Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
2006 | Puškokyl | Nodelin | 527 | 509 | 5429 | 73093 | --- | 28.5 |
3061 | Trebon M-01 | Kvothe | 520 | 525 | 6603 | 172470 | --- | 32.0 |
518 | 001 | Sweep | 493 | 473 | 6630 | 82202 | Dvojka | 27.9 |
3997 | Figa | Ojacikgame | 473 | 519 | 7014 | 9421 | --- | 33.0 |
1448 | l zzzzzx | difo | 518 | 510 | 7205 | 120103 | Prestávka od Duchov | 20.6 |
102 | k X-09 | difo | 496 | 515 | 7480 | 120103 | Prestávka od Duchov | 15.5 |
495 | LamkyĎalšieMesto | VANO | 520 | 492 | 7867 | 7867 | --- | 21.5 |
299 | juyhnmkoi | difo | 483 | 516 | 8083 | 120103 | Prestávka od Duchov | 23.3 |
356 | Z001 | Sweep | 499 | 480 | 8091 | 82202 | Dvojka | 20.0 |
90 | koijuyhnm | difo | 496 | 515 | 8597 | 120103 | Prestávka od Duchov | 15.5 |
634 | *Q-09*Z | *Quintus* | 504 | 523 | 8843 | 61911 | --- | 23.3 |
668 | Puškostroj | Nodelin | 473 | 515 | 9105 | 73093 | --- | 30.9 |
2982 | šalený | robistown | 473 | 519 | 9404 | 126682 | Sikovni stavbari | 33.0 |
631 | Imperium | VitaminG | 507 | 516 | 9542 | 111162 | Dvojka | 17.5 |
975 | d X-06 | difo | 508 | 520 | 9599 | 120103 | Prestávka od Duchov | 21.5 |
1582 | P04 | VitaminG | 514 | 522 | 9600 | 111162 | Dvojka | 26.1 |
735 | Puškohlad | Nodelin | 483 | 516 | 9742 | 73093 | --- | 23.3 |
2378 | CEZAR | VitaminG | 514 | 522 | 9764 | 111162 | Dvojka | 26.1 |
1067 | P03 | VitaminG | 514 | 522 | 9794 | 111162 | Dvojka | 26.1 |
2337 | Mesto hráča sroki | sroki | 476 | 477 | 9817 | 103160 | alpaky | 33.2 |
294 | Puškopila | Nodelin | 483 | 516 | 9829 | 73093 | --- | 23.3 |
296 | Puškolam | Nodelin | 483 | 516 | 9845 | 73093 | --- | 23.3 |
4064 | gepiland 4-1 | gepid | 514 | 522 | 9899 | 169806 | Perunova banda | 26.1 |
966 | 002 | Sweep | 493 | 473 | 10068 | 82202 | Dvojka | 27.9 |
307 | Puškopal | Nodelin | 483 | 516 | 10073 | 73093 | --- | 23.3 |
990 | P02 | VitaminG | 514 | 522 | 10196 | 111162 | Dvojka | 26.1 |
1056 | P01 | VitaminG | 514 | 522 | 10213 | 111162 | Dvojka | 26.1 |
2645 | UUU 3 | VitaminG | 514 | 522 | 10214 | 111162 | Dvojka | 26.1 |
1223 | Zlatky 55 | VitaminG | 514 | 522 | 10448 | 111162 | Dvojka | 26.1 |
682 | d X-05 | difo | 508 | 520 | 10969 | 120103 | Prestávka od Duchov | 21.5 |
1474 | gepiland 2-1 | gepid | 518 | 510 | 10988 | 169806 | Perunova banda | 20.6 |
242 | Puškorum | Nodelin | 483 | 516 | 11151 | 73093 | --- | 23.3 |
368 | Galia | robistown | 478 | 510 | 11199 | 126682 | Sikovni stavbari | 24.2 |
3847 | 44-006 | kado31 | 472 | 497 | 11477 | 142005 | Dvojka | 28.2 |
883 | Gorduja | robistown | 478 | 510 | 11659 | 126682 | Sikovni stavbari | 24.2 |
979 | edcxszaw | difo | 504 | 523 | 12021 | 120103 | Prestávka od Duchov | 23.3 |
851 | dxzaqwserd | difo | 508 | 520 | 12407 | 120103 | Prestávka od Duchov | 21.5 |
422 | Sorky Zradca?? | Kvothe | 507 | 516 | 12705 | 172470 | --- | 17.5 |
1231 | eszxdcvfr | difo | 504 | 523 | 12733 | 120103 | Prestávka od Duchov | 23.3 |
367 | Downaff 01 | Kvothe | 478 | 510 | 12831 | 172470 | --- | 24.2 |
874 | dcvfreszx | difo | 508 | 520 | 13049 | 120103 | Prestávka od Duchov | 21.5 |
2571 | gepiland 1-2 | gepid | 520 | 525 | 13054 | 169806 | Perunova banda | 32.0 |
537 | Základ 01 | Sweep | 493 | 473 | 13615 | 82202 | Dvojka | 27.9 |
281 | Imperium 2 | VitaminG | 483 | 516 | 15795 | 111162 | Dvojka | 23.3 |
2566 | gepiland 1-1 | gepid | 520 | 525 | 17786 | 169806 | Perunova banda | 32.0 |
Players list: Nodelin; Kvothe; Sweep; Ojacikgame; difo; VANO; *Quintus*; robistown; VitaminG; sroki; gepid; kado31
[town]2006[/town] 5429pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 527/509 28.5
[town]3061[/town] 6603pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 520/525 32.0
[town]518[/town] 6630pts [player]Sweep[/player] 493/473 27.9
[town]3997[/town] 7014pts [player]Ojacikgame[/player] 473/519 33.0
[town]1448[/town] 7205pts [player]difo[/player] 518/510 20.6
[town]102[/town] 7480pts [player]difo[/player] 496/515 15.5
[town]495[/town] 7867pts [player]VANO[/player] 520/492 21.5
[town]299[/town] 8083pts [player]difo[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]356[/town] 8091pts [player]Sweep[/player] 499/480 20.0
[town]90[/town] 8597pts [player]difo[/player] 496/515 15.5
[town]634[/town] 8843pts [player]*Quintus*[/player] 504/523 23.3
[town]668[/town] 9105pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 473/515 30.9
[town]2982[/town] 9404pts [player]robistown[/player] 473/519 33.0
[town]631[/town] 9542pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 507/516 17.5
[town]975[/town] 9599pts [player]difo[/player] 508/520 21.5
[town]1582[/town] 9600pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]735[/town] 9742pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]2378[/town] 9764pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]1067[/town] 9794pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]2337[/town] 9817pts [player]sroki[/player] 476/477 33.2
[town]294[/town] 9829pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]296[/town] 9845pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]4064[/town] 9899pts [player]gepid[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]966[/town] 10068pts [player]Sweep[/player] 493/473 27.9
[town]307[/town] 10073pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]990[/town] 10196pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]1056[/town] 10213pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]2645[/town] 10214pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]1223[/town] 10448pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]682[/town] 10969pts [player]difo[/player] 508/520 21.5
[town]1474[/town] 10988pts [player]gepid[/player] 518/510 20.6
[town]242[/town] 11151pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]368[/town] 11199pts [player]robistown[/player] 478/510 24.2
[town]3847[/town] 11477pts [player]kado31[/player] 472/497 28.2
[town]883[/town] 11659pts [player]robistown[/player] 478/510 24.2
[town]979[/town] 12021pts [player]difo[/player] 504/523 23.3
[town]851[/town] 12407pts [player]difo[/player] 508/520 21.5
[town]422[/town] 12705pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 507/516 17.5
[town]1231[/town] 12733pts [player]difo[/player] 504/523 23.3
[town]367[/town] 12831pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 478/510 24.2
[town]874[/town] 13049pts [player]difo[/player] 508/520 21.5
[town]2571[/town] 13054pts [player]gepid[/player] 520/525 32.0
[town]537[/town] 13615pts [player]Sweep[/player] 493/473 27.9
[town]281[/town] 15795pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]2566[/town] 17786pts [player]gepid[/player] 520/525 32.0
[town]2006[/town] 5429pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 527/509 28.5
[town]3061[/town] 6603pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 520/525 32.0
[town]518[/town] 6630pts [player]Sweep[/player] 493/473 27.9
[town]3997[/town] 7014pts [player]Ojacikgame[/player] 473/519 33.0
[town]1448[/town] 7205pts [player]difo[/player] 518/510 20.6
[town]102[/town] 7480pts [player]difo[/player] 496/515 15.5
[town]495[/town] 7867pts [player]VANO[/player] 520/492 21.5
[town]299[/town] 8083pts [player]difo[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]356[/town] 8091pts [player]Sweep[/player] 499/480 20.0
[town]90[/town] 8597pts [player]difo[/player] 496/515 15.5
[town]634[/town] 8843pts [player]*Quintus*[/player] 504/523 23.3
[town]668[/town] 9105pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 473/515 30.9
[town]2982[/town] 9404pts [player]robistown[/player] 473/519 33.0
[town]631[/town] 9542pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 507/516 17.5
[town]975[/town] 9599pts [player]difo[/player] 508/520 21.5
[town]1582[/town] 9600pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]735[/town] 9742pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]2378[/town] 9764pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]1067[/town] 9794pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]2337[/town] 9817pts [player]sroki[/player] 476/477 33.2
[town]294[/town] 9829pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]296[/town] 9845pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]4064[/town] 9899pts [player]gepid[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]966[/town] 10068pts [player]Sweep[/player] 493/473 27.9
[town]307[/town] 10073pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]990[/town] 10196pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]1056[/town] 10213pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]2645[/town] 10214pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]1223[/town] 10448pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 514/522 26.1
[town]682[/town] 10969pts [player]difo[/player] 508/520 21.5
[town]1474[/town] 10988pts [player]gepid[/player] 518/510 20.6
[town]242[/town] 11151pts [player]Nodelin[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]368[/town] 11199pts [player]robistown[/player] 478/510 24.2
[town]3847[/town] 11477pts [player]kado31[/player] 472/497 28.2
[town]883[/town] 11659pts [player]robistown[/player] 478/510 24.2
[town]979[/town] 12021pts [player]difo[/player] 504/523 23.3
[town]851[/town] 12407pts [player]difo[/player] 508/520 21.5
[town]422[/town] 12705pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 507/516 17.5
[town]1231[/town] 12733pts [player]difo[/player] 504/523 23.3
[town]367[/town] 12831pts [player]Kvothe[/player] 478/510 24.2
[town]874[/town] 13049pts [player]difo[/player] 508/520 21.5
[town]2571[/town] 13054pts [player]gepid[/player] 520/525 32.0
[town]537[/town] 13615pts [player]Sweep[/player] 493/473 27.9
[town]281[/town] 15795pts [player]VitaminG[/player] 483/516 23.3
[town]2566[/town] 17786pts [player]gepid[/player] 520/525 32.0
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.