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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
26713BORDONATOR's city 15BORDONATOR4715236229116941Here we go again37.0
26712BORDONATOR's city 14BORDONATOR4715236482116941Here we go again37.0
26707BORDONATOR's city 11BORDONATOR4715236600116941Here we go again37.0
26711BORDONATOR's city 13BORDONATOR4715236799116941Here we go again37.0
26710BORDONATOR's city 12BORDONATOR4715236987116941Here we go again37.0
14538Duck 05 sleeping playerTMNEC5184958425101402UNDEAD CORPORATION18.7
19304Necrosis's city 11 sleeping playerNecrosis4884969374192641Here we go again12.6
531legolas citylegolas inc5295109815120463Grim Reaper Lords.30.7
397Ahruukar sleeping playerNecrosis52250310173192641Here we go again22.2
18287Necrosis's city 10 sleeping playerNecrosis50249910991192641Here we go again2.2
1002KailasaLilu149751811125104416Here we go again again18.2
30455.05 sleeping playerNecrosis52250311137192641Here we go again22.2
29449CalaisLilu147852711490104416Here we go again again34.8
2101Free city 5 sleeping playerNecrosis48452212715192641Here we go again27.2
711EN54.00ines8552047213753130905Latin Brotherhood34.4
947BorgesLabryinths sleeping playerNecrosis47752213826192641Here we go again31.8
183045 - USS Jumpers sleeping playerNecrosis49651215051192641Here we go again12.6
259m55 only one grepolis townrok19825145011523215232Polish Patrol Unit14.0
1042302.VN200149052216078152724Here we go again24.2

Players list: BORDONATOR; TMNEC; Necrosis; legolas inc; Lilu1; ines85; rok1982; VN2001
[town]26713[/town] 6229pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]26712[/town] 6482pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]26707[/town] 6600pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]26711[/town] 6799pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]26710[/town] 6987pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]14538[/town] 8425pts [player]TMNEC[/player] 518/495 18.7
[town]19304[/town] 9374pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 488/496 12.6
[town]531[/town] 9815pts [player]legolas inc[/player] 529/510 30.7
[town]397[/town] 10173pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 522/503 22.2
[town]18287[/town] 10991pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 502/499 2.2
[town]1002[/town] 11125pts [player]Lilu1[/player] 497/518 18.2
[town]304[/town] 11137pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 522/503 22.2
[town]29449[/town] 11490pts [player]Lilu1[/player] 478/527 34.8
[town]2101[/town] 12715pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 484/522 27.2
[town]711[/town] 13753pts [player]ines85[/player] 520/472 34.4
[town]947[/town] 13826pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 477/522 31.8
[town]183[/town] 15051pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 496/512 12.6
[town]259[/town] 15232pts [player]rok1982[/player] 514/501 14.0
[town]10423[/town] 16078pts [player]VN2001[/player] 490/522 24.2

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.