Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
46 | 001.crazy time | ΑΧΙΛΕΑΣΣ.Ν | 508 | 500 | 5023 | 85754 | Goatfathers | 8.0 |
206 | Hellas 003 | Athanasios Diakos | 505 | 480 | 5076 | 50062 | FIGHTERS | 20.6 |
211 | Hellas 004 | Athanasios Diakos | 505 | 480 | 5309 | 50062 | FIGHTERS | 20.6 |
6581 | 013.Back In Black | The Doctor | 508 | 493 | 5375 | 150906 | FIGHTERS | 10.6 |
651 | ΣΤΡΙΠΤΙΤΖΑΔΙΚΟ | Σιδηροκαυλιτης | 518 | 506 | 5428 | 8705 | --- | 19.0 |
292 | Α.ΜΑΚ | gostrider | 505 | 480 | 5437 | 62419 | FIGHTERS | 20.6 |
5604 | Afiloxenos 13 | zaian | 506 | 517 | 5467 | 136218 | La Neuestra Famillia | 18.0 |
625 | 003. Αυτόχειρας | Boulis10 | 510 | 510 | 5640 | 176683 | La Neuestra Famillia | 14.1 |
963 | 007. Eosforos2013 | Boulis10 | 502 | 524 | 5689 | 176683 | La Neuestra Famillia | 24.1 |
1337 | PLUS | plus13 | 494 | 485 | 5715 | 25232 | 3 ΚΑΙ Ο ΚΟΥΚΟΣ | 16.2 |
4008 | 005 | ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ.32 | 479 | 472 | 5802 | 121300 | Πάνθεον | 35.0 |
2873 | 07.Xrys | pan-83 | 479 | 472 | 5822 | 87471 | ***Goatfathers*** | 35.0 |
397 | Ritos2 | Ritos | 488 | 477 | 5907 | 32289 | Adventoria 2.0 | 25.9 |
3237 | 45 RESTART | Skoy Me ton 5 | 480 | 526 | 6014 | 146976 | --- | 32.8 |
762 | 007. θ44. Μποτα | Dion | 490 | 471 | 6121 | 17475 | --- | 30.7 |
332 | χρυσοθηρας | ARIXONTAS | 496 | 517 | 6137 | 21196 | --- | 17.5 |
351 | 6. Καραφλοκορακας | aristospao | 484 | 481 | 6176 | 73535 | Adventoria 2.0 | 24.8 |
733 | ΜΑΧΗΤΗΣ 10 | ΜΑΧΗΤΗΣ04 | 527 | 504 | 6259 | 120262 | La Neuestra Famillia | 27.3 |
5797 | Πόλη του παίκτη Giandim | Giandim | 506 | 517 | 6358 | 183524 | La Neuestra Famillia | 18.0 |
2860 | 05.mermi | pan-83 | 479 | 472 | 6376 | 87471 | ***Goatfathers*** | 35.0 |
93 | ΚΑΡΕ ΤΟΥ ΧΡΥΣΟΥ | Slayer | 508 | 500 | 6481 | 6481 | --- | 8.0 |
102 | Kas 54 | arisS3neapolis | 518 | 493 | 6546 | 46280 | ΟΙ ΜΥΡΜΙΔΟΝΕΣ | 19.3 |
474 | 006.sugar rush | ΑΧΙΛΕΑΣΣ.Ν | 475 | 490 | 6606 | 85754 | Goatfathers | 26.9 |
2838 | 06.EzPeazy | pan-83 | 479 | 472 | 6689 | 87471 | ***Goatfathers*** | 35.0 |
681 | ΜΑΧΗΤΗΣ 09 | ΜΑΧΗΤΗΣ04 | 527 | 504 | 6843 | 120262 | La Neuestra Famillia | 27.3 |
2375 | Flames | microcens | 480 | 526 | 6888 | 155777 | La Neuestra Famillia | 32.8 |
212 | kassandra7 | kassandra7 | 499 | 481 | 6988 | 15386 | ΧΑ ΧΑ ΧΑ | 19.0 |
653 | 06. | Gladiator12 | 475 | 490 | 7004 | 7004 | --- | 26.9 |
4135 | marathon | athangr | 497 | 520 | 7068 | 27183 | ΑΠΑΡAΔΕΚΤΟΙ | 20.2 |
999 | 014. Thanos99 | Boulis10 | 487 | 523 | 7128 | 176683 | La Neuestra Famillia | 26.4 |
1555 | Beirut | microcens | 514 | 526 | 7131 | 155777 | La Neuestra Famillia | 29.5 |
2014 | 08.JABARI PARKER | pao13berg9 | 475 | 490 | 7186 | 160282 | FIGHTERS | 26.9 |
666 | 01-44-Debut | Rapunzel | 475 | 490 | 7244 | 14209 | GOLDEN OUTCASTS | 26.9 |
3972 | astypalea | athangr | 497 | 520 | 7245 | 27183 | ΑΠΑΡAΔΕΚΤΟΙ | 20.2 |
2777 | 05.SYLVAIN FRANCISCO | pao13berg9 | 487 | 492 | 7360 | 160282 | FIGHTERS | 15.3 |
96 | 005.ΛΑΓΚΑΔΑΣ | GodOfWarAris | 518 | 493 | 7384 | 42020 | FIGHTERS | 19.3 |
472 | Mountain | microcens | 503 | 513 | 7463 | 155777 | La Neuestra Famillia | 13.3 |
2368 | La familia | panos17 | 471 | 472 | 7574 | 131687 | Πάνθεον | 40.3 |
1308 | ΝΕΟ3 | FallenAngelAlone | 475 | 477 | 7642 | 7642 | Adventoria 2.0 | 34.0 |
2947 | 03.fenk | panos17 | 479 | 472 | 7659 | 131687 | Πάνθεον | 35.0 |
808 | 008. Tohtaih | Boulis10 | 511 | 519 | 7685 | 176683 | La Neuestra Famillia | 22.0 |
148 | ΑΙΜΙΛΙΟΣ 01 | emiliosboukas | 497 | 501 | 7690 | 25007 | ΟΙ ΜΥΡΜΙΔΟΝΕΣ | 3.2 |
2352 | DPJ13 | * Fadomas * | 471 | 472 | 7739 | 65214 | Πάνθεον | 40.3 |
1214 | 004.Alo | Zaptong | 475 | 477 | 7799 | 60282 | FIGHTERS | 34.0 |
142 | Celtics | White KD | 527 | 504 | 7828 | 7828 | --- | 27.3 |
3284 | ΜΑΔΑΓΑΣΚΑΡΗ | kostas bjh | 479 | 472 | 7834 | 52457 | ***Goatfathers*** | 35.0 |
360 | ΑΜΠΑΤΖΗ | cris iraklis | 503 | 475 | 7835 | 91633 | ***Goatfathers*** | 25.2 |
174 | ΧΕΙΡΩΝ | arisS3neapolis | 518 | 493 | 7840 | 46280 | ΟΙ ΜΥΡΜΙΔΟΝΕΣ | 19.3 |
840 | NAVA | microcens | 514 | 526 | 7844 | 155777 | La Neuestra Famillia | 29.5 |
3014 | 06.HAYES-DAVIS | pao13berg9 | 484 | 481 | 7909 | 160282 | FIGHTERS | 24.8 |
133 | The Conjuring | Valac | 518 | 506 | 7951 | 7951 | --- | 19.0 |
449 | Ritos 3 | Ritos | 488 | 477 | 8005 | 32289 | Adventoria 2.0 | 25.9 |
2291 | Papapetrou | * Fadomas * | 471 | 472 | 8078 | 65214 | Πάνθεον | 40.3 |
5628 | 008 | pnssd | 511 | 521 | 8099 | 104797 | La Neuestra Famillia | 23.7 |
1306 | ατυχια | vakis71 | 475 | 477 | 8220 | 15202 | σας γλενταω | 34.0 |
4794 | 006 | KAVELARI | 490 | 471 | 8270 | 95566 | ΟΙ ΓΕΡΟΝΤΕΣ | 30.7 |
124 | Retro | Giwrgaros | 522 | 501 | 8311 | 8311 | --- | 22.0 |
3108 | 003 | pamos70 | 476 | 514 | 8330 | 14172 | ΑΠΑΡAΔΕΚΤΟΙ | 27.8 |
2868 | 009 | pnssd | 527 | 524 | 8367 | 104797 | La Neuestra Famillia | 36.1 |
2630 | 06-Corinth | TheWantedGreek | 500 | 487 | 8390 | 73348 | AURA | 13.0 |
886 | 14.δωσε ενα τελος | ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ | 526 | 477 | 8476 | 174805 | Goatfathers | 34.7 |
1008 | 02.ELIE OKOBO | pao13berg9 | 475 | 477 | 8520 | 160282 | FIGHTERS | 34.0 |
5610 | 05-Delphi | TheWantedGreek | 494 | 493 | 8527 | 73348 | AURA | 9.2 |
420 | 4404 Manicure | basilis1113 | 488 | 477 | 8541 | 86521 | FIGHTERS | 25.9 |
386 | Craven | Lawthegreat | 515 | 476 | 8548 | 140382 | FIGHTERS | 28.3 |
387 | 00. ΜΠΡΑΤΣΑΚΙΑ Α.Ε | korke | 515 | 476 | 8572 | 72385 | Goatfathers | 28.3 |
899 | Alpha | microcens | 507 | 526 | 8592 | 155777 | La Neuestra Famillia | 26.9 |
1372 | 06.ΡANOS17 | george.13 | 503 | 475 | 8615 | 108688 | Πάνθεον | 25.2 |
1944 | 04.CHIMA MONEKE | pao13berg9 | 488 | 477 | 8627 | 160282 | FIGHTERS | 25.9 |
309 | Insight | microcens | 496 | 517 | 8633 | 155777 | La Neuestra Famillia | 17.5 |
138 | 15.μην με ρωτατε | ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ | 518 | 493 | 8657 | 174805 | Goatfathers | 19.3 |
71 | 01.αισθηματιας. | ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ | 487 | 492 | 8664 | 174805 | Goatfathers | 15.3 |
1964 | 44.02.Aincrad | b4erebus | 471 | 472 | 8703 | 78573 | Πάνθεον | 40.3 |
153 | West | αρχαιος | 518 | 493 | 8738 | 44725 | Adventoria 2.0 | 19.3 |
879 | 55.03.Αστυπάλαια | SexyKaltsa | 522 | 501 | 8738 | 187542 | FIGHTERS | 22.0 |
754 | 010 | pnssd | 487 | 523 | 8767 | 104797 | La Neuestra Famillia | 26.4 |
86 | ---3 | Lawthegreat | 497 | 501 | 8770 | 140382 | FIGHTERS | 3.2 |
1316 | 3. Καζαντ-Ντουμ | aristospao | 475 | 477 | 8778 | 73535 | Adventoria 2.0 | 34.0 |
369 | ΚΑΣΙΜΑΤΗΣ | cris iraklis | 503 | 475 | 8809 | 91633 | ***Goatfathers*** | 25.2 |
755 | .04 ΓΚΑΡΤΖΟΦΩΛΙΑ | blackperle | 487 | 523 | 8876 | 50001 | ΑΠΑΡAΔΕΚΤΟΙ | 26.4 |
187 | 01.BOCCHI THE PEAK | pao13berg9 | 494 | 485 | 8930 | 160282 | FIGHTERS | 16.2 |
1130 | 03. Sharrukin | Giandim | 507 | 526 | 8930 | 183524 | La Neuestra Famillia | 26.9 |
5106 | 03.The Conjuring | TheNun | 480 | 526 | 8934 | 74180 | La Neuestra Famillia | 32.8 |
2004 | 02.ΣΠΕΡΧΕΙΑΔΑ | george.13 | 471 | 472 | 8945 | 108688 | Πάνθεον | 40.3 |
189 | 54.04.Χάλκη | SexyKaltsa | 518 | 493 | 9065 | 187542 | FIGHTERS | 19.3 |
799 | axinos2 | ntoy | 526 | 477 | 9088 | 19011 | ΟΙ ΜΥΡΜΙΔΟΝΕΣ | 34.7 |
803 | 06.Και Α και Ζ | Spartanick | 526 | 477 | 9121 | 127303 | FIGHTERS | 34.7 |
2517 | 54.12.Οινούσες | SexyKaltsa | 526 | 477 | 9133 | 187542 | FIGHTERS | 34.7 |
773 | ΚΕΦ KONE | kakosliakos | 490 | 471 | 9165 | 165256 | Πάνθεον | 30.7 |
80 | 03.κι αν με βρεις | ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ | 487 | 492 | 9233 | 174805 | Goatfathers | 15.3 |
207 | 09.Nicotine | grobari25 | 499 | 481 | 9342 | 16728 | FIGHTERS | 19.0 |
190 | 2. λεγε ριπαπα | aristospao | 494 | 485 | 9362 | 73535 | Adventoria 2.0 | 16.2 |
2002 | ToKalamariTouVarkari | elkambi | 474 | 503 | 9380 | 24964 | Αλή Μπαμπά και 40 διπλοί | 26.2 |
3886 | 44.03.GHOST | b4erebus | 479 | 472 | 9399 | 78573 | Πάνθεον | 35.0 |
2379 | 44.04.Λούης | kopsokefalo | 471 | 472 | 9422 | 94074 | Πάνθεον | 40.3 |
199 | 55.ΑΡΚΟΥ 08 | -SuperGoofy- | 522 | 501 | 9479 | 127451 | FIGHTERS | 22.0 |
2606 | 011. TrelosKs | Boulis10 | 527 | 524 | 9499 | 176683 | La Neuestra Famillia | 36.1 |
115 | ΕΓΩ | k0stas1968 | 497 | 501 | 9539 | 59890 | --- | 3.2 |
5787 | 55 000* ξερο | MPAGASAS | 511 | 521 | 9543 | 177973 | La Neuestra Famillia | 23.7 |
508 | 05.χειμωνας ειναι | ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ | 475 | 490 | 9581 | 174805 | Goatfathers | 26.9 |
Too much data. Limit your query. |
Players list: ΑΧΙΛΕΑΣΣ.Ν; Athanasios Diakos; The Doctor; Σιδηροκαυλιτης; gostrider; zaian; Boulis10; plus13; ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ.32; pan-83; Ritos; Skoy Me ton 5; Dion; ARIXONTAS; aristospao; ΜΑΧΗΤΗΣ04; Giandim; Slayer; arisS3neapolis; microcens; kassandra7; Gladiator12; athangr; pao13berg9; Rapunzel; GodOfWarAris; panos17; FallenAngelAlone; emiliosboukas; * Fadomas *; Zaptong; White KD; kostas bjh; cris iraklis; Valac; pnssd; vakis71; KAVELARI; Giwrgaros; pamos70; TheWantedGreek; ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ; basilis1113; Lawthegreat; korke; george.13; b4erebus; αρχαιος; SexyKaltsa; blackperle; TheNun; ntoy; Spartanick; kakosliakos; grobari25; elkambi; kopsokefalo; -SuperGoofy-; k0stas1968; MPAGASAS
[town]46[/town] 5023pts [player]ΑΧΙΛΕΑΣΣ.Ν[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]206[/town] 5076pts [player]Athanasios Diakos[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]211[/town] 5309pts [player]Athanasios Diakos[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]6581[/town] 5375pts [player]The Doctor[/player] 508/493 10.6
[town]651[/town] 5428pts [player]Σιδηροκαυλιτης[/player] 518/506 19.0
[town]292[/town] 5437pts [player]gostrider[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]5604[/town] 5467pts [player]zaian[/player] 506/517 18.0
[town]625[/town] 5640pts [player]Boulis10[/player] 510/510 14.1
[town]963[/town] 5689pts [player]Boulis10[/player] 502/524 24.1
[town]1337[/town] 5715pts [player]plus13[/player] 494/485 16.2
[town]4008[/town] 5802pts [player]ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ.32[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]2873[/town] 5822pts [player]pan-83[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]397[/town] 5907pts [player]Ritos[/player] 488/477 25.9
[town]3237[/town] 6014pts [player]Skoy Me ton 5[/player] 480/526 32.8
[town]762[/town] 6121pts [player]Dion[/player] 490/471 30.7
[town]332[/town] 6137pts [player]ARIXONTAS[/player] 496/517 17.5
[town]351[/town] 6176pts [player]aristospao[/player] 484/481 24.8
[town]733[/town] 6259pts [player]ΜΑΧΗΤΗΣ04[/player] 527/504 27.3
[town]5797[/town] 6358pts [player]Giandim[/player] 506/517 18.0
[town]2860[/town] 6376pts [player]pan-83[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]93[/town] 6481pts [player]Slayer[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]102[/town] 6546pts [player]arisS3neapolis[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]474[/town] 6606pts [player]ΑΧΙΛΕΑΣΣ.Ν[/player] 475/490 26.9
[town]2838[/town] 6689pts [player]pan-83[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]681[/town] 6843pts [player]ΜΑΧΗΤΗΣ04[/player] 527/504 27.3
[town]2375[/town] 6888pts [player]microcens[/player] 480/526 32.8
[town]212[/town] 6988pts [player]kassandra7[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]653[/town] 7004pts [player]Gladiator12[/player] 475/490 26.9
[town]4135[/town] 7068pts [player]athangr[/player] 497/520 20.2
[town]999[/town] 7128pts [player]Boulis10[/player] 487/523 26.4
[town]1555[/town] 7131pts [player]microcens[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]2014[/town] 7186pts [player]pao13berg9[/player] 475/490 26.9
[town]666[/town] 7244pts [player]Rapunzel[/player] 475/490 26.9
[town]3972[/town] 7245pts [player]athangr[/player] 497/520 20.2
[town]2777[/town] 7360pts [player]pao13berg9[/player] 487/492 15.3
[town]96[/town] 7384pts [player]GodOfWarAris[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]472[/town] 7463pts [player]microcens[/player] 503/513 13.3
[town]2368[/town] 7574pts [player]panos17[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]1308[/town] 7642pts [player]FallenAngelAlone[/player] 475/477 34.0
[town]2947[/town] 7659pts [player]panos17[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]808[/town] 7685pts [player]Boulis10[/player] 511/519 22.0
[town]148[/town] 7690pts [player]emiliosboukas[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]2352[/town] 7739pts [player]* Fadomas *[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]1214[/town] 7799pts [player]Zaptong[/player] 475/477 34.0
[town]142[/town] 7828pts [player]White KD[/player] 527/504 27.3
[town]3284[/town] 7834pts [player]kostas bjh[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]360[/town] 7835pts [player]cris iraklis[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]174[/town] 7840pts [player]arisS3neapolis[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]840[/town] 7844pts [player]microcens[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]3014[/town] 7909pts [player]pao13berg9[/player] 484/481 24.8
[town]133[/town] 7951pts [player]Valac[/player] 518/506 19.0
[town]449[/town] 8005pts [player]Ritos[/player] 488/477 25.9
[town]2291[/town] 8078pts [player]* Fadomas *[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]5628[/town] 8099pts [player]pnssd[/player] 511/521 23.7
[town]1306[/town] 8220pts [player]vakis71[/player] 475/477 34.0
[town]4794[/town] 8270pts [player]KAVELARI[/player] 490/471 30.7
[town]124[/town] 8311pts [player]Giwrgaros[/player] 522/501 22.0
[town]3108[/town] 8330pts [player]pamos70[/player] 476/514 27.8
[town]2868[/town] 8367pts [player]pnssd[/player] 527/524 36.1
[town]2630[/town] 8390pts [player]TheWantedGreek[/player] 500/487 13.0
[town]886[/town] 8476pts [player]ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]1008[/town] 8520pts [player]pao13berg9[/player] 475/477 34.0
[town]5610[/town] 8527pts [player]TheWantedGreek[/player] 494/493 9.2
[town]420[/town] 8541pts [player]basilis1113[/player] 488/477 25.9
[town]386[/town] 8548pts [player]Lawthegreat[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]387[/town] 8572pts [player]korke[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]899[/town] 8592pts [player]microcens[/player] 507/526 26.9
[town]1372[/town] 8615pts [player]george.13[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]1944[/town] 8627pts [player]pao13berg9[/player] 488/477 25.9
[town]309[/town] 8633pts [player]microcens[/player] 496/517 17.5
[town]138[/town] 8657pts [player]ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]71[/town] 8664pts [player]ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ[/player] 487/492 15.3
[town]1964[/town] 8703pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]153[/town] 8738pts [player]αρχαιος[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]879[/town] 8738pts [player]SexyKaltsa[/player] 522/501 22.0
[town]754[/town] 8767pts [player]pnssd[/player] 487/523 26.4
[town]86[/town] 8770pts [player]Lawthegreat[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]1316[/town] 8778pts [player]aristospao[/player] 475/477 34.0
[town]369[/town] 8809pts [player]cris iraklis[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]755[/town] 8876pts [player]blackperle[/player] 487/523 26.4
[town]187[/town] 8930pts [player]pao13berg9[/player] 494/485 16.2
[town]1130[/town] 8930pts [player]Giandim[/player] 507/526 26.9
[town]5106[/town] 8934pts [player]TheNun[/player] 480/526 32.8
[town]2004[/town] 8945pts [player]george.13[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]189[/town] 9065pts [player]SexyKaltsa[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]799[/town] 9088pts [player]ntoy[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]803[/town] 9121pts [player]Spartanick[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]2517[/town] 9133pts [player]SexyKaltsa[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]773[/town] 9165pts [player]kakosliakos[/player] 490/471 30.7
[town]80[/town] 9233pts [player]ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ[/player] 487/492 15.3
[town]207[/town] 9342pts [player]grobari25[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]190[/town] 9362pts [player]aristospao[/player] 494/485 16.2
[town]2002[/town] 9380pts [player]elkambi[/player] 474/503 26.2
[town]3886[/town] 9399pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]2379[/town] 9422pts [player]kopsokefalo[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]199[/town] 9479pts [player]-SuperGoofy-[/player] 522/501 22.0
[town]2606[/town] 9499pts [player]Boulis10[/player] 527/524 36.1
[town]115[/town] 9539pts [player]k0stas1968[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]5787[/town] 9543pts [player]MPAGASAS[/player] 511/521 23.7
[town]508[/town] 9581pts [player]ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ[/player] 475/490 26.9
[town]46[/town] 5023pts [player]ΑΧΙΛΕΑΣΣ.Ν[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]206[/town] 5076pts [player]Athanasios Diakos[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]211[/town] 5309pts [player]Athanasios Diakos[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]6581[/town] 5375pts [player]The Doctor[/player] 508/493 10.6
[town]651[/town] 5428pts [player]Σιδηροκαυλιτης[/player] 518/506 19.0
[town]292[/town] 5437pts [player]gostrider[/player] 505/480 20.6
[town]5604[/town] 5467pts [player]zaian[/player] 506/517 18.0
[town]625[/town] 5640pts [player]Boulis10[/player] 510/510 14.1
[town]963[/town] 5689pts [player]Boulis10[/player] 502/524 24.1
[town]1337[/town] 5715pts [player]plus13[/player] 494/485 16.2
[town]4008[/town] 5802pts [player]ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ.32[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]2873[/town] 5822pts [player]pan-83[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]397[/town] 5907pts [player]Ritos[/player] 488/477 25.9
[town]3237[/town] 6014pts [player]Skoy Me ton 5[/player] 480/526 32.8
[town]762[/town] 6121pts [player]Dion[/player] 490/471 30.7
[town]332[/town] 6137pts [player]ARIXONTAS[/player] 496/517 17.5
[town]351[/town] 6176pts [player]aristospao[/player] 484/481 24.8
[town]733[/town] 6259pts [player]ΜΑΧΗΤΗΣ04[/player] 527/504 27.3
[town]5797[/town] 6358pts [player]Giandim[/player] 506/517 18.0
[town]2860[/town] 6376pts [player]pan-83[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]93[/town] 6481pts [player]Slayer[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]102[/town] 6546pts [player]arisS3neapolis[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]474[/town] 6606pts [player]ΑΧΙΛΕΑΣΣ.Ν[/player] 475/490 26.9
[town]2838[/town] 6689pts [player]pan-83[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]681[/town] 6843pts [player]ΜΑΧΗΤΗΣ04[/player] 527/504 27.3
[town]2375[/town] 6888pts [player]microcens[/player] 480/526 32.8
[town]212[/town] 6988pts [player]kassandra7[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]653[/town] 7004pts [player]Gladiator12[/player] 475/490 26.9
[town]4135[/town] 7068pts [player]athangr[/player] 497/520 20.2
[town]999[/town] 7128pts [player]Boulis10[/player] 487/523 26.4
[town]1555[/town] 7131pts [player]microcens[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]2014[/town] 7186pts [player]pao13berg9[/player] 475/490 26.9
[town]666[/town] 7244pts [player]Rapunzel[/player] 475/490 26.9
[town]3972[/town] 7245pts [player]athangr[/player] 497/520 20.2
[town]2777[/town] 7360pts [player]pao13berg9[/player] 487/492 15.3
[town]96[/town] 7384pts [player]GodOfWarAris[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]472[/town] 7463pts [player]microcens[/player] 503/513 13.3
[town]2368[/town] 7574pts [player]panos17[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]1308[/town] 7642pts [player]FallenAngelAlone[/player] 475/477 34.0
[town]2947[/town] 7659pts [player]panos17[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]808[/town] 7685pts [player]Boulis10[/player] 511/519 22.0
[town]148[/town] 7690pts [player]emiliosboukas[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]2352[/town] 7739pts [player]* Fadomas *[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]1214[/town] 7799pts [player]Zaptong[/player] 475/477 34.0
[town]142[/town] 7828pts [player]White KD[/player] 527/504 27.3
[town]3284[/town] 7834pts [player]kostas bjh[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]360[/town] 7835pts [player]cris iraklis[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]174[/town] 7840pts [player]arisS3neapolis[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]840[/town] 7844pts [player]microcens[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]3014[/town] 7909pts [player]pao13berg9[/player] 484/481 24.8
[town]133[/town] 7951pts [player]Valac[/player] 518/506 19.0
[town]449[/town] 8005pts [player]Ritos[/player] 488/477 25.9
[town]2291[/town] 8078pts [player]* Fadomas *[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]5628[/town] 8099pts [player]pnssd[/player] 511/521 23.7
[town]1306[/town] 8220pts [player]vakis71[/player] 475/477 34.0
[town]4794[/town] 8270pts [player]KAVELARI[/player] 490/471 30.7
[town]124[/town] 8311pts [player]Giwrgaros[/player] 522/501 22.0
[town]3108[/town] 8330pts [player]pamos70[/player] 476/514 27.8
[town]2868[/town] 8367pts [player]pnssd[/player] 527/524 36.1
[town]2630[/town] 8390pts [player]TheWantedGreek[/player] 500/487 13.0
[town]886[/town] 8476pts [player]ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]1008[/town] 8520pts [player]pao13berg9[/player] 475/477 34.0
[town]5610[/town] 8527pts [player]TheWantedGreek[/player] 494/493 9.2
[town]420[/town] 8541pts [player]basilis1113[/player] 488/477 25.9
[town]386[/town] 8548pts [player]Lawthegreat[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]387[/town] 8572pts [player]korke[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]899[/town] 8592pts [player]microcens[/player] 507/526 26.9
[town]1372[/town] 8615pts [player]george.13[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]1944[/town] 8627pts [player]pao13berg9[/player] 488/477 25.9
[town]309[/town] 8633pts [player]microcens[/player] 496/517 17.5
[town]138[/town] 8657pts [player]ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]71[/town] 8664pts [player]ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ[/player] 487/492 15.3
[town]1964[/town] 8703pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]153[/town] 8738pts [player]αρχαιος[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]879[/town] 8738pts [player]SexyKaltsa[/player] 522/501 22.0
[town]754[/town] 8767pts [player]pnssd[/player] 487/523 26.4
[town]86[/town] 8770pts [player]Lawthegreat[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]1316[/town] 8778pts [player]aristospao[/player] 475/477 34.0
[town]369[/town] 8809pts [player]cris iraklis[/player] 503/475 25.2
[town]755[/town] 8876pts [player]blackperle[/player] 487/523 26.4
[town]187[/town] 8930pts [player]pao13berg9[/player] 494/485 16.2
[town]1130[/town] 8930pts [player]Giandim[/player] 507/526 26.9
[town]5106[/town] 8934pts [player]TheNun[/player] 480/526 32.8
[town]2004[/town] 8945pts [player]george.13[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]189[/town] 9065pts [player]SexyKaltsa[/player] 518/493 19.3
[town]799[/town] 9088pts [player]ntoy[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]803[/town] 9121pts [player]Spartanick[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]2517[/town] 9133pts [player]SexyKaltsa[/player] 526/477 34.7
[town]773[/town] 9165pts [player]kakosliakos[/player] 490/471 30.7
[town]80[/town] 9233pts [player]ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ[/player] 487/492 15.3
[town]207[/town] 9342pts [player]grobari25[/player] 499/481 19.0
[town]190[/town] 9362pts [player]aristospao[/player] 494/485 16.2
[town]2002[/town] 9380pts [player]elkambi[/player] 474/503 26.2
[town]3886[/town] 9399pts [player]b4erebus[/player] 479/472 35.0
[town]2379[/town] 9422pts [player]kopsokefalo[/player] 471/472 40.3
[town]199[/town] 9479pts [player]-SuperGoofy-[/player] 522/501 22.0
[town]2606[/town] 9499pts [player]Boulis10[/player] 527/524 36.1
[town]115[/town] 9539pts [player]k0stas1968[/player] 497/501 3.2
[town]5787[/town] 9543pts [player]MPAGASAS[/player] 511/521 23.7
[town]508[/town] 9581pts [player]ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΑΣ[/player] 475/490 26.9
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.