Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
1393 | ETA 1 | DALMAND | 497 | 500 | 5142 | 115823 | A N A T O L I A | 3.0 |
1332 | Memati71 adlı oyun. şehri 2 | Memati71 | 494 | 506 | 5923 | 22565 | A N A T O L I A | 8.5 |
739 | 07 ANTALYA | Tchüseyin | 481 | 506 | 6487 | 21358 | Otobotlar | 19.9 |
1162 | 0MaLi0 adlı oyun. şehri | demiroz | 497 | 509 | 6644 | 64541 | bozkurtlar | 9.5 |
913 | Heraklion | Lahmacum | 484 | 511 | 6916 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 19.4 |
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1273 | Memati71 adlı oyun. şehri | Memati71 | 497 | 509 | 7198 | 22565 | A N A T O L I A | 9.5 |
634 | TESTO | Turkishhalal | 494 | 521 | 7795 | 125895 | Los Rumanos | 21.8 |
695 | Tebas | Lahmacum | 502 | 529 | 8497 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 29.1 |
615 | Tesalonica | Lahmacum | 494 | 521 | 8509 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 21.8 |
819 | ERiL DiL | pltnr | 501 | 480 | 8579 | 107280 | A N A T O L I A | 20.0 |
1481 | ANTALYA | DELIORMANLI | 524 | 490 | 8717 | 179598 | KÖR ADAMIN GÖRDÜKLERI | 26.0 |
90 | Esparta | Lahmacum | 502 | 506 | 8972 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 6.3 |
641 | REDEEMER | Turkishhalal | 494 | 506 | 8976 | 125895 | Los Rumanos | 8.5 |
906 | Çiskek | pltnr | 519 | 480 | 9007 | 107280 | A N A T O L I A | 27.6 |
48 | Gelgelelim | pltnr | 497 | 500 | 9069 | 107280 | A N A T O L I A | 3.0 |
311 | Corinto | Lahmacum | 495 | 513 | 9078 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 13.9 |
332 | CASTILLA | Turkishhalal | 520 | 497 | 9115 | 125895 | Los Rumanos | 20.2 |
1118 | KAYINÇO | pltnr | 504 | 495 | 9157 | 107280 | A N A T O L I A | 6.4 |
532 | Soğan Halkası | pltnr | 520 | 497 | 9350 | 107280 | A N A T O L I A | 20.2 |
1518 | demiroz-6 | demiroz | 495 | 513 | 9357 | 64541 | bozkurtlar | 13.9 |
1410 | Yeni Semizotu | pltnr | 510 | 488 | 9368 | 107280 | A N A T O L I A | 15.6 |
1119 | Garanti | pltnr | 524 | 490 | 9783 | 107280 | A N A T O L I A | 26.0 |
1131 | SEYFULLAH EFE | pltnr | 520 | 486 | 9816 | 107280 | A N A T O L I A | 24.4 |
1134 | Itaca | Lahmacum | 482 | 491 | 9872 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 20.1 |
211 | Atenas | Lahmacum | 504 | 518 | 9912 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 18.4 |
302 | BCAA | Turkishhalal | 495 | 513 | 10063 | 125895 | Los Rumanos | 13.9 |
723 | Larissa | Lahmacum | 501 | 480 | 10193 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 20.0 |
450 | Mykonos | Lahmacum | 497 | 509 | 10630 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 9.5 |
316 | FAILURE | Turkishhalal | 474 | 488 | 11415 | 125895 | Los Rumanos | 28.6 |
85 | FUENGIROLA | Turkishhalal | 497 | 500 | 11429 | 125895 | Los Rumanos | 3.0 |
286 | Siracusa | Lahmacum | 474 | 488 | 11689 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 28.6 |
1503 | demiroz-1 | demiroz | 495 | 513 | 11823 | 64541 | bozkurtlar | 13.9 |
907 | Tell-03 | Darkside | 494 | 506 | 12015 | 48659 | A N A T O L I A | 8.5 |
82 | ZETA 1 | DALMAND | 504 | 495 | 12131 | 115823 | A N A T O L I A | 6.4 |
353 | Macedonia | Lahmacum | 474 | 488 | 12824 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 28.6 |
186 | Micenas | Lahmacum | 504 | 518 | 13034 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 18.4 |
774 | Argos | Lahmacum | 474 | 488 | 14089 | 140258 | Los Rumanos | 28.6 |
1189 | BELLIS | DALMAND | 510 | 488 | 14533 | 115823 | A N A T O L I A | 15.6 |
648 | Tell-02 | Darkside | 494 | 506 | 14672 | 48659 | A N A T O L I A | 8.5 |
227 | MORNING STAR | Turkishhalal | 503 | 501 | 14684 | 125895 | Los Rumanos | 3.2 |
1022 | DEESE | Turkishhalal | 501 | 480 | 15078 | 125895 | Los Rumanos | 20.0 |
461 | DALMAND 1 | Turkishhalal | 474 | 488 | 15695 | 125895 | Los Rumanos | 28.6 |
1078 | ZETRAS | DALMAND | 504 | 487 | 15721 | 115823 | A N A T O L I A | 13.6 |
722 | Korintus | Turkishhalal | 501 | 480 | 16761 | 125895 | Los Rumanos | 20.0 |
43 | ZETA | DALMAND | 504 | 495 | 17786 | 115823 | A N A T O L I A | 6.4 |
470 | Khaltron 7 | Khaltron | 524 | 490 | 17786 | 166531 | A N A T O L I A | 26.0 |
1369 | Khaltron 6 | Khaltron | 504 | 487 | 17786 | 166531 | A N A T O L I A | 13.6 |
Players list: DALMAND; Memati71; Tchüseyin; demiroz; Lahmacum; Turkishhalal; pltnr; DELIORMANLI; Darkside; Khaltron
[town]1393[/town] 5142pts [player]DALMAND[/player] 497/500 3.0
[town]1332[/town] 5923pts [player]Memati71[/player] 494/506 8.5
[town]739[/town] 6487pts [player]Tchüseyin[/player] 481/506 19.9
[town]1162[/town] 6644pts [player]demiroz[/player] 497/509 9.5
[town]913[/town] 6916pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]1273[/town] 7198pts [player]Memati71[/player] 497/509 9.5
[town]634[/town] 7795pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 494/521 21.8
[town]695[/town] 8497pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 502/529 29.1
[town]615[/town] 8509pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 494/521 21.8
[town]819[/town] 8579pts [player]pltnr[/player] 501/480 20.0
[town]1481[/town] 8717pts [player]DELIORMANLI[/player] 524/490 26.0
[town]90[/town] 8972pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 502/506 6.3
[town]641[/town] 8976pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 494/506 8.5
[town]906[/town] 9007pts [player]pltnr[/player] 519/480 27.6
[town]48[/town] 9069pts [player]pltnr[/player] 497/500 3.0
[town]311[/town] 9078pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 495/513 13.9
[town]332[/town] 9115pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 520/497 20.2
[town]1118[/town] 9157pts [player]pltnr[/player] 504/495 6.4
[town]532[/town] 9350pts [player]pltnr[/player] 520/497 20.2
[town]1518[/town] 9357pts [player]demiroz[/player] 495/513 13.9
[town]1410[/town] 9368pts [player]pltnr[/player] 510/488 15.6
[town]1119[/town] 9783pts [player]pltnr[/player] 524/490 26.0
[town]1131[/town] 9816pts [player]pltnr[/player] 520/486 24.4
[town]1134[/town] 9872pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 482/491 20.1
[town]211[/town] 9912pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 504/518 18.4
[town]302[/town] 10063pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 495/513 13.9
[town]723[/town] 10193pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 501/480 20.0
[town]450[/town] 10630pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 497/509 9.5
[town]316[/town] 11415pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 474/488 28.6
[town]85[/town] 11429pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 497/500 3.0
[town]286[/town] 11689pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 474/488 28.6
[town]1503[/town] 11823pts [player]demiroz[/player] 495/513 13.9
[town]907[/town] 12015pts [player]Darkside[/player] 494/506 8.5
[town]82[/town] 12131pts [player]DALMAND[/player] 504/495 6.4
[town]353[/town] 12824pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 474/488 28.6
[town]186[/town] 13034pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 504/518 18.4
[town]774[/town] 14089pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 474/488 28.6
[town]1189[/town] 14533pts [player]DALMAND[/player] 510/488 15.6
[town]648[/town] 14672pts [player]Darkside[/player] 494/506 8.5
[town]227[/town] 14684pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 503/501 3.2
[town]1022[/town] 15078pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 501/480 20.0
[town]461[/town] 15695pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 474/488 28.6
[town]1078[/town] 15721pts [player]DALMAND[/player] 504/487 13.6
[town]722[/town] 16761pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 501/480 20.0
[town]43[/town] 17786pts [player]DALMAND[/player] 504/495 6.4
[town]470[/town] 17786pts [player]Khaltron[/player] 524/490 26.0
[town]1369[/town] 17786pts [player]Khaltron[/player] 504/487 13.6
[town]1393[/town] 5142pts [player]DALMAND[/player] 497/500 3.0
[town]1332[/town] 5923pts [player]Memati71[/player] 494/506 8.5
[town]739[/town] 6487pts [player]Tchüseyin[/player] 481/506 19.9
[town]1162[/town] 6644pts [player]demiroz[/player] 497/509 9.5
[town]913[/town] 6916pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 484/511 19.4
[town]1273[/town] 7198pts [player]Memati71[/player] 497/509 9.5
[town]634[/town] 7795pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 494/521 21.8
[town]695[/town] 8497pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 502/529 29.1
[town]615[/town] 8509pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 494/521 21.8
[town]819[/town] 8579pts [player]pltnr[/player] 501/480 20.0
[town]1481[/town] 8717pts [player]DELIORMANLI[/player] 524/490 26.0
[town]90[/town] 8972pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 502/506 6.3
[town]641[/town] 8976pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 494/506 8.5
[town]906[/town] 9007pts [player]pltnr[/player] 519/480 27.6
[town]48[/town] 9069pts [player]pltnr[/player] 497/500 3.0
[town]311[/town] 9078pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 495/513 13.9
[town]332[/town] 9115pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 520/497 20.2
[town]1118[/town] 9157pts [player]pltnr[/player] 504/495 6.4
[town]532[/town] 9350pts [player]pltnr[/player] 520/497 20.2
[town]1518[/town] 9357pts [player]demiroz[/player] 495/513 13.9
[town]1410[/town] 9368pts [player]pltnr[/player] 510/488 15.6
[town]1119[/town] 9783pts [player]pltnr[/player] 524/490 26.0
[town]1131[/town] 9816pts [player]pltnr[/player] 520/486 24.4
[town]1134[/town] 9872pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 482/491 20.1
[town]211[/town] 9912pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 504/518 18.4
[town]302[/town] 10063pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 495/513 13.9
[town]723[/town] 10193pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 501/480 20.0
[town]450[/town] 10630pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 497/509 9.5
[town]316[/town] 11415pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 474/488 28.6
[town]85[/town] 11429pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 497/500 3.0
[town]286[/town] 11689pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 474/488 28.6
[town]1503[/town] 11823pts [player]demiroz[/player] 495/513 13.9
[town]907[/town] 12015pts [player]Darkside[/player] 494/506 8.5
[town]82[/town] 12131pts [player]DALMAND[/player] 504/495 6.4
[town]353[/town] 12824pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 474/488 28.6
[town]186[/town] 13034pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 504/518 18.4
[town]774[/town] 14089pts [player]Lahmacum[/player] 474/488 28.6
[town]1189[/town] 14533pts [player]DALMAND[/player] 510/488 15.6
[town]648[/town] 14672pts [player]Darkside[/player] 494/506 8.5
[town]227[/town] 14684pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 503/501 3.2
[town]1022[/town] 15078pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 501/480 20.0
[town]461[/town] 15695pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 474/488 28.6
[town]1078[/town] 15721pts [player]DALMAND[/player] 504/487 13.6
[town]722[/town] 16761pts [player]Turkishhalal[/player] 501/480 20.0
[town]43[/town] 17786pts [player]DALMAND[/player] 504/495 6.4
[town]470[/town] 17786pts [player]Khaltron[/player] 524/490 26.0
[town]1369[/town] 17786pts [player]Khaltron[/player] 504/487 13.6
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.