 499 | 14467 | 154607 | ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΙ | 24.0 |
759 | 01.1 AVERELL | Alexandros K. | 522 | 483 | 15121 | 188358 | ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΙ | 27.8 |
833 | 45.001 | StevePapass | 479 | 511 | 15183 | 63540 | --ΟΙ ΤΡΕΛΑΜΕΝΟΙ-- | 23.7 |
30 | 001.Stamisbar | stamisbar7 | 500 | 507 | 15577 | 35230 | ΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΙ | 7.0 |
581 | ΝΑ ΔΩ ΜΑΓΚΙΕΣ | vaggelis 3 | 508 | 507 | 15702 | 178240 | --- | 10.6 |
8396 | HELLAS 8 | tasos1311 | 498 | 484 | 16122 | 153112 | --- | 16.1 |
4644 | kosmopolitiki athina | i wraia eleni | 528 | 476 | 16989 | 73188 | ΠΥΡΟΒΟΛΑΡΧΙΑ | 36.9 |
Players list: ShadowKing; tsakatsoykas; tasos1311; depp77; Paraskov; LINOS126; vasilis1965; Kitsikitsikis; Angel12; mania2012; Kosamar; Ektor66; vaggelis 3; theodal; elpa132; Alexandros K.; StevePapass; KAVELARI; stamisbar7; i wraia eleni
[town]4382[/town] 5188pts [player]ShadowKing[/player] 521/525 32.6
[town]13310[/town] 6397pts [player]tsakatsoykas[/player] 495/492 9.4
[town]10712[/town] 7531pts [player]tasos1311[/player] 498/484 16.1
[town]1411[/town] 7910pts [player]depp77[/player] 506/472 28.6
[town]10357[/town] 8095pts [player]tasos1311[/player] 498/484 16.1
[town]11805[/town] 8383pts [player]tsakatsoykas[/player] 512/492 14.4
[town]531[/town] 9554pts [player]Paraskov[/player] 482/496 18.4
[town]1955[/town] 10092pts [player]LINOS126[/player] 514/507 15.7
[town]193[/town] 10221pts [player]vasilis1965[/player] 524/499 24.0
[town]53[/town] 10228pts [player]vasilis1965[/player] 520/500 20.0
[town]967[/town] 10313pts [player]Kitsikitsikis[/player] 481/525 31.4
[town]958[/town] 10344pts [player]vasilis1965[/player] 520/500 20.0
[town]3025[/town] 10700pts [player]Angel12[/player] 527/484 31.4
[town]3684[/town] 10777pts [player]ShadowKing[/player] 521/525 32.6
[town]3690[/town] 11537pts [player]mania2012[/player] 513/527 30.0
[town]5938[/town] 11707pts [player]Kosamar[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]4997[/town] 11782pts [player]Ektor66[/player] 493/520 21.2
[town]595[/town] 11914pts [player]vaggelis 3[/player] 508/507 10.6
[town]2994[/town] 11924pts [player]theodal[/player] 513/527 30.0
[town]12686[/town] 11971pts [player]elpa132[/player] 493/512 13.9
[town]4098[/town] 12384pts [player]Alexandros K.[/player] 528/488 30.5
[town]635[/town] 12877pts [player]StevePapass[/player] 483/513 21.4
[town]3683[/town] 12991pts [player]vasilis1965[/player] 521/525 32.6
[town]1200[/town] 13041pts [player]Alexandros K.[/player] 522/483 27.8
[town]2224[/town] 13068pts [player]Alexandros K.[/player] 527/484 31.4
[town]4714[/town] 13283pts [player]elpa132[/player] 528/476 36.9
[town]806[/town] 14125pts [player]KAVELARI[/player] 497/522 22.2
[town]204[/town] 14467pts [player]vasilis1965[/player] 524/499 24.0
[town]759[/town] 15121pts [player]Alexandros K.[/player] 522/483 27.8
[town]833[/town] 15183pts [player]StevePapass[/player] 479/511 23.7
[town]30[/town] 15577pts [player]stamisbar7[/player] 500/507 7.0
[town]581[/town] 15702pts [player]vaggelis 3[/player] 508/507 10.6
[town]8396[/town] 16122pts [player]tasos1311[/player] 498/484 16.1
[town]4644[/town] 16989pts [player]i wraia eleni[/player] 528/476 36.9
[town]4382[/town] 5188pts [player]ShadowKing[/player] 521/525 32.6
[town]13310[/town] 6397pts [player]tsakatsoykas[/player] 495/492 9.4
[town]10712[/town] 7531pts [player]tasos1311[/player] 498/484 16.1
[town]1411[/town] 7910pts [player]depp77[/player] 506/472 28.6
[town]10357[/town] 8095pts [player]tasos1311[/player] 498/484 16.1
[town]11805[/town] 8383pts [player]tsakatsoykas[/player] 512/492 14.4
[town]531[/town] 9554pts [player]Paraskov[/player] 482/496 18.4
[town]1955[/town] 10092pts [player]LINOS126[/player] 514/507 15.7
[town]193[/town] 10221pts [player]vasilis1965[/player] 524/499 24.0
[town]53[/town] 10228pts [player]vasilis1965[/player] 520/500 20.0
[town]967[/town] 10313pts [player]Kitsikitsikis[/player] 481/525 31.4
[town]958[/town] 10344pts [player]vasilis1965[/player] 520/500 20.0
[town]3025[/town] 10700pts [player]Angel12[/player] 527/484 31.4
[town]3684[/town] 10777pts [player]ShadowKing[/player] 521/525 32.6
[town]3690[/town] 11537pts [player]mania2012[/player] 513/527 30.0
[town]5938[/town] 11707pts [player]Kosamar[/player] 516/477 28.0
[town]4997[/town] 11782pts [player]Ektor66[/player] 493/520 21.2
[town]595[/town] 11914pts [player]vaggelis 3[/player] 508/507 10.6
[town]2994[/town] 11924pts [player]theodal[/player] 513/527 30.0
[town]12686[/town] 11971pts [player]elpa132[/player] 493/512 13.9
[town]4098[/town] 12384pts [player]Alexandros K.[/player] 528/488 30.5
[town]635[/town] 12877pts [player]StevePapass[/player] 483/513 21.4
[town]3683[/town] 12991pts [player]vasilis1965[/player] 521/525 32.6
[town]1200[/town] 13041pts [player]Alexandros K.[/player] 522/483 27.8
[town]2224[/town] 13068pts [player]Alexandros K.[/player] 527/484 31.4
[town]4714[/town] 13283pts [player]elpa132[/player] 528/476 36.9
[town]806[/town] 14125pts [player]KAVELARI[/player] 497/522 22.2
[town]204[/town] 14467pts [player]vasilis1965[/player] 524/499 24.0
[town]759[/town] 15121pts [player]Alexandros K.[/player] 522/483 27.8
[town]833[/town] 15183pts [player]StevePapass[/player] 479/511 23.7
[town]30[/town] 15577pts [player]stamisbar7[/player] 500/507 7.0
[town]581[/town] 15702pts [player]vaggelis 3[/player] 508/507 10.6
[town]8396[/town] 16122pts [player]tasos1311[/player] 498/484 16.1
[town]4644[/town] 16989pts [player]i wraia eleni[/player] 528/476 36.9
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.