Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
1605 | Ciudad de peloponeso3 | venus1109 | 518 | 516 | 6479 | 176878 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 24.1 |
368 | THOR-PEDO | luiscg | 488 | 511 | 6733 | 113784 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 16.3 |
1079 | 03. Estocolmo | Ladymer | 514 | 526 | 6758 | 159439 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 29.5 |
1182 | 1. Orete | venus1109 | 500 | 506 | 7366 | 176878 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 6.0 |
2800 | Nefer | belalo | 514 | 502 | 7665 | 182347 | Working | 14.1 |
1113 | X.013 | Drakar | 524 | 478 | 7788 | 101495 | MARISCO de DORITOS | 32.6 |
1022 | 1. Oriño | venus1109 | 500 | 506 | 7926 | 176878 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 6.0 |
165 | 05. Finlandia | Ladymer | 503 | 512 | 8044 | 159439 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 12.4 |
5452 | 1. Dorisco.M55 | venus1109 | 505 | 520 | 8055 | 176878 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 20.6 |
9 | 04. Bergen | Ladymer | 500 | 508 | 8446 | 159439 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 8.0 |
5980 | Dorisco M55 | *nissa* | 500 | 506 | 8507 | 107664 | * Dragones Azules * | 6.0 |
636 | 09. Barsum | Ladymer | 504 | 481 | 8538 | 159439 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 19.4 |
2836 | Doris M54 | *nissa* | 513 | 497 | 8700 | 107664 | * Dragones Azules * | 13.3 |
107 | setardos | luiscg | 488 | 511 | 8708 | 113784 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 16.3 |
3826 | Doris55 | *nissa* | 518 | 516 | 8797 | 107664 | * Dragones Azules * | 24.1 |
240 | Growland | joseweed | 495 | 488 | 8834 | 192764 | DORITOS de MARISCO | 13.0 |
51 | Ciudad de Story73 | luiscg | 500 | 508 | 8857 | 113784 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 8.0 |
1576 | X.017 | Drakar | 507 | 484 | 8874 | 101495 | MARISCO de DORITOS | 17.5 |
106 | C.luiscg | luiscg | 488 | 511 | 8884 | 113784 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 16.3 |
1336 | 02 Byron | luiscg | 491 | 519 | 9120 | 113784 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 21.0 |
1813 | DORIS-55 | *nissa* | 501 | 501 | 9179 | 107664 | * Dragones Azules * | 1.4 |
195 | 01.Kush el Guerrero | Kush el Gerrero | 508 | 494 | 9222 | 156424 | *VALHALLA* | 10.0 |
722 | Ataviaaa1 | gulman | 514 | 484 | 9346 | 69130 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 21.3 |
1943 | Growland 001 | joseweed | 480 | 494 | 9376 | 192764 | DORITOS de MARISCO | 20.9 |
25 | 01. Castro | Ladymer | 500 | 508 | 9755 | 159439 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 8.0 |
4130 | Doris M55 | *nissa* | 517 | 511 | 9903 | 107664 | * Dragones Azules * | 20.2 |
584 | TAHOE | venus1109 | 512 | 523 | 10031 | 176878 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 25.9 |
563 | Azeroth | david nash | 512 | 523 | 10162 | 194127 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 25.9 |
1282 | X.012 | Drakar | 483 | 526 | 10162 | 101495 | MARISCO de DORITOS | 31.1 |
33 | 0014 | luiscg | 488 | 511 | 10217 | 113784 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 16.3 |
931 | 009 | juan-mi | 504 | 528 | 10271 | 187784 | PAQUETES | 28.3 |
15 | Tierras devastadas | david nash | 500 | 508 | 10411 | 194127 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 8.0 |
77 | Durotar | david nash | 500 | 508 | 10432 | 194127 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 8.0 |
1404 | Kalimdor | david nash | 514 | 526 | 10521 | 194127 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 29.5 |
1301 | Feralas | david nash | 514 | 526 | 10621 | 194127 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 29.5 |
4743 | Draenor | david nash | 505 | 520 | 10776 | 194127 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 20.6 |
43 | 004 FORCE | Ladymer | 500 | 508 | 10805 | 159439 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 8.0 |
1524 | 08- Centro Juvenil | xaviipegote | 520 | 528 | 11031 | 72445 | PAQUETES SL | 34.4 |
23 | ESPAÑA | marmo496 | 500 | 508 | 11116 | 120344 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 8.0 |
26 | .1.Venus | venus1109 | 500 | 508 | 11127 | 176878 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 8.0 |
7257 | M55- CocaCola | STIUS. | 520 | 520 | 11173 | 180392 | PAQUETES | 28.3 |
49 | ciudad 0 do r | cris007 | 500 | 508 | 11355 | 83146 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 8.0 |
5347 | DORITOS 6 | GUACHIFEI | 517 | 503 | 11365 | 62845 | --- | 17.3 |
610 | 01-Subi2 | carlota6 | 512 | 523 | 11426 | 151830 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 25.9 |
981 | 55.F | juan-mi | 520 | 520 | 11540 | 187784 | PAQUETES | 28.3 |
567 | 44.01 LAS VEGAS | MariusPercy | 496 | 480 | 11549 | 96274 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 20.4 |
1733 | 01- ITV | xaviipegote | 504 | 528 | 11636 | 72445 | PAQUETES SL | 28.3 |
184 | A001 | luiscg | 491 | 519 | 11725 | 113784 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 21.0 |
92 | 010 FORCE | bonjasky | 503 | 512 | 11876 | 141298 | Working | 12.4 |
985 | Drako191 01 | Drako191 | 520 | 520 | 11890 | 158795 | PAQUETES | 28.3 |
284 | Growland 011 | joseweed | 480 | 509 | 12121 | 192764 | DORITOS de MARISCO | 21.9 |
641 | 55.Taik0 | juan-mi | 520 | 517 | 12452 | 187784 | PAQUETES | 26.2 |
796 | 023. TARARA | ffdf | 514 | 526 | 12715 | 154844 | PAQUETES SL | 29.5 |
497 | Growland 005 | joseweed | 472 | 510 | 13046 | 192764 | DORITOS de MARISCO | 29.7 |
72 | 01 Byron Bay | noumac | 500 | 508 | 13693 | 186820 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 8.0 |
3457 | DORITOS 4 | GUACHIFEI | 517 | 503 | 13728 | 62845 | --- | 17.3 |
1057 | 05-M-D | Alejov21 | 520 | 520 | 13731 | 170111 | PAQUETES | 28.3 |
16 | 55 el gerrillero 01 | el gerrillero | 500 | 508 | 13777 | 170634 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 8.0 |
1535 | 54.02 Friuli | MariusPercy | 518 | 489 | 13918 | 96274 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 21.1 |
719 | C01 | Ladymer | 496 | 480 | 14052 | 159439 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 20.4 |
1060 | 01-Carlota City | carlota6 | 512 | 523 | 14059 | 151830 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 25.9 |
629 | 001. NÁPOLES | Jose Luis Valiño Castedo | 520 | 520 | 14228 | 121193 | PAQUETES | 28.3 |
7426 | Stradivarius | belalo | 529 | 504 | 14426 | 182347 | Working | 29.3 |
1366 | Ciudad de Nessi | Nessi | 520 | 528 | 14445 | 71696 | PAQUETES | 34.4 |
91 | Orgullo cazurro | bonjasky | 503 | 512 | 15792 | 141298 | Working | 12.4 |
87 | Eevee | belalo | 503 | 512 | 16110 | 182347 | Working | 12.4 |
3970 | En tierra de nadie 4 | belalo | 519 | 513 | 16165 | 182347 | Working | 23.0 |
552 | 02-CB | Alejov21 | 519 | 513 | 16662 | 170111 | PAQUETES | 23.0 |
29 | 55 el gerrillero 00 | el gerrillero | 500 | 508 | 17688 | 170634 | FORCE NORDIQUE | 8.0 |
Players list: venus1109; luiscg; Ladymer; belalo; Drakar; *nissa*; joseweed; Kush el Gerrero; gulman; david nash; juan-mi; xaviipegote; marmo496; STIUS.; cris007; GUACHIFEI; carlota6; MariusPercy; bonjasky; Drako191; ffdf; noumac; Alejov21; el gerrillero; Jose Luis Valiño Castedo; Nessi
[town]1605[/town] 6479pts [player]venus1109[/player] 518/516 24.1
[town]368[/town] 6733pts [player]luiscg[/player] 488/511 16.3
[town]1079[/town] 6758pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]1182[/town] 7366pts [player]venus1109[/player] 500/506 6.0
[town]2800[/town] 7665pts [player]belalo[/player] 514/502 14.1
[town]1113[/town] 7788pts [player]Drakar[/player] 524/478 32.6
[town]1022[/town] 7926pts [player]venus1109[/player] 500/506 6.0
[town]165[/town] 8044pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 503/512 12.4
[town]5452[/town] 8055pts [player]venus1109[/player] 505/520 20.6
[town]9[/town] 8446pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]5980[/town] 8507pts [player]*nissa*[/player] 500/506 6.0
[town]636[/town] 8538pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 504/481 19.4
[town]2836[/town] 8700pts [player]*nissa*[/player] 513/497 13.3
[town]107[/town] 8708pts [player]luiscg[/player] 488/511 16.3
[town]3826[/town] 8797pts [player]*nissa*[/player] 518/516 24.1
[town]240[/town] 8834pts [player]joseweed[/player] 495/488 13.0
[town]51[/town] 8857pts [player]luiscg[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]1576[/town] 8874pts [player]Drakar[/player] 507/484 17.5
[town]106[/town] 8884pts [player]luiscg[/player] 488/511 16.3
[town]1336[/town] 9120pts [player]luiscg[/player] 491/519 21.0
[town]1813[/town] 9179pts [player]*nissa*[/player] 501/501 1.4
[town]195[/town] 9222pts [player]Kush el Gerrero[/player] 508/494 10.0
[town]722[/town] 9346pts [player]gulman[/player] 514/484 21.3
[town]1943[/town] 9376pts [player]joseweed[/player] 480/494 20.9
[town]25[/town] 9755pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]4130[/town] 9903pts [player]*nissa*[/player] 517/511 20.2
[town]584[/town] 10031pts [player]venus1109[/player] 512/523 25.9
[town]563[/town] 10162pts [player]david nash[/player] 512/523 25.9
[town]1282[/town] 10162pts [player]Drakar[/player] 483/526 31.1
[town]33[/town] 10217pts [player]luiscg[/player] 488/511 16.3
[town]931[/town] 10271pts [player]juan-mi[/player] 504/528 28.3
[town]15[/town] 10411pts [player]david nash[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]77[/town] 10432pts [player]david nash[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]1404[/town] 10521pts [player]david nash[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]1301[/town] 10621pts [player]david nash[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]4743[/town] 10776pts [player]david nash[/player] 505/520 20.6
[town]43[/town] 10805pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]1524[/town] 11031pts [player]xaviipegote[/player] 520/528 34.4
[town]23[/town] 11116pts [player]marmo496[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]26[/town] 11127pts [player]venus1109[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]7257[/town] 11173pts [player]STIUS.[/player] 520/520 28.3
[town]49[/town] 11355pts [player]cris007[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]5347[/town] 11365pts [player]GUACHIFEI[/player] 517/503 17.3
[town]610[/town] 11426pts [player]carlota6[/player] 512/523 25.9
[town]981[/town] 11540pts [player]juan-mi[/player] 520/520 28.3
[town]567[/town] 11549pts [player]MariusPercy[/player] 496/480 20.4
[town]1733[/town] 11636pts [player]xaviipegote[/player] 504/528 28.3
[town]184[/town] 11725pts [player]luiscg[/player] 491/519 21.0
[town]92[/town] 11876pts [player]bonjasky[/player] 503/512 12.4
[town]985[/town] 11890pts [player]Drako191[/player] 520/520 28.3
[town]284[/town] 12121pts [player]joseweed[/player] 480/509 21.9
[town]641[/town] 12452pts [player]juan-mi[/player] 520/517 26.2
[town]796[/town] 12715pts [player]ffdf[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]497[/town] 13046pts [player]joseweed[/player] 472/510 29.7
[town]72[/town] 13693pts [player]noumac[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]3457[/town] 13728pts [player]GUACHIFEI[/player] 517/503 17.3
[town]1057[/town] 13731pts [player]Alejov21[/player] 520/520 28.3
[town]16[/town] 13777pts [player]el gerrillero[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]1535[/town] 13918pts [player]MariusPercy[/player] 518/489 21.1
[town]719[/town] 14052pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 496/480 20.4
[town]1060[/town] 14059pts [player]carlota6[/player] 512/523 25.9
[town]629[/town] 14228pts [player]Jose Luis Valiño Castedo[/player] 520/520 28.3
[town]7426[/town] 14426pts [player]belalo[/player] 529/504 29.3
[town]1366[/town] 14445pts [player]Nessi[/player] 520/528 34.4
[town]91[/town] 15792pts [player]bonjasky[/player] 503/512 12.4
[town]87[/town] 16110pts [player]belalo[/player] 503/512 12.4
[town]3970[/town] 16165pts [player]belalo[/player] 519/513 23.0
[town]552[/town] 16662pts [player]Alejov21[/player] 519/513 23.0
[town]29[/town] 17688pts [player]el gerrillero[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]1605[/town] 6479pts [player]venus1109[/player] 518/516 24.1
[town]368[/town] 6733pts [player]luiscg[/player] 488/511 16.3
[town]1079[/town] 6758pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]1182[/town] 7366pts [player]venus1109[/player] 500/506 6.0
[town]2800[/town] 7665pts [player]belalo[/player] 514/502 14.1
[town]1113[/town] 7788pts [player]Drakar[/player] 524/478 32.6
[town]1022[/town] 7926pts [player]venus1109[/player] 500/506 6.0
[town]165[/town] 8044pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 503/512 12.4
[town]5452[/town] 8055pts [player]venus1109[/player] 505/520 20.6
[town]9[/town] 8446pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]5980[/town] 8507pts [player]*nissa*[/player] 500/506 6.0
[town]636[/town] 8538pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 504/481 19.4
[town]2836[/town] 8700pts [player]*nissa*[/player] 513/497 13.3
[town]107[/town] 8708pts [player]luiscg[/player] 488/511 16.3
[town]3826[/town] 8797pts [player]*nissa*[/player] 518/516 24.1
[town]240[/town] 8834pts [player]joseweed[/player] 495/488 13.0
[town]51[/town] 8857pts [player]luiscg[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]1576[/town] 8874pts [player]Drakar[/player] 507/484 17.5
[town]106[/town] 8884pts [player]luiscg[/player] 488/511 16.3
[town]1336[/town] 9120pts [player]luiscg[/player] 491/519 21.0
[town]1813[/town] 9179pts [player]*nissa*[/player] 501/501 1.4
[town]195[/town] 9222pts [player]Kush el Gerrero[/player] 508/494 10.0
[town]722[/town] 9346pts [player]gulman[/player] 514/484 21.3
[town]1943[/town] 9376pts [player]joseweed[/player] 480/494 20.9
[town]25[/town] 9755pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]4130[/town] 9903pts [player]*nissa*[/player] 517/511 20.2
[town]584[/town] 10031pts [player]venus1109[/player] 512/523 25.9
[town]563[/town] 10162pts [player]david nash[/player] 512/523 25.9
[town]1282[/town] 10162pts [player]Drakar[/player] 483/526 31.1
[town]33[/town] 10217pts [player]luiscg[/player] 488/511 16.3
[town]931[/town] 10271pts [player]juan-mi[/player] 504/528 28.3
[town]15[/town] 10411pts [player]david nash[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]77[/town] 10432pts [player]david nash[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]1404[/town] 10521pts [player]david nash[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]1301[/town] 10621pts [player]david nash[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]4743[/town] 10776pts [player]david nash[/player] 505/520 20.6
[town]43[/town] 10805pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]1524[/town] 11031pts [player]xaviipegote[/player] 520/528 34.4
[town]23[/town] 11116pts [player]marmo496[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]26[/town] 11127pts [player]venus1109[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]7257[/town] 11173pts [player]STIUS.[/player] 520/520 28.3
[town]49[/town] 11355pts [player]cris007[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]5347[/town] 11365pts [player]GUACHIFEI[/player] 517/503 17.3
[town]610[/town] 11426pts [player]carlota6[/player] 512/523 25.9
[town]981[/town] 11540pts [player]juan-mi[/player] 520/520 28.3
[town]567[/town] 11549pts [player]MariusPercy[/player] 496/480 20.4
[town]1733[/town] 11636pts [player]xaviipegote[/player] 504/528 28.3
[town]184[/town] 11725pts [player]luiscg[/player] 491/519 21.0
[town]92[/town] 11876pts [player]bonjasky[/player] 503/512 12.4
[town]985[/town] 11890pts [player]Drako191[/player] 520/520 28.3
[town]284[/town] 12121pts [player]joseweed[/player] 480/509 21.9
[town]641[/town] 12452pts [player]juan-mi[/player] 520/517 26.2
[town]796[/town] 12715pts [player]ffdf[/player] 514/526 29.5
[town]497[/town] 13046pts [player]joseweed[/player] 472/510 29.7
[town]72[/town] 13693pts [player]noumac[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]3457[/town] 13728pts [player]GUACHIFEI[/player] 517/503 17.3
[town]1057[/town] 13731pts [player]Alejov21[/player] 520/520 28.3
[town]16[/town] 13777pts [player]el gerrillero[/player] 500/508 8.0
[town]1535[/town] 13918pts [player]MariusPercy[/player] 518/489 21.1
[town]719[/town] 14052pts [player]Ladymer[/player] 496/480 20.4
[town]1060[/town] 14059pts [player]carlota6[/player] 512/523 25.9
[town]629[/town] 14228pts [player]Jose Luis Valiño Castedo[/player] 520/520 28.3
[town]7426[/town] 14426pts [player]belalo[/player] 529/504 29.3
[town]1366[/town] 14445pts [player]Nessi[/player] 520/528 34.4
[town]91[/town] 15792pts [player]bonjasky[/player] 503/512 12.4
[town]87[/town] 16110pts [player]belalo[/player] 503/512 12.4
[town]3970[/town] 16165pts [player]belalo[/player] 519/513 23.0
[town]552[/town] 16662pts [player]Alejov21[/player] 519/513 23.0
[town]29[/town] 17688pts [player]el gerrillero[/player] 500/508 8.0
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.