Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
25369 | Усть-Каменогорск 14 | cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ | 496 | 494 | 5763 | 165664 | -=LEGION=- | 7.2 |
16687 | База-1 | Sleeping death | 493 | 499 | 6149 | 168153 | СЛАВНЫЙ | 7.1 |
25176 | Усть-Каменогорск 13 | cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ | 489 | 488 | 6759 | 165664 | -=LEGION=- | 16.3 |
22960 | Huber19 | Huber | 475 | 487 | 7962 | 158680 | -=ДруЖинА=- | 28.2 |
5915 | 54-08 | Shermi | 514 | 475 | 8678 | 168989 | ХАОС | 28.7 |
24772 | Усть-Каменогорск 12 | cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ | 504 | 486 | 8689 | 165664 | -=LEGION=- | 14.6 |
320 | Фигвам | Матиалана | 495 | 477 | 8953 | 192520 | ХАОС | 23.5 |
592 | Фотон | Матиалана | 524 | 510 | 9662 | 192520 | ХАОС | 26.0 |
170 | 54-01 | Shermi | 511 | 487 | 9784 | 168989 | ХАОС | 17.0 |
12853 | 54-13 | Shermi | 529 | 472 | 10272 | 168989 | ХАОС | 40.3 |
516 | Глобус | Матиалана | 524 | 501 | 10459 | 192520 | ХАОС | 24.0 |
165 | 54-04 | Shermi | 511 | 487 | 10691 | 168989 | ХАОС | 17.0 |
6909 | Зеро | Матиалана | 525 | 515 | 10779 | 192520 | ХАОС | 29.2 |
2249 | Фикус | Матиалана | 513 | 477 | 11278 | 192520 | ХАОС | 26.4 |
496 | Страшилка | Матиалана | 524 | 501 | 11343 | 192520 | ХАОС | 24.0 |
64 | Фигаро | Матиалана | 500 | 489 | 11384 | 192520 | ХАОС | 11.0 |
644 | Селен | nattalli | 514 | 475 | 11397 | 197459 | СЛAВНЫЙ 2 | 28.7 |
500 | Марсианин | Матиалана | 524 | 495 | 11585 | 192520 | ХАОС | 24.5 |
13194 | 007 Пистолет | saa1 | 529 | 474 | 11782 | 135505 | затворник | 38.9 |
916 | 3.3 Бобер | Матиалана | 517 | 527 | 11824 | 192520 | ХАОС | 31.9 |
295 | Негру | Матиалана | 518 | 492 | 12034 | 192520 | ХАОС | 19.7 |
13840 | 012 ППШ | saa1 | 529 | 474 | 12118 | 135505 | затворник | 38.9 |
15344 | Мцыри | Матиалана | 507 | 480 | 12985 | 192520 | ХАОС | 21.2 |
2226 | 09. Димосия | Матиалана | 513 | 477 | 13035 | 192520 | ХАОС | 26.4 |
154 | Призма | Матиалана | 516 | 504 | 13547 | 192520 | ХАОС | 16.5 |
19094 | Черепаха | Матиалана | 512 | 482 | 14230 | 192520 | ХАОС | 21.6 |
2229 | Сталкер | Матиалана | 513 | 477 | 14232 | 192520 | ХАОС | 26.4 |
1608 | 059 Алексеевское | Матиалана | 513 | 477 | 15190 | 192520 | ХАОС | 26.4 |
11587 | Усть-Каменогорск 8 | cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ | 496 | 486 | 17786 | 165664 | -=LEGION=- | 14.6 |
14453 | Усть-Каменогорск | cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ | 502 | 483 | 17786 | 165664 | -=LEGION=- | 17.1 |
14455 | Усть-Каменогорск 2 | cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ | 499 | 485 | 17786 | 165664 | -=LEGION=- | 15.0 |
14457 | Усть-Каменогорск 3 | cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ | 496 | 486 | 17786 | 165664 | -=LEGION=- | 14.6 |
15285 | Усть-Каменогорск 7 | cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ | 505 | 484 | 17786 | 165664 | -=LEGION=- | 16.8 |
15287 | Усть-Каменогорск 9 | cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ | 507 | 482 | 17786 | 165664 | -=LEGION=- | 19.3 |
19131 | Усть-Каменогорск 11 | cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ | 487 | 485 | 17786 | 165664 | -=LEGION=- | 19.8 |
Players list: cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ; Sleeping death; Huber; Shermi; Матиалана; nattalli; saa1
[town]25369[/town] 5763pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 496/494 7.2
[town]16687[/town] 6149pts [player]Sleeping death[/player] 493/499 7.1
[town]25176[/town] 6759pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 489/488 16.3
[town]22960[/town] 7962pts [player]Huber[/player] 475/487 28.2
[town]5915[/town] 8678pts [player]Shermi[/player] 514/475 28.7
[town]24772[/town] 8689pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 504/486 14.6
[town]320[/town] 8953pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 495/477 23.5
[town]592[/town] 9662pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 524/510 26.0
[town]170[/town] 9784pts [player]Shermi[/player] 511/487 17.0
[town]12853[/town] 10272pts [player]Shermi[/player] 529/472 40.3
[town]516[/town] 10459pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 524/501 24.0
[town]165[/town] 10691pts [player]Shermi[/player] 511/487 17.0
[town]6909[/town] 10779pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 525/515 29.2
[town]2249[/town] 11278pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 513/477 26.4
[town]496[/town] 11343pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 524/501 24.0
[town]64[/town] 11384pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 500/489 11.0
[town]644[/town] 11397pts [player]nattalli[/player] 514/475 28.7
[town]500[/town] 11585pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 524/495 24.5
[town]13194[/town] 11782pts [player]saa1[/player] 529/474 38.9
[town]916[/town] 11824pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 517/527 31.9
[town]295[/town] 12034pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 518/492 19.7
[town]13840[/town] 12118pts [player]saa1[/player] 529/474 38.9
[town]15344[/town] 12985pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 507/480 21.2
[town]2226[/town] 13035pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 513/477 26.4
[town]154[/town] 13547pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 516/504 16.5
[town]19094[/town] 14230pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 512/482 21.6
[town]2229[/town] 14232pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 513/477 26.4
[town]1608[/town] 15190pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 513/477 26.4
[town]11587[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 496/486 14.6
[town]14453[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 502/483 17.1
[town]14455[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 499/485 15.0
[town]14457[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 496/486 14.6
[town]15285[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 505/484 16.8
[town]15287[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]19131[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 487/485 19.8
[town]25369[/town] 5763pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 496/494 7.2
[town]16687[/town] 6149pts [player]Sleeping death[/player] 493/499 7.1
[town]25176[/town] 6759pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 489/488 16.3
[town]22960[/town] 7962pts [player]Huber[/player] 475/487 28.2
[town]5915[/town] 8678pts [player]Shermi[/player] 514/475 28.7
[town]24772[/town] 8689pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 504/486 14.6
[town]320[/town] 8953pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 495/477 23.5
[town]592[/town] 9662pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 524/510 26.0
[town]170[/town] 9784pts [player]Shermi[/player] 511/487 17.0
[town]12853[/town] 10272pts [player]Shermi[/player] 529/472 40.3
[town]516[/town] 10459pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 524/501 24.0
[town]165[/town] 10691pts [player]Shermi[/player] 511/487 17.0
[town]6909[/town] 10779pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 525/515 29.2
[town]2249[/town] 11278pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 513/477 26.4
[town]496[/town] 11343pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 524/501 24.0
[town]64[/town] 11384pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 500/489 11.0
[town]644[/town] 11397pts [player]nattalli[/player] 514/475 28.7
[town]500[/town] 11585pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 524/495 24.5
[town]13194[/town] 11782pts [player]saa1[/player] 529/474 38.9
[town]916[/town] 11824pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 517/527 31.9
[town]295[/town] 12034pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 518/492 19.7
[town]13840[/town] 12118pts [player]saa1[/player] 529/474 38.9
[town]15344[/town] 12985pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 507/480 21.2
[town]2226[/town] 13035pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 513/477 26.4
[town]154[/town] 13547pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 516/504 16.5
[town]19094[/town] 14230pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 512/482 21.6
[town]2229[/town] 14232pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 513/477 26.4
[town]1608[/town] 15190pts [player]Матиалана[/player] 513/477 26.4
[town]11587[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 496/486 14.6
[town]14453[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 502/483 17.1
[town]14455[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 499/485 15.0
[town]14457[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 496/486 14.6
[town]15285[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 505/484 16.8
[town]15287[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]19131[/town] 17786pts [player]cherep1 Я ВЕРНУЛСЯ[/player] 487/485 19.8
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.