Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
26713 | BORDONATOR's city 15 | BORDONATOR | 471 | 523 | 6229 | 116941 | Here we go again | 37.0 |
26712 | BORDONATOR's city 14 | BORDONATOR | 471 | 523 | 6482 | 116941 | Here we go again | 37.0 |
26707 | BORDONATOR's city 11 | BORDONATOR | 471 | 523 | 6600 | 116941 | Here we go again | 37.0 |
26711 | BORDONATOR's city 13 | BORDONATOR | 471 | 523 | 6799 | 116941 | Here we go again | 37.0 |
26710 | BORDONATOR's city 12 | BORDONATOR | 471 | 523 | 6987 | 116941 | Here we go again | 37.0 |
14538 | Duck 05 | TMNEC | 518 | 495 | 8425 | 101402 | UNDEAD CORPORATION | 18.7 |
19304 | Necrosis's city 11 | Necrosis | 488 | 496 | 9374 | 192641 | Here we go again | 12.6 |
531 | legolas city | legolas inc | 529 | 510 | 9815 | 120463 | Grim Reaper Lords. | 30.7 |
397 | Ahruukar | Necrosis | 522 | 503 | 10173 | 192641 | Here we go again | 22.2 |
18287 | Necrosis's city 10 | Necrosis | 502 | 499 | 10991 | 192641 | Here we go again | 2.2 |
1002 | Kailasa | Lilu1 | 497 | 518 | 11125 | 104416 | Here we go again again | 18.2 |
304 | 55.05 | Necrosis | 522 | 503 | 11137 | 192641 | Here we go again | 22.2 |
29449 | Calais | Lilu1 | 478 | 527 | 11490 | 104416 | Here we go again again | 34.8 |
2101 | Free city 5 | Necrosis | 484 | 522 | 12715 | 192641 | Here we go again | 27.2 |
711 | EN54.00 | ines85 | 520 | 472 | 13753 | 130905 | Latin Brotherhood | 34.4 |
947 | BorgesLabryinths | Necrosis | 477 | 522 | 13826 | 192641 | Here we go again | 31.8 |
183 | 045 - USS Jumpers | Necrosis | 496 | 512 | 15051 | 192641 | Here we go again | 12.6 |
259 | m55 | rok1982 | 514 | 501 | 15232 | 15232 | Polish Patrol Unit | 14.0 |
10423 | 02. | VN2001 | 490 | 522 | 16078 | 152724 | Here we go again | 24.2 |
Players list: BORDONATOR; TMNEC; Necrosis; legolas inc; Lilu1; ines85; rok1982; VN2001
[town]26713[/town] 6229pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]26712[/town] 6482pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]26707[/town] 6600pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]26711[/town] 6799pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]26710[/town] 6987pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]14538[/town] 8425pts [player]TMNEC[/player] 518/495 18.7
[town]19304[/town] 9374pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 488/496 12.6
[town]531[/town] 9815pts [player]legolas inc[/player] 529/510 30.7
[town]397[/town] 10173pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 522/503 22.2
[town]18287[/town] 10991pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 502/499 2.2
[town]1002[/town] 11125pts [player]Lilu1[/player] 497/518 18.2
[town]304[/town] 11137pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 522/503 22.2
[town]29449[/town] 11490pts [player]Lilu1[/player] 478/527 34.8
[town]2101[/town] 12715pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 484/522 27.2
[town]711[/town] 13753pts [player]ines85[/player] 520/472 34.4
[town]947[/town] 13826pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 477/522 31.8
[town]183[/town] 15051pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 496/512 12.6
[town]259[/town] 15232pts [player]rok1982[/player] 514/501 14.0
[town]10423[/town] 16078pts [player]VN2001[/player] 490/522 24.2
[town]26713[/town] 6229pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]26712[/town] 6482pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]26707[/town] 6600pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]26711[/town] 6799pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]26710[/town] 6987pts [player]BORDONATOR[/player] 471/523 37.0
[town]14538[/town] 8425pts [player]TMNEC[/player] 518/495 18.7
[town]19304[/town] 9374pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 488/496 12.6
[town]531[/town] 9815pts [player]legolas inc[/player] 529/510 30.7
[town]397[/town] 10173pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 522/503 22.2
[town]18287[/town] 10991pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 502/499 2.2
[town]1002[/town] 11125pts [player]Lilu1[/player] 497/518 18.2
[town]304[/town] 11137pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 522/503 22.2
[town]29449[/town] 11490pts [player]Lilu1[/player] 478/527 34.8
[town]2101[/town] 12715pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 484/522 27.2
[town]711[/town] 13753pts [player]ines85[/player] 520/472 34.4
[town]947[/town] 13826pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 477/522 31.8
[town]183[/town] 15051pts [player]Necrosis[/player] 496/512 12.6
[town]259[/town] 15232pts [player]rok1982[/player] 514/501 14.0
[town]10423[/town] 16078pts [player]VN2001[/player] 490/522 24.2
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.