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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
3515Delta 2 attacked playerClems495114915836126087Atlantide II14.2
47057 CaillouxGRIUM5215096265114745Olympia22.8
5221K3 Ville de Toulousa only one grepolis town attacked playerToulousanglais47749267296729---24.4
3340ANTO 9GRIUM4734776771114745Olympia35.5
47528 CaillouxGRIUM5215097571114745Olympia22.8
12921GOLD 1 attacked playerClems495014998706126087Atlantide II1.4
4923Gouz D'ailGRIUM49752811049114745Olympia28.2
4489Enretard attacked playerClems4951248011586126087Atlantide II23.3
802102 - Beer-Lambert attacked playerdam-le-conquérant5244801359539722---31.2
4525Ville de Crackopvalentind125215091415223228COMMENT CA22.8
253605 Abysses only one grepolis town attacked playerthibzeboss 25225171498814988---27.8
751901 - Archimède attacked playerdam-le-conquérant5274811610439722---33.0

Players list: Clems49; GRIUM; Toulousanglais; louphoque59; dam-le-conquérant; valentind12; thibzeboss 2
[town]3515[/town] 5836pts [player]Clems49[/player] 511/491 14.2
[town]4705[/town] 6265pts [player]GRIUM[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]5221[/town] 6729pts [player]Toulousanglais[/player] 477/492 24.4
[town]3340[/town] 6771pts [player]GRIUM[/player] 473/477 35.5
[town]6870[/town] 6784pts [player]louphoque59[/player] 474/483 31.1
[town]4752[/town] 7571pts [player]GRIUM[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]12921[/town] 8706pts [player]Clems49[/player] 501/499 1.4
[town]4923[/town] 11049pts [player]GRIUM[/player] 497/528 28.2
[town]4489[/town] 11586pts [player]Clems49[/player] 512/480 23.3
[town]8021[/town] 13595pts [player]dam-le-conquérant[/player] 524/480 31.2
[town]4525[/town] 14152pts [player]valentind12[/player] 521/509 22.8
[town]2536[/town] 14988pts [player]thibzeboss 2[/player] 522/517 27.8
[town]7519[/town] 16104pts [player]dam-le-conquérant[/player] 527/481 33.0

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.