Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
2683 | Delta 1 | Lazy59690 | 519 | 496 | 5149 | 129497 | Délos | 19.4 |
5221 | K3 Ville de Toulousa | Toulousanglais | 477 | 492 | 5703 | 5703 | --- | 24.4 |
21067 | Ville de jioo41 7 | jioo41 | 512 | 496 | 5760 | 81380 | Rose Rouge | 12.6 |
12921 | GOLD 1 | Clems49 | 501 | 499 | 6340 | 105981 | Atlantide II | 1.4 |
3802 | Ville de Kwatteam 3 | Kwateam | 490 | 527 | 6443 | 40643 | --- | 28.8 |
1328 | 44-02 Nonnn | Bountyyer | 484 | 481 | 6631 | 11377 | --- | 24.8 |
6870 | kristo59 | louphoque59 | 474 | 483 | 6738 | 33406 | trol | 31.1 |
12885 | 44-01 CLI | Christos75017 | 498 | 496 | 6903 | 114591 | Viking army | 4.5 |
19721 | Cité 7 | Lazy59690 | 526 | 494 | 7217 | 129497 | Délos | 26.7 |
3340 | ANTO 9 | Rymskyy | 473 | 477 | 7343 | 108545 | --- | 35.5 |
1967 | Forteresse | Rymskyy | 473 | 477 | 8786 | 108545 | --- | 35.5 |
3692 | Briga 05 | blacy | 504 | 485 | 9124 | 95722 | Délos | 15.5 |
17725 | Ville de jioo41 5 | jioo41 | 498 | 496 | 9167 | 81380 | Rose Rouge | 4.5 |
4223 | Briga 03 | blacy | 513 | 489 | 9205 | 95722 | Délos | 17.0 |
5488 | Kyste5 | Christos75017 | 491 | 478 | 9234 | 114591 | Viking army | 23.8 |
17793 | Ville de jioo41 6 | jioo41 | 498 | 496 | 9450 | 81380 | Rose Rouge | 4.5 |
9550 | Briga 06 | blacy | 502 | 506 | 9500 | 95722 | Délos | 6.3 |
5582 | Mordor | jioo41 | 498 | 496 | 9874 | 81380 | Rose Rouge | 4.5 |
21672 | Briga | blacy | 504 | 485 | 10042 | 95722 | Délos | 15.5 |
4705 | 7 Cailloux | Rymskyy | 521 | 509 | 10466 | 108545 | --- | 22.8 |
1948 | 44 .2 | c.l.k | 473 | 477 | 10471 | 131313 | VIKINGS | 35.5 |
4489 | Enretard | Clems49 | 512 | 480 | 10475 | 105981 | Atlantide II | 23.3 |
6192 | Ville de jioo41 2 | jioo41 | 512 | 496 | 10781 | 81380 | Rose Rouge | 12.6 |
4923 | Gouz D'ail | GRIUM | 497 | 528 | 10831 | 25823 | Que Du Bleu | 28.2 |
12403 | Ville de jioo41 4 | jioo41 | 498 | 496 | 11005 | 81380 | Rose Rouge | 4.5 |
11172 | Ville de jioo41 3 | jioo41 | 498 | 496 | 11014 | 81380 | Rose Rouge | 4.5 |
4527 | 3 Cailloux | Rymskyy | 521 | 509 | 11048 | 108545 | --- | 22.8 |
4985 | 9 Cailloux qui colo | Rymskyy | 521 | 509 | 11117 | 108545 | --- | 22.8 |
5385 | 55 Cailloux.1 | c.l.k | 521 | 509 | 11998 | 131313 | VIKINGS | 22.8 |
4752 | 8 Cailloux | Rymskyy | 521 | 509 | 12083 | 108545 | --- | 22.8 |
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4697 | 6 Cailloux | Rymskyy | 521 | 509 | 12146 | 108545 | --- | 22.8 |
4451 | Ville de jioo41 | jioo41 | 498 | 496 | 12408 | 81380 | Rose Rouge | 4.5 |
20276 | Kyste4 | Christos75017 | 491 | 478 | 12453 | 114591 | Viking army | 23.8 |
2408 | Paix 07 | rog77 | 490 | 527 | 13137 | 120185 | forgé par les gitans | 28.8 |
8021 | 02 - Beer-Lambert | dam-le-conquérant | 524 | 480 | 13165 | 101703 | Atlantide II | 31.2 |
1936 | Briga 01 | blacy | 504 | 485 | 13216 | 95722 | Délos | 15.5 |
5526 | Kyste1 | Christos75017 | 488 | 485 | 13316 | 114591 | Viking army | 19.2 |
4581 | 4 Cailloux | Rymskyy | 521 | 509 | 13348 | 108545 | --- | 22.8 |
3414 | Briga 04 | blacy | 499 | 508 | 13451 | 95722 | Délos | 8.1 |
13164 | 001 | tartiflu | 491 | 483 | 13471 | 31620 | La 44 | 19.2 |
20981 | 55101 Mexol | Sparta44 | 514 | 511 | 13547 | 144921 | Atlantide II | 17.8 |
4682 | 5 Cailloux | Rymskyy | 521 | 509 | 13610 | 108545 | --- | 22.8 |
11491 | Manchester city | Thanos7 | 503 | 510 | 13642 | 16209 | Les Rohirrim | 10.4 |
2536 | 05 Abysses | thibzeboss 2 | 522 | 517 | 13671 | 13671 | --- | 27.8 |
4050 | GOLD 3 | Christos75017 | 487 | 496 | 13750 | 114591 | Viking army | 13.6 |
11526 | Kyste3 | Christos75017 | 488 | 485 | 13762 | 114591 | Viking army | 19.2 |
5538 | Kyste2 | Christos75017 | 491 | 478 | 14084 | 114591 | Viking army | 23.8 |
4306 | 55 Cailloux | c.l.k | 521 | 509 | 15039 | 131313 | VIKINGS | 22.8 |
7519 | 01 - Archimède | dam-le-conquérant | 527 | 481 | 15837 | 101703 | Atlantide II | 33.0 |
5833 | 000 | tartiflu | 491 | 483 | 16107 | 31620 | La 44 | 19.2 |
13521 | Cité 4 | Lazy59690 | 510 | 493 | 17600 | 129497 | Délos | 12.2 |
5013 | Cité 1 | Lazy59690 | 516 | 493 | 17786 | 129497 | Délos | 17.5 |
12329 | Cité 2 | Lazy59690 | 512 | 496 | 17786 | 129497 | Délos | 12.6 |
12832 | Cité 3 | Lazy59690 | 511 | 491 | 17786 | 129497 | Délos | 14.2 |
14000 | Cité 5 | Lazy59690 | 505 | 492 | 17786 | 129497 | Délos | 9.4 |
15445 | Cité 6 | Lazy59690 | 506 | 489 | 17786 | 129497 | Délos | 12.5 |
Players list: Lazy59690; Toulousanglais; jioo41; Clems49; Kwateam; Bountyyer; louphoque59; Christos75017; Rymskyy; blacy; c.l.k; GRIUM; rog77; dam-le-conquérant; tartiflu; Sparta44; Thanos7; thibzeboss 2
[town]2683[/town] 5149pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 519/496 19.4
[town]5221[/town] 5703pts [player]Toulousanglais[/player] 477/492 24.4
[town]21067[/town] 5760pts [player]jioo41[/player] 512/496 12.6
[town]12921[/town] 6340pts [player]Clems49[/player] 501/499 1.4
[town]3802[/town] 6443pts [player]Kwateam[/player] 490/527 28.8
[town]1328[/town] 6631pts [player]Bountyyer[/player] 484/481 24.8
[town]6870[/town] 6738pts [player]louphoque59[/player] 474/483 31.1
[town]12885[/town] 6903pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]19721[/town] 7217pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 526/494 26.7
[town]3340[/town] 7343pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 473/477 35.5
[town]1967[/town] 8786pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 473/477 35.5
[town]3692[/town] 9124pts [player]blacy[/player] 504/485 15.5
[town]17725[/town] 9167pts [player]jioo41[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]4223[/town] 9205pts [player]blacy[/player] 513/489 17.0
[town]5488[/town] 9234pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 491/478 23.8
[town]17793[/town] 9450pts [player]jioo41[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]9550[/town] 9500pts [player]blacy[/player] 502/506 6.3
[town]5582[/town] 9874pts [player]jioo41[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]21672[/town] 10042pts [player]blacy[/player] 504/485 15.5
[town]4705[/town] 10466pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]1948[/town] 10471pts [player]c.l.k[/player] 473/477 35.5
[town]4489[/town] 10475pts [player]Clems49[/player] 512/480 23.3
[town]6192[/town] 10781pts [player]jioo41[/player] 512/496 12.6
[town]4923[/town] 10831pts [player]GRIUM[/player] 497/528 28.2
[town]12403[/town] 11005pts [player]jioo41[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]11172[/town] 11014pts [player]jioo41[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]4527[/town] 11048pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]4985[/town] 11117pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]5385[/town] 11998pts [player]c.l.k[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]4752[/town] 12083pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]4697[/town] 12146pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]4451[/town] 12408pts [player]jioo41[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]20276[/town] 12453pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 491/478 23.8
[town]2408[/town] 13137pts [player]rog77[/player] 490/527 28.8
[town]8021[/town] 13165pts [player]dam-le-conquérant[/player] 524/480 31.2
[town]1936[/town] 13216pts [player]blacy[/player] 504/485 15.5
[town]5526[/town] 13316pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 488/485 19.2
[town]4581[/town] 13348pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]3414[/town] 13451pts [player]blacy[/player] 499/508 8.1
[town]13164[/town] 13471pts [player]tartiflu[/player] 491/483 19.2
[town]20981[/town] 13547pts [player]Sparta44[/player] 514/511 17.8
[town]4682[/town] 13610pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]11491[/town] 13642pts [player]Thanos7[/player] 503/510 10.4
[town]2536[/town] 13671pts [player]thibzeboss 2[/player] 522/517 27.8
[town]4050[/town] 13750pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 487/496 13.6
[town]11526[/town] 13762pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 488/485 19.2
[town]5538[/town] 14084pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 491/478 23.8
[town]4306[/town] 15039pts [player]c.l.k[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]7519[/town] 15837pts [player]dam-le-conquérant[/player] 527/481 33.0
[town]5833[/town] 16107pts [player]tartiflu[/player] 491/483 19.2
[town]13521[/town] 17600pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 510/493 12.2
[town]5013[/town] 17786pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 516/493 17.5
[town]12329[/town] 17786pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 512/496 12.6
[town]12832[/town] 17786pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 511/491 14.2
[town]14000[/town] 17786pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 505/492 9.4
[town]15445[/town] 17786pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 506/489 12.5
[town]2683[/town] 5149pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 519/496 19.4
[town]5221[/town] 5703pts [player]Toulousanglais[/player] 477/492 24.4
[town]21067[/town] 5760pts [player]jioo41[/player] 512/496 12.6
[town]12921[/town] 6340pts [player]Clems49[/player] 501/499 1.4
[town]3802[/town] 6443pts [player]Kwateam[/player] 490/527 28.8
[town]1328[/town] 6631pts [player]Bountyyer[/player] 484/481 24.8
[town]6870[/town] 6738pts [player]louphoque59[/player] 474/483 31.1
[town]12885[/town] 6903pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]19721[/town] 7217pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 526/494 26.7
[town]3340[/town] 7343pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 473/477 35.5
[town]1967[/town] 8786pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 473/477 35.5
[town]3692[/town] 9124pts [player]blacy[/player] 504/485 15.5
[town]17725[/town] 9167pts [player]jioo41[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]4223[/town] 9205pts [player]blacy[/player] 513/489 17.0
[town]5488[/town] 9234pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 491/478 23.8
[town]17793[/town] 9450pts [player]jioo41[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]9550[/town] 9500pts [player]blacy[/player] 502/506 6.3
[town]5582[/town] 9874pts [player]jioo41[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]21672[/town] 10042pts [player]blacy[/player] 504/485 15.5
[town]4705[/town] 10466pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]1948[/town] 10471pts [player]c.l.k[/player] 473/477 35.5
[town]4489[/town] 10475pts [player]Clems49[/player] 512/480 23.3
[town]6192[/town] 10781pts [player]jioo41[/player] 512/496 12.6
[town]4923[/town] 10831pts [player]GRIUM[/player] 497/528 28.2
[town]12403[/town] 11005pts [player]jioo41[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]11172[/town] 11014pts [player]jioo41[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]4527[/town] 11048pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]4985[/town] 11117pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]5385[/town] 11998pts [player]c.l.k[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]4752[/town] 12083pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]4697[/town] 12146pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]4451[/town] 12408pts [player]jioo41[/player] 498/496 4.5
[town]20276[/town] 12453pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 491/478 23.8
[town]2408[/town] 13137pts [player]rog77[/player] 490/527 28.8
[town]8021[/town] 13165pts [player]dam-le-conquérant[/player] 524/480 31.2
[town]1936[/town] 13216pts [player]blacy[/player] 504/485 15.5
[town]5526[/town] 13316pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 488/485 19.2
[town]4581[/town] 13348pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]3414[/town] 13451pts [player]blacy[/player] 499/508 8.1
[town]13164[/town] 13471pts [player]tartiflu[/player] 491/483 19.2
[town]20981[/town] 13547pts [player]Sparta44[/player] 514/511 17.8
[town]4682[/town] 13610pts [player]Rymskyy[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]11491[/town] 13642pts [player]Thanos7[/player] 503/510 10.4
[town]2536[/town] 13671pts [player]thibzeboss 2[/player] 522/517 27.8
[town]4050[/town] 13750pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 487/496 13.6
[town]11526[/town] 13762pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 488/485 19.2
[town]5538[/town] 14084pts [player]Christos75017[/player] 491/478 23.8
[town]4306[/town] 15039pts [player]c.l.k[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]7519[/town] 15837pts [player]dam-le-conquérant[/player] 527/481 33.0
[town]5833[/town] 16107pts [player]tartiflu[/player] 491/483 19.2
[town]13521[/town] 17600pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 510/493 12.2
[town]5013[/town] 17786pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 516/493 17.5
[town]12329[/town] 17786pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 512/496 12.6
[town]12832[/town] 17786pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 511/491 14.2
[town]14000[/town] 17786pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 505/492 9.4
[town]15445[/town] 17786pts [player]Lazy59690[/player] 506/489 12.5
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.