Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
2952 | Trucker50's city 4 | Trucker50 | 495 | 471 | 5145 | 34409 | zzzzz | 29.4 |
3132 | Diamonds | Cat girl | 471 | 488 | 5392 | 159649 | The Kiddie Pool | 31.4 |
1610 | 55.002C | mattias | 508 | 500 | 5667 | 179662 | The Kiddie Pool | 8.0 |
1233 | 54Margarettaville | biggrub | 517 | 487 | 6031 | 129947 | The Kiddie Pool | 21.4 |
1716 | 55Wallabadah | biggrub | 508 | 500 | 6938 | 129947 | The Kiddie Pool | 8.0 |
2631 | Alpha | awalk the greek | 486 | 509 | 7004 | 157172 | The Kiddie Pool | 16.6 |
1821 | 44DavyCrocket | biggrub | 480 | 491 | 7286 | 129947 | The Kiddie Pool | 21.9 |
1754 | Doge Coin | mattias | 493 | 525 | 8120 | 179662 | The Kiddie Pool | 26.0 |
1168 | 54pizzaville | biggrub | 520 | 497 | 8240 | 129947 | The Kiddie Pool | 20.2 |
1245 | 44Tombstone | biggrub | 473 | 474 | 8721 | 129947 | The Kiddie Pool | 37.5 |
1690 | 54 Pork Chop | tjslick | 502 | 489 | 9633 | 106623 | The Kiddie Pool | 11.2 |
85 | 54 Pork Loin | tjslick | 528 | 489 | 9794 | 106623 | The Kiddie Pool | 30.1 |
2764 | 4503 Citrine | MackData | 498 | 528 | 9855 | 78647 | The Kiddie Pool | 28.1 |
2467 | Legend's Keep | Jube the Fierce | 525 | 523 | 9911 | 192138 | The Kiddie Pool | 34.0 |
101 | 54.002C | mattias | 528 | 489 | 10599 | 179662 | The Kiddie Pool | 30.1 |
2241 | where is warbon? | Monkey D Luffy | 502 | 489 | 10703 | 110632 | The Kiddie Pool | 11.2 |
1692 | Golden Nugget | Jube the Fierce | 491 | 525 | 10713 | 192138 | The Kiddie Pool | 26.6 |
1999 | Kairos Lion | Jube the Fierce | 479 | 515 | 10718 | 192138 | The Kiddie Pool | 25.8 |
1901 | 55.001C | mattias | 527 | 508 | 10758 | 179662 | The Kiddie Pool | 28.2 |
2000 | goofy | Cat girl | 480 | 491 | 11145 | 159649 | The Kiddie Pool | 21.9 |
2654 | Scruff022 | Scruff Dankler | 471 | 488 | 11843 | 29181 | The Kiddie Pool | 31.4 |
1751 | Shiner Blonde | Jube the Fierce | 490 | 529 | 11860 | 192138 | The Kiddie Pool | 30.7 |
1 | 54.004C | mattias | 526 | 493 | 11909 | 179662 | The Kiddie Pool | 26.9 |
1586 | Kairos Lamb | Jube the Fierce | 479 | 515 | 12050 | 192138 | The Kiddie Pool | 25.8 |
1312 | melon | Cat girl | 488 | 504 | 12059 | 159649 | The Kiddie Pool | 12.6 |
236 | Scruff007 | Scruff Dankler | 514 | 519 | 12175 | 29181 | The Kiddie Pool | 23.6 |
1906 | U.S.A.F. | Jube the Fierce | 508 | 529 | 12189 | 192138 | The Kiddie Pool | 30.1 |
2936 | 4504 Fluorite | MackData | 479 | 528 | 12563 | 78647 | The Kiddie Pool | 35.0 |
1593 | Shiner Bock | Jube the Fierce | 490 | 529 | 12790 | 192138 | The Kiddie Pool | 30.7 |
218 | 55 Fallingwater | biggrub | 525 | 502 | 12791 | 129947 | The Kiddie Pool | 25.1 |
889 | ToughScruff | Jube the Fierce | 498 | 528 | 12836 | 192138 | The Kiddie Pool | 28.1 |
2683 | 4502 Beryl | MackData | 490 | 529 | 13084 | 78647 | The Kiddie Pool | 30.7 |
110 | Amsterdam | mattias | 492 | 495 | 13201 | 179662 | The Kiddie Pool | 9.4 |
565 | Day 010 | Monkey D Luffy | 511 | 491 | 13547 | 110632 | The Kiddie Pool | 14.2 |
170 | 54Spartacus1 | biggrub | 526 | 493 | 13766 | 129947 | The Kiddie Pool | 26.9 |
303 | RIP Warborn | Monkey D Luffy | 525 | 523 | 13929 | 110632 | The Kiddie Pool | 34.0 |
93 | 54.005C | mattias | 528 | 489 | 14045 | 179662 | The Kiddie Pool | 30.1 |
176 | 54.001C | mattias | 528 | 489 | 14213 | 179662 | The Kiddie Pool | 30.1 |
2112 | 45Koala Camp | biggrub | 477 | 509 | 14228 | 129947 | The Kiddie Pool | 24.7 |
944 | Tidal Wave-2 | Monkey D Luffy | 472 | 514 | 14337 | 110632 | The Kiddie Pool | 31.3 |
245 | 45.001C | mattias | 495 | 518 | 15731 | 179662 | The Kiddie Pool | 18.7 |
530 | 44.001C | mattias | 492 | 495 | 16261 | 179662 | The Kiddie Pool | 9.4 |
558 | 44.002C | mattias | 498 | 483 | 16927 | 179662 | The Kiddie Pool | 17.1 |
178 | 54.006C | mattias | 502 | 489 | 17786 | 179662 | The Kiddie Pool | 11.2 |
Players list: Trucker50; Cat girl; mattias; biggrub; awalk the greek; tjslick; MackData; Jube the Fierce; Monkey D Luffy; Scruff Dankler
[town]2952[/town] 5145pts [player]Trucker50[/player] 495/471 29.4
[town]3132[/town] 5392pts [player]Cat girl[/player] 471/488 31.4
[town]1610[/town] 5667pts [player]mattias[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]1233[/town] 6031pts [player]biggrub[/player] 517/487 21.4
[town]1716[/town] 6938pts [player]biggrub[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]2631[/town] 7004pts [player]awalk the greek[/player] 486/509 16.6
[town]1821[/town] 7286pts [player]biggrub[/player] 480/491 21.9
[town]1754[/town] 8120pts [player]mattias[/player] 493/525 26.0
[town]1168[/town] 8240pts [player]biggrub[/player] 520/497 20.2
[town]1245[/town] 8721pts [player]biggrub[/player] 473/474 37.5
[town]1690[/town] 9633pts [player]tjslick[/player] 502/489 11.2
[town]85[/town] 9794pts [player]tjslick[/player] 528/489 30.1
[town]2764[/town] 9855pts [player]MackData[/player] 498/528 28.1
[town]2467[/town] 9911pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 525/523 34.0
[town]101[/town] 10599pts [player]mattias[/player] 528/489 30.1
[town]2241[/town] 10703pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 502/489 11.2
[town]1692[/town] 10713pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 491/525 26.6
[town]1999[/town] 10718pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 479/515 25.8
[town]1901[/town] 10758pts [player]mattias[/player] 527/508 28.2
[town]2000[/town] 11145pts [player]Cat girl[/player] 480/491 21.9
[town]2654[/town] 11843pts [player]Scruff Dankler[/player] 471/488 31.4
[town]1751[/town] 11860pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 490/529 30.7
[town]1[/town] 11909pts [player]mattias[/player] 526/493 26.9
[town]1586[/town] 12050pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 479/515 25.8
[town]1312[/town] 12059pts [player]Cat girl[/player] 488/504 12.6
[town]236[/town] 12175pts [player]Scruff Dankler[/player] 514/519 23.6
[town]1906[/town] 12189pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 508/529 30.1
[town]2936[/town] 12563pts [player]MackData[/player] 479/528 35.0
[town]1593[/town] 12790pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 490/529 30.7
[town]218[/town] 12791pts [player]biggrub[/player] 525/502 25.1
[town]889[/town] 12836pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 498/528 28.1
[town]2683[/town] 13084pts [player]MackData[/player] 490/529 30.7
[town]110[/town] 13201pts [player]mattias[/player] 492/495 9.4
[town]565[/town] 13547pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 511/491 14.2
[town]170[/town] 13766pts [player]biggrub[/player] 526/493 26.9
[town]303[/town] 13929pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 525/523 34.0
[town]93[/town] 14045pts [player]mattias[/player] 528/489 30.1
[town]176[/town] 14213pts [player]mattias[/player] 528/489 30.1
[town]2112[/town] 14228pts [player]biggrub[/player] 477/509 24.7
[town]944[/town] 14337pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 472/514 31.3
[town]245[/town] 15731pts [player]mattias[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]530[/town] 16261pts [player]mattias[/player] 492/495 9.4
[town]558[/town] 16927pts [player]mattias[/player] 498/483 17.1
[town]178[/town] 17786pts [player]mattias[/player] 502/489 11.2
[town]2952[/town] 5145pts [player]Trucker50[/player] 495/471 29.4
[town]3132[/town] 5392pts [player]Cat girl[/player] 471/488 31.4
[town]1610[/town] 5667pts [player]mattias[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]1233[/town] 6031pts [player]biggrub[/player] 517/487 21.4
[town]1716[/town] 6938pts [player]biggrub[/player] 508/500 8.0
[town]2631[/town] 7004pts [player]awalk the greek[/player] 486/509 16.6
[town]1821[/town] 7286pts [player]biggrub[/player] 480/491 21.9
[town]1754[/town] 8120pts [player]mattias[/player] 493/525 26.0
[town]1168[/town] 8240pts [player]biggrub[/player] 520/497 20.2
[town]1245[/town] 8721pts [player]biggrub[/player] 473/474 37.5
[town]1690[/town] 9633pts [player]tjslick[/player] 502/489 11.2
[town]85[/town] 9794pts [player]tjslick[/player] 528/489 30.1
[town]2764[/town] 9855pts [player]MackData[/player] 498/528 28.1
[town]2467[/town] 9911pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 525/523 34.0
[town]101[/town] 10599pts [player]mattias[/player] 528/489 30.1
[town]2241[/town] 10703pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 502/489 11.2
[town]1692[/town] 10713pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 491/525 26.6
[town]1999[/town] 10718pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 479/515 25.8
[town]1901[/town] 10758pts [player]mattias[/player] 527/508 28.2
[town]2000[/town] 11145pts [player]Cat girl[/player] 480/491 21.9
[town]2654[/town] 11843pts [player]Scruff Dankler[/player] 471/488 31.4
[town]1751[/town] 11860pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 490/529 30.7
[town]1[/town] 11909pts [player]mattias[/player] 526/493 26.9
[town]1586[/town] 12050pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 479/515 25.8
[town]1312[/town] 12059pts [player]Cat girl[/player] 488/504 12.6
[town]236[/town] 12175pts [player]Scruff Dankler[/player] 514/519 23.6
[town]1906[/town] 12189pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 508/529 30.1
[town]2936[/town] 12563pts [player]MackData[/player] 479/528 35.0
[town]1593[/town] 12790pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 490/529 30.7
[town]218[/town] 12791pts [player]biggrub[/player] 525/502 25.1
[town]889[/town] 12836pts [player]Jube the Fierce[/player] 498/528 28.1
[town]2683[/town] 13084pts [player]MackData[/player] 490/529 30.7
[town]110[/town] 13201pts [player]mattias[/player] 492/495 9.4
[town]565[/town] 13547pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 511/491 14.2
[town]170[/town] 13766pts [player]biggrub[/player] 526/493 26.9
[town]303[/town] 13929pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 525/523 34.0
[town]93[/town] 14045pts [player]mattias[/player] 528/489 30.1
[town]176[/town] 14213pts [player]mattias[/player] 528/489 30.1
[town]2112[/town] 14228pts [player]biggrub[/player] 477/509 24.7
[town]944[/town] 14337pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 472/514 31.3
[town]245[/town] 15731pts [player]mattias[/player] 495/518 18.7
[town]530[/town] 16261pts [player]mattias[/player] 492/495 9.4
[town]558[/town] 16927pts [player]mattias[/player] 498/483 17.1
[town]178[/town] 17786pts [player]mattias[/player] 502/489 11.2
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.