Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
8885 | KAFARY | ArxyGod | 520 | 473 | 5320 | 141531 | Alter Ego | 33.6 |
10741 | Фу олень | Абрул | 521 | 477 | 5476 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 31.1 |
3285 | город ATLANTA 5 | ATLANTA1969 | 526 | 517 | 5560 | 33518 | Одинокий Волк | 31.1 |
5823 | ионик | amx79 | 514 | 528 | 5788 | 134545 | Вангелис | 31.3 |
187 | simphs | 8lucky4 | 483 | 498 | 5917 | 35221 | Alter Ego | 17.1 |
3373 | 8lucky4-3 | 8lucky4 | 473 | 492 | 5962 | 35221 | Alter Ego | 28.2 |
10736 | И правда олень | Абрул | 521 | 477 | 6085 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 31.1 |
7738 | -=004=- | Tace | 507 | 482 | 6288 | 54409 | Ёжики | 19.3 |
7716 | -=006=- | Tace | 507 | 482 | 6386 | 54409 | Ёжики | 19.3 |
9666 | Троян | Olena1 | 527 | 474 | 6564 | 26684 | Вольные Казаки | 37.5 |
3685 | меди | amx79 | 514 | 528 | 6618 | 134545 | Вангелис | 31.3 |
5194 | архос | amx79 | 509 | 522 | 6641 | 134545 | Вангелис | 23.8 |
7715 | -=005=- | Tace | 507 | 482 | 6706 | 54409 | Ёжики | 19.3 |
7740 | -=008=- | Tace | 507 | 482 | 6725 | 54409 | Ёжики | 19.3 |
10739 | конченый олень | Абрул | 521 | 477 | 6936 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 31.1 |
10740 | олень | Абрул | 521 | 477 | 7047 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 31.1 |
7713 | -=001=- | Tace | 507 | 482 | 7138 | 54409 | Ёжики | 19.3 |
10742 | олень угомонись | Абрул | 521 | 477 | 7158 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 31.1 |
8854 | KALENAR4T | ArxyGod | 504 | 504 | 7197 | 141531 | Alter Ego | 5.7 |
10738 | Оленья рожа | Абрул | 521 | 477 | 7222 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 31.1 |
1250 | аттис | amx79 | 514 | 519 | 7264 | 134545 | Вангелис | 23.6 |
1805 | ланта | amx79 | 493 | 528 | 7267 | 134545 | Вангелис | 28.9 |
7666 | -=002=- | Tace | 507 | 482 | 7399 | 54409 | Ёжики | 19.3 |
2520 | город ws3 | Sidrik007 | 523 | 522 | 7692 | 49594 | Вольные Казаки | 31.8 |
10331 | оcлоклоун | Абрул | 516 | 474 | 8176 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 30.5 |
10339 | ослоклoyн | Абрул | 516 | 474 | 8216 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 30.5 |
10308 | oслоклоун | Абрул | 516 | 474 | 8256 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 30.5 |
10336 | ocлoклоун | Абрул | 516 | 474 | 8439 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 30.5 |
8296 | KALENAR1 | ArxyGod | 504 | 504 | 8690 | 141531 | Alter Ego | 5.7 |
2992 | Фабрика | MrIpkis | 481 | 489 | 8699 | 186600 | Alter Ego | 22.0 |
180 | 8lucky4 | 8lucky4 | 489 | 502 | 8789 | 35221 | Alter Ego | 11.2 |
7665 | -=003=- | Tace | 507 | 482 | 8883 | 54409 | Ёжики | 19.3 |
10324 | ослоклоун | Абрул | 516 | 474 | 9111 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 30.5 |
7114 | город Sidrik007 7 | Sidrik007 | 523 | 522 | 9121 | 49594 | Вольные Казаки | 31.8 |
8318 | KALENAR3 | ArxyGod | 504 | 504 | 9195 | 141531 | Alter Ego | 5.7 |
2387 | Студенки | MrIpkis | 473 | 492 | 9278 | 186600 | Alter Ego | 28.2 |
10316 | oслоклоyн | Абрул | 516 | 474 | 9432 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 30.5 |
10309 | ослоклoун | Абрул | 516 | 474 | 9516 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 30.5 |
10334 | ослoклoун | Абрул | 516 | 474 | 9620 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 30.5 |
4476 | 45. 2-0 | mu-fao | 471 | 512 | 9825 | 75247 | IMMORTALS | 31.4 |
5531 | 45 город BtXKiller | BtXKiller | 490 | 515 | 9848 | 48758 | =IMMORTALS= | 18.0 |
4819 | 45. 2-1 | mu-fao | 472 | 509 | 9895 | 75247 | IMMORTALS | 29.4 |
8317 | KALENAR2 | ArxyGod | 504 | 504 | 9944 | 141531 | Alter Ego | 5.7 |
4544 | город Kami | mu-fao | 473 | 515 | 10171 | 75247 | IMMORTALS | 30.9 |
7070 | KAFROPOLIS | ArxyGod | 504 | 471 | 10455 | 141531 | Alter Ego | 29.3 |
10321 | ocлоклоун | Абрул | 516 | 474 | 10459 | 149275 | IMMORTALS | 30.5 |
5199 | KAFinopolis | ArxyGod | 493 | 479 | 10697 | 141531 | Alter Ego | 22.1 |
5536 | 55 BtXKiller 2 | BtXKiller | 507 | 515 | 10899 | 48758 | =IMMORTALS= | 16.6 |
3942 | KALIOSTRO | ArxyGod | 480 | 472 | 11207 | 141531 | Alter Ego | 34.4 |
4896 | 44-LANUSIA | москвич 412 | 495 | 474 | 11364 | 159652 | Alter Ego | 26.5 |
2165 | 44 горд BtXKiller | BtXKiller | 481 | 489 | 17318 | 48758 | =IMMORTALS= | 22.0 |
Players list: ArxyGod; Абрул; ATLANTA1969; amx79; 8lucky4; Tace; Olena1; Sidrik007; MrIpkis; mu-fao; BtXKiller; москвич 412
[town]8885[/town] 5320pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 520/473 33.6
[town]10741[/town] 5476pts [player]Абрул[/player] 521/477 31.1
[town]3285[/town] 5560pts [player]ATLANTA1969[/player] 526/517 31.1
[town]5823[/town] 5788pts [player]amx79[/player] 514/528 31.3
[town]187[/town] 5917pts [player]8lucky4[/player] 483/498 17.1
[town]3373[/town] 5962pts [player]8lucky4[/player] 473/492 28.2
[town]10736[/town] 6085pts [player]Абрул[/player] 521/477 31.1
[town]7738[/town] 6288pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]7716[/town] 6386pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]9666[/town] 6564pts [player]Olena1[/player] 527/474 37.5
[town]3685[/town] 6618pts [player]amx79[/player] 514/528 31.3
[town]5194[/town] 6641pts [player]amx79[/player] 509/522 23.8
[town]7715[/town] 6706pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]7740[/town] 6725pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]10739[/town] 6936pts [player]Абрул[/player] 521/477 31.1
[town]10740[/town] 7047pts [player]Абрул[/player] 521/477 31.1
[town]7713[/town] 7138pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]10742[/town] 7158pts [player]Абрул[/player] 521/477 31.1
[town]8854[/town] 7197pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 504/504 5.7
[town]10738[/town] 7222pts [player]Абрул[/player] 521/477 31.1
[town]1250[/town] 7264pts [player]amx79[/player] 514/519 23.6
[town]1805[/town] 7267pts [player]amx79[/player] 493/528 28.9
[town]7666[/town] 7399pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]2520[/town] 7692pts [player]Sidrik007[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]10331[/town] 8176pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]10339[/town] 8216pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]10308[/town] 8256pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]10336[/town] 8439pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]8296[/town] 8690pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 504/504 5.7
[town]2992[/town] 8699pts [player]MrIpkis[/player] 481/489 22.0
[town]180[/town] 8789pts [player]8lucky4[/player] 489/502 11.2
[town]7665[/town] 8883pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]10324[/town] 9111pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]7114[/town] 9121pts [player]Sidrik007[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]8318[/town] 9195pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 504/504 5.7
[town]2387[/town] 9278pts [player]MrIpkis[/player] 473/492 28.2
[town]10316[/town] 9432pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]10309[/town] 9516pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]10334[/town] 9620pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]4476[/town] 9825pts [player]mu-fao[/player] 471/512 31.4
[town]5531[/town] 9848pts [player]BtXKiller[/player] 490/515 18.0
[town]4819[/town] 9895pts [player]mu-fao[/player] 472/509 29.4
[town]8317[/town] 9944pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 504/504 5.7
[town]4544[/town] 10171pts [player]mu-fao[/player] 473/515 30.9
[town]7070[/town] 10455pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 504/471 29.3
[town]10321[/town] 10459pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]5199[/town] 10697pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 493/479 22.1
[town]5536[/town] 10899pts [player]BtXKiller[/player] 507/515 16.6
[town]3942[/town] 11207pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 480/472 34.4
[town]4896[/town] 11364pts [player]москвич 412[/player] 495/474 26.5
[town]2165[/town] 17318pts [player]BtXKiller[/player] 481/489 22.0
[town]8885[/town] 5320pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 520/473 33.6
[town]10741[/town] 5476pts [player]Абрул[/player] 521/477 31.1
[town]3285[/town] 5560pts [player]ATLANTA1969[/player] 526/517 31.1
[town]5823[/town] 5788pts [player]amx79[/player] 514/528 31.3
[town]187[/town] 5917pts [player]8lucky4[/player] 483/498 17.1
[town]3373[/town] 5962pts [player]8lucky4[/player] 473/492 28.2
[town]10736[/town] 6085pts [player]Абрул[/player] 521/477 31.1
[town]7738[/town] 6288pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]7716[/town] 6386pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]9666[/town] 6564pts [player]Olena1[/player] 527/474 37.5
[town]3685[/town] 6618pts [player]amx79[/player] 514/528 31.3
[town]5194[/town] 6641pts [player]amx79[/player] 509/522 23.8
[town]7715[/town] 6706pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]7740[/town] 6725pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]10739[/town] 6936pts [player]Абрул[/player] 521/477 31.1
[town]10740[/town] 7047pts [player]Абрул[/player] 521/477 31.1
[town]7713[/town] 7138pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]10742[/town] 7158pts [player]Абрул[/player] 521/477 31.1
[town]8854[/town] 7197pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 504/504 5.7
[town]10738[/town] 7222pts [player]Абрул[/player] 521/477 31.1
[town]1250[/town] 7264pts [player]amx79[/player] 514/519 23.6
[town]1805[/town] 7267pts [player]amx79[/player] 493/528 28.9
[town]7666[/town] 7399pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]2520[/town] 7692pts [player]Sidrik007[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]10331[/town] 8176pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]10339[/town] 8216pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]10308[/town] 8256pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]10336[/town] 8439pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]8296[/town] 8690pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 504/504 5.7
[town]2992[/town] 8699pts [player]MrIpkis[/player] 481/489 22.0
[town]180[/town] 8789pts [player]8lucky4[/player] 489/502 11.2
[town]7665[/town] 8883pts [player]Tace[/player] 507/482 19.3
[town]10324[/town] 9111pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]7114[/town] 9121pts [player]Sidrik007[/player] 523/522 31.8
[town]8318[/town] 9195pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 504/504 5.7
[town]2387[/town] 9278pts [player]MrIpkis[/player] 473/492 28.2
[town]10316[/town] 9432pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]10309[/town] 9516pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]10334[/town] 9620pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]4476[/town] 9825pts [player]mu-fao[/player] 471/512 31.4
[town]5531[/town] 9848pts [player]BtXKiller[/player] 490/515 18.0
[town]4819[/town] 9895pts [player]mu-fao[/player] 472/509 29.4
[town]8317[/town] 9944pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 504/504 5.7
[town]4544[/town] 10171pts [player]mu-fao[/player] 473/515 30.9
[town]7070[/town] 10455pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 504/471 29.3
[town]10321[/town] 10459pts [player]Абрул[/player] 516/474 30.5
[town]5199[/town] 10697pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 493/479 22.1
[town]5536[/town] 10899pts [player]BtXKiller[/player] 507/515 16.6
[town]3942[/town] 11207pts [player]ArxyGod[/player] 480/472 34.4
[town]4896[/town] 11364pts [player]москвич 412[/player] 495/474 26.5
[town]2165[/town] 17318pts [player]BtXKiller[/player] 481/489 22.0
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.