Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
3210 | AS 02 ![]() | alsaba78 | 523 | 492 | 5269 | 58321 | Solo per gold | 24.4 |
1428 | AS 02 2 ![]() | alsaba78 | 523 | 492 | 5437 | 58321 | Solo per gold | 24.4 |
675 | Città di fabrisius ![]() | Sandrina | 485 | 521 | 5498 | 29470 | --- | 25.8 |
3084 | AS 01 ![]() | alsaba78 | 523 | 492 | 5518 | 58321 | Solo per gold | 24.4 |
8573 | Città di maximo1967 | maximo1967 | 477 | 506 | 5606 | 148171 | FOO FIGHTERS | 23.8 |
6769 | Città di Sandrina 4 ![]() | Sandrina | 481 | 514 | 5923 | 29470 | --- | 23.6 |
2683 | 02-A-Capoluogo ![]() | Sandrina | 484 | 528 | 6289 | 29470 | --- | 32.2 |
8384 | Cerbiatto 3 | maximo1967 | 477 | 506 | 6572 | 148171 | FOO FIGHTERS | 23.8 |
2584 | Achille | ispanico22 | 513 | 528 | 8107 | 144304 | Your Personal Pain | 30.9 |
1658 | 03.Roma | ispanico22 | 518 | 521 | 8240 | 144304 | Your Personal Pain | 27.7 |
1441 | Città di Sandrina 2 ![]() | Sandrina | 481 | 514 | 8256 | 29470 | --- | 23.6 |
6399 | Città di loseyourself01 6 | ispanico22 | 475 | 492 | 8441 | 144304 | Your Personal Pain | 26.2 |
1364 | Cassia | ispanico22 | 509 | 525 | 8546 | 144304 | Your Personal Pain | 26.6 |
2228 | 02.Atene | ispanico22 | 519 | 525 | 8583 | 144304 | Your Personal Pain | 31.4 |
7363 | Città di ispanico22 | ispanico22 | 518 | 521 | 8619 | 144304 | Your Personal Pain | 27.7 |
478 | x morris 2 | morriscoopers | 504 | 511 | 9679 | 113169 | Your Personal Pain | 11.7 |
1653 | Gotham | ispanico22 | 518 | 521 | 9742 | 144304 | Your Personal Pain | 27.7 |
289 | UNO | ispanico22 | 493 | 508 | 9831 | 144304 | Your Personal Pain | 10.6 |
7346 | Cerbiatta 2 | maximo1967 | 477 | 506 | 10052 | 148171 | FOO FIGHTERS | 23.8 |
4776 | Cerbiatta | maximo1967 | 477 | 506 | 10113 | 148171 | FOO FIGHTERS | 23.8 |
472 | 01.Olimpia | ispanico22 | 515 | 503 | 10164 | 144304 | Your Personal Pain | 15.3 |
730 | Città di morriscoope | morriscoopers | 507 | 514 | 10310 | 113169 | Your Personal Pain | 15.7 |
518 | Città di Lucky24 ![]() | Rigo1994 | 504 | 511 | 10325 | 11618 | Your Personal Pain | 11.7 |
552 | a5 x morris | morriscoopers | 504 | 511 | 10326 | 113169 | Your Personal Pain | 11.7 |
1664 | B3.55 POFI | ispanico22 | 518 | 517 | 10331 | 144304 | Your Personal Pain | 24.8 |
5108 | 006 Lento sì Piano | morriscoopers | 507 | 514 | 10445 | 113169 | Your Personal Pain | 15.7 |
1794 | Citta di max | maximo1967 | 497 | 515 | 10526 | 148171 | FOO FIGHTERS | 15.3 |
545 | x morris 3 | morriscoopers | 504 | 511 | 10579 | 113169 | Your Personal Pain | 11.7 |
6127 | Cerbiatto 2 | maximo1967 | 477 | 506 | 10616 | 148171 | FOO FIGHTERS | 23.8 |
728 | Diamante | morriscoopers | 507 | 514 | 10737 | 113169 | Your Personal Pain | 15.7 |
2544 | Bludhaven | maximo1967 | 471 | 502 | 10820 | 148171 | FOO FIGHTERS | 29.1 |
7439 | ciao | maximo1967 | 477 | 506 | 10872 | 148171 | FOO FIGHTERS | 23.8 |
117 | 55-02.flamma | morriscoopers | 496 | 500 | 11455 | 113169 | Your Personal Pain | 4.0 |
1233 | 1.1 | ispanico22 | 504 | 511 | 11511 | 144304 | Your Personal Pain | 11.7 |
1742 | I03. Samotracia | JucaerPro85 | 519 | 525 | 11563 | 164135 | Your Personal Pain | 31.4 |
1700 | I11. Alpha | JucaerPro85 | 513 | 528 | 11582 | 164135 | Your Personal Pain | 30.9 |
2057 | Citta di max 2 | maximo1967 | 497 | 515 | 11809 | 148171 | FOO FIGHTERS | 15.3 |
2878 | Cerbiatto | maximo1967 | 477 | 506 | 11995 | 148171 | FOO FIGHTERS | 23.8 |
299 | 45.02 Sheva ![]() ![]() | chi-lee | 493 | 508 | 12164 | 12164 | Your Personal Pain | 10.6 |
2583 | I02. Staranzano | JucaerPro85 | 513 | 528 | 12525 | 164135 | Your Personal Pain | 30.9 |
5921 | I04. Palia | JucaerPro85 | 509 | 525 | 12666 | 164135 | Your Personal Pain | 26.6 |
475 | 01 City0 | ispanico22 | 519 | 504 | 12969 | 144304 | Your Personal Pain | 19.4 |
2292 | Mikra | notik | 525 | 475 | 13294 | 27194 | Youl Pelsonal Cancel | 35.4 |
1707 | I10. Toro | JucaerPro85 | 513 | 528 | 13903 | 164135 | Your Personal Pain | 30.9 |
1752 | I05. Ronchis | JucaerPro85 | 519 | 525 | 13903 | 164135 | Your Personal Pain | 31.4 |
1598 | I01. Latisanotta | JucaerPro85 | 509 | 525 | 13943 | 164135 | Your Personal Pain | 26.6 |
Players list: alsaba78; Sandrina; maximo1967; ispanico22; morriscoopers; Rigo1994; JucaerPro85; chi-lee; notik
[town]3210[/town] 5269pts [player]alsaba78[/player] 523/492 24.4
[town]1428[/town] 5437pts [player]alsaba78[/player] 523/492 24.4
[town]675[/town] 5498pts [player]Sandrina[/player] 485/521 25.8
[town]3084[/town] 5518pts [player]alsaba78[/player] 523/492 24.4
[town]8573[/town] 5606pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]6769[/town] 5923pts [player]Sandrina[/player] 481/514 23.6
[town]2683[/town] 6289pts [player]Sandrina[/player] 484/528 32.2
[town]8384[/town] 6572pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]2584[/town] 8107pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 513/528 30.9
[town]1658[/town] 8240pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 518/521 27.7
[town]1441[/town] 8256pts [player]Sandrina[/player] 481/514 23.6
[town]6399[/town] 8441pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 475/492 26.2
[town]1364[/town] 8546pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 509/525 26.6
[town]2228[/town] 8583pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 519/525 31.4
[town]7363[/town] 8619pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 518/521 27.7
[town]478[/town] 9679pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 504/511 11.7
[town]1653[/town] 9742pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 518/521 27.7
[town]289[/town] 9831pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 493/508 10.6
[town]7346[/town] 10052pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]4776[/town] 10113pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]472[/town] 10164pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 515/503 15.3
[town]730[/town] 10310pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]518[/town] 10325pts [player]Rigo1994[/player] 504/511 11.7
[town]552[/town] 10326pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 504/511 11.7
[town]1664[/town] 10331pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 518/517 24.8
[town]5108[/town] 10445pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]1794[/town] 10526pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 497/515 15.3
[town]545[/town] 10579pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 504/511 11.7
[town]6127[/town] 10616pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]728[/town] 10737pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]2544[/town] 10820pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 471/502 29.1
[town]7439[/town] 10872pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]117[/town] 11455pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 496/500 4.0
[town]1233[/town] 11511pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 504/511 11.7
[town]1742[/town] 11563pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 519/525 31.4
[town]1700[/town] 11582pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 513/528 30.9
[town]2057[/town] 11809pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 497/515 15.3
[town]2878[/town] 11995pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]299[/town] 12164pts [player]chi-lee[/player] 493/508 10.6
[town]2583[/town] 12525pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 513/528 30.9
[town]5921[/town] 12666pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 509/525 26.6
[town]475[/town] 12969pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 519/504 19.4
[town]2292[/town] 13294pts [player]notik[/player] 525/475 35.4
[town]1707[/town] 13903pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 513/528 30.9
[town]1752[/town] 13903pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 519/525 31.4
[town]1598[/town] 13943pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 509/525 26.6
[town]3210[/town] 5269pts [player]alsaba78[/player] 523/492 24.4
[town]1428[/town] 5437pts [player]alsaba78[/player] 523/492 24.4
[town]675[/town] 5498pts [player]Sandrina[/player] 485/521 25.8
[town]3084[/town] 5518pts [player]alsaba78[/player] 523/492 24.4
[town]8573[/town] 5606pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]6769[/town] 5923pts [player]Sandrina[/player] 481/514 23.6
[town]2683[/town] 6289pts [player]Sandrina[/player] 484/528 32.2
[town]8384[/town] 6572pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]2584[/town] 8107pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 513/528 30.9
[town]1658[/town] 8240pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 518/521 27.7
[town]1441[/town] 8256pts [player]Sandrina[/player] 481/514 23.6
[town]6399[/town] 8441pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 475/492 26.2
[town]1364[/town] 8546pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 509/525 26.6
[town]2228[/town] 8583pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 519/525 31.4
[town]7363[/town] 8619pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 518/521 27.7
[town]478[/town] 9679pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 504/511 11.7
[town]1653[/town] 9742pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 518/521 27.7
[town]289[/town] 9831pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 493/508 10.6
[town]7346[/town] 10052pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]4776[/town] 10113pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]472[/town] 10164pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 515/503 15.3
[town]730[/town] 10310pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]518[/town] 10325pts [player]Rigo1994[/player] 504/511 11.7
[town]552[/town] 10326pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 504/511 11.7
[town]1664[/town] 10331pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 518/517 24.8
[town]5108[/town] 10445pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]1794[/town] 10526pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 497/515 15.3
[town]545[/town] 10579pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 504/511 11.7
[town]6127[/town] 10616pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]728[/town] 10737pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]2544[/town] 10820pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 471/502 29.1
[town]7439[/town] 10872pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]117[/town] 11455pts [player]morriscoopers[/player] 496/500 4.0
[town]1233[/town] 11511pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 504/511 11.7
[town]1742[/town] 11563pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 519/525 31.4
[town]1700[/town] 11582pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 513/528 30.9
[town]2057[/town] 11809pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 497/515 15.3
[town]2878[/town] 11995pts [player]maximo1967[/player] 477/506 23.8
[town]299[/town] 12164pts [player]chi-lee[/player] 493/508 10.6
[town]2583[/town] 12525pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 513/528 30.9
[town]5921[/town] 12666pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 509/525 26.6
[town]475[/town] 12969pts [player]ispanico22[/player] 519/504 19.4
[town]2292[/town] 13294pts [player]notik[/player] 525/475 35.4
[town]1707[/town] 13903pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 513/528 30.9
[town]1752[/town] 13903pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 519/525 31.4
[town]1598[/town] 13943pts [player]JucaerPro85[/player] 509/525 26.6
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.