Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
701 | Faux 2 | Monkey D Luffy | 494 | 500 | 5393 | 150931 | Digital Chaos | 6.0 |
2634 | Selectron's city 4 | loperjames | 474 | 475 | 5397 | 125149 | SOUL BANDITS | 36.1 |
7762 | Megalopsuchia's city 25 | PowerMan | 490 | 494 | 5428 | 124420 | --- | 11.7 |
7776 | PowerMan's city 8 | PowerMan | 474 | 495 | 5690 | 124420 | --- | 26.5 |
7775 | PowerMan's city 7 | PowerMan | 472 | 494 | 5867 | 124420 | --- | 28.6 |
694 | 13 city | zonec | 474 | 477 | 6515 | 80510 | FTW Mining Division | 34.7 |
1375 | 55-04 CHSB | Monkey D Luffy | 514 | 508 | 6550 | 150931 | Digital Chaos | 16.1 |
7700 | PowerMan's city 31 | PowerMan | 471 | 518 | 6635 | 124420 | --- | 34.1 |
719 | Davryll sry not sry | Monkey D Luffy | 486 | 514 | 6647 | 150931 | Digital Chaos | 19.8 |
633 | 54.08 Komotini | Monkey D Luffy | 510 | 495 | 6833 | 150931 | Digital Chaos | 11.2 |
7691 | PowerMan's city 20 | PowerMan | 482 | 521 | 7029 | 124420 | --- | 27.7 |
6130 | loperjames's city | loperjames | 471 | 518 | 7254 | 125149 | SOUL BANDITS | 34.1 |
6955 | PowerMan's city 19 | PowerMan | 471 | 529 | 8032 | 124420 | --- | 41.0 |
447 | Day 004 | good day 23 | 503 | 513 | 8143 | 135523 | Digital Chaos | 13.3 |
6941 | PowerMan's city 16 | PowerMan | 482 | 521 | 8253 | 124420 | --- | 27.7 |
6936 | PowerMan's city 14 | PowerMan | 475 | 520 | 8267 | 124420 | --- | 32.0 |
6935 | PowerMan's city 13 | PowerMan | 471 | 529 | 8313 | 124420 | --- | 41.0 |
796 | BYE JIM | Monkey D Luffy | 489 | 510 | 8540 | 150931 | Digital Chaos | 14.9 |
555 | Sativus | Veru | 478 | 489 | 8607 | 139513 | Chaos Society | 24.6 |
6934 | PowerMan's city 12 | PowerMan | 475 | 520 | 8835 | 124420 | --- | 32.0 |
1309 | Edema | Scottydman | 498 | 487 | 9368 | 156045 | FTW Mining Division | 13.2 |
829 | 12 city | zonec | 483 | 476 | 9390 | 80510 | FTW Mining Division | 29.4 |
779 | Day 002 | good day 23 | 489 | 510 | 9438 | 135523 | Digital Chaos | 14.9 |
5712 | Holbrook | Sinamoda | 482 | 475 | 9796 | 122705 | Carpe Diem | 30.8 |
1304 | bye monstre | Monkey D Luffy | 515 | 499 | 9845 | 150931 | Digital Chaos | 15.0 |
1063 | 67 Beaten | Veru | 482 | 516 | 10057 | 139513 | Chaos Society | 24.1 |
2348 | 6 city | zonec | 473 | 526 | 10189 | 80510 | FTW Mining Division | 37.5 |
1027 | 44-10 Too | Monkey D Luffy | 474 | 477 | 10199 | 150931 | Digital Chaos | 34.7 |
534 | 45-92-Candle | Julius1946 | 491 | 524 | 10264 | 48813 | FTW Mining Division | 25.6 |
5519 | Veru's city 5 | Veru | 482 | 475 | 10273 | 139513 | Chaos Society | 30.8 |
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6097 | Veru's city 6 | Veru | 478 | 517 | 10309 | 139513 | Chaos Society | 27.8 |
1002 | Scottydman | 472 | 494 | 10497 | 156045 | FTW Mining Division | 28.6 | |
370 | Open Season | Monkey D Luffy | 483 | 509 | 10852 | 150931 | Digital Chaos | 19.2 |
461 | Molon Labe | Monkey D Luffy | 483 | 503 | 11468 | 150931 | Digital Chaos | 17.3 |
1076 | 11 city | zonec | 498 | 487 | 11618 | 80510 | FTW Mining Division | 13.2 |
672 | Day 011 | good day 23 | 489 | 510 | 12601 | 135523 | Digital Chaos | 14.9 |
418 | Day 020 | good day 23 | 511 | 487 | 13115 | 135523 | Digital Chaos | 17.0 |
644 | 08.54 | Vareto | 511 | 487 | 13206 | 26785 | --- | 17.0 |
2062 | 18 Sniper | PowerMan | 507 | 478 | 13329 | 124420 | --- | 23.1 |
2064 | 21.54 | Vareto | 507 | 478 | 13579 | 26785 | --- | 23.1 |
1676 | 42 Flower | Scottydman | 472 | 498 | 13695 | 156045 | FTW Mining Division | 28.1 |
609 | Day 006 | good day 23 | 509 | 516 | 13765 | 135523 | Digital Chaos | 18.4 |
621 | Connect 44 | Monkey D Luffy | 488 | 499 | 13936 | 150931 | Digital Chaos | 12.0 |
1680 | gary58's city 4 | Monkey D Luffy | 512 | 506 | 14225 | 150931 | Digital Chaos | 13.4 |
2342 | Santa Rosalia | Sinamoda | 474 | 475 | 15330 | 122705 | Carpe Diem | 36.1 |
Players list: Monkey D Luffy; loperjames; PowerMan; zonec; good day 23; Veru; Scottydman; Sinamoda; Julius1946; Vareto
[town]701[/town] 5393pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 494/500 6.0
[town]2634[/town] 5397pts [player]loperjames[/player] 474/475 36.1
[town]7762[/town] 5428pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 490/494 11.7
[town]7776[/town] 5690pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 474/495 26.5
[town]7775[/town] 5867pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 472/494 28.6
[town]694[/town] 6515pts [player]zonec[/player] 474/477 34.7
[town]1375[/town] 6550pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 514/508 16.1
[town]7700[/town] 6635pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 471/518 34.1
[town]719[/town] 6647pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 486/514 19.8
[town]633[/town] 6833pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 510/495 11.2
[town]7691[/town] 7029pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 482/521 27.7
[town]6130[/town] 7254pts [player]loperjames[/player] 471/518 34.1
[town]6955[/town] 8032pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 471/529 41.0
[town]447[/town] 8143pts [player]good day 23[/player] 503/513 13.3
[town]6941[/town] 8253pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 482/521 27.7
[town]6936[/town] 8267pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 475/520 32.0
[town]6935[/town] 8313pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 471/529 41.0
[town]796[/town] 8540pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 489/510 14.9
[town]555[/town] 8607pts [player]Veru[/player] 478/489 24.6
[town]6934[/town] 8835pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 475/520 32.0
[town]1309[/town] 9368pts [player]Scottydman[/player] 498/487 13.2
[town]829[/town] 9390pts [player]zonec[/player] 483/476 29.4
[town]779[/town] 9438pts [player]good day 23[/player] 489/510 14.9
[town]5712[/town] 9796pts [player]Sinamoda[/player] 482/475 30.8
[town]1304[/town] 9845pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 515/499 15.0
[town]1063[/town] 10057pts [player]Veru[/player] 482/516 24.1
[town]2348[/town] 10189pts [player]zonec[/player] 473/526 37.5
[town]1027[/town] 10199pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 474/477 34.7
[town]534[/town] 10264pts [player]Julius1946[/player] 491/524 25.6
[town]5519[/town] 10273pts [player]Veru[/player] 482/475 30.8
[town]6097[/town] 10309pts [player]Veru[/player] 478/517 27.8
[town]1002[/town] 10497pts [player]Scottydman[/player] 472/494 28.6
[town]370[/town] 10852pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 483/509 19.2
[town]461[/town] 11468pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 483/503 17.3
[town]1076[/town] 11618pts [player]zonec[/player] 498/487 13.2
[town]672[/town] 12601pts [player]good day 23[/player] 489/510 14.9
[town]418[/town] 13115pts [player]good day 23[/player] 511/487 17.0
[town]644[/town] 13206pts [player]Vareto[/player] 511/487 17.0
[town]2062[/town] 13329pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]2064[/town] 13579pts [player]Vareto[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]1676[/town] 13695pts [player]Scottydman[/player] 472/498 28.1
[town]609[/town] 13765pts [player]good day 23[/player] 509/516 18.4
[town]621[/town] 13936pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 488/499 12.0
[town]1680[/town] 14225pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 512/506 13.4
[town]2342[/town] 15330pts [player]Sinamoda[/player] 474/475 36.1
[town]701[/town] 5393pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 494/500 6.0
[town]2634[/town] 5397pts [player]loperjames[/player] 474/475 36.1
[town]7762[/town] 5428pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 490/494 11.7
[town]7776[/town] 5690pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 474/495 26.5
[town]7775[/town] 5867pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 472/494 28.6
[town]694[/town] 6515pts [player]zonec[/player] 474/477 34.7
[town]1375[/town] 6550pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 514/508 16.1
[town]7700[/town] 6635pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 471/518 34.1
[town]719[/town] 6647pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 486/514 19.8
[town]633[/town] 6833pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 510/495 11.2
[town]7691[/town] 7029pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 482/521 27.7
[town]6130[/town] 7254pts [player]loperjames[/player] 471/518 34.1
[town]6955[/town] 8032pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 471/529 41.0
[town]447[/town] 8143pts [player]good day 23[/player] 503/513 13.3
[town]6941[/town] 8253pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 482/521 27.7
[town]6936[/town] 8267pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 475/520 32.0
[town]6935[/town] 8313pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 471/529 41.0
[town]796[/town] 8540pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 489/510 14.9
[town]555[/town] 8607pts [player]Veru[/player] 478/489 24.6
[town]6934[/town] 8835pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 475/520 32.0
[town]1309[/town] 9368pts [player]Scottydman[/player] 498/487 13.2
[town]829[/town] 9390pts [player]zonec[/player] 483/476 29.4
[town]779[/town] 9438pts [player]good day 23[/player] 489/510 14.9
[town]5712[/town] 9796pts [player]Sinamoda[/player] 482/475 30.8
[town]1304[/town] 9845pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 515/499 15.0
[town]1063[/town] 10057pts [player]Veru[/player] 482/516 24.1
[town]2348[/town] 10189pts [player]zonec[/player] 473/526 37.5
[town]1027[/town] 10199pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 474/477 34.7
[town]534[/town] 10264pts [player]Julius1946[/player] 491/524 25.6
[town]5519[/town] 10273pts [player]Veru[/player] 482/475 30.8
[town]6097[/town] 10309pts [player]Veru[/player] 478/517 27.8
[town]1002[/town] 10497pts [player]Scottydman[/player] 472/494 28.6
[town]370[/town] 10852pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 483/509 19.2
[town]461[/town] 11468pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 483/503 17.3
[town]1076[/town] 11618pts [player]zonec[/player] 498/487 13.2
[town]672[/town] 12601pts [player]good day 23[/player] 489/510 14.9
[town]418[/town] 13115pts [player]good day 23[/player] 511/487 17.0
[town]644[/town] 13206pts [player]Vareto[/player] 511/487 17.0
[town]2062[/town] 13329pts [player]PowerMan[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]2064[/town] 13579pts [player]Vareto[/player] 507/478 23.1
[town]1676[/town] 13695pts [player]Scottydman[/player] 472/498 28.1
[town]609[/town] 13765pts [player]good day 23[/player] 509/516 18.4
[town]621[/town] 13936pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 488/499 12.0
[town]1680[/town] 14225pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 512/506 13.4
[town]2342[/town] 15330pts [player]Sinamoda[/player] 474/475 36.1
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.