Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
15984 | Slot | manelana | 523 | 524 | 5035 | 116931 | .*.BRABOS DE KONOHA.*. | 33.2 |
17554 | ETeZeRa AgarantiO 10 ![]() | kitinho14 | 522 | 512 | 5264 | 27853 | ==THE RESISTENCE == | 25.1 |
18155 | Farrapo | HueBRHue | 522 | 512 | 6325 | 83427 | HayDay | 25.1 |
728 | Malvinas VII ![]() | ZéVinicius6 | 518 | 517 | 6447 | 13131 | --- | 24.8 |
736 | 55 SIGEFRID ![]() | lopesaldemir | 518 | 517 | 6961 | 26289 | --- | 24.8 |
6833 | 55-011 | Thalesag | 527 | 522 | 7848 | 122484 | THE ADULTS | 34.8 |
17626 | 55-010 | Thalesag | 518 | 517 | 8063 | 122484 | THE ADULTS | 24.8 |
3517 | PASSA TEMPO 45.02 ![]() | Seiya Divino | 473 | 529 | 8123 | 43791 | --- | 39.6 |
396 | 45 - 02 ![]() | rhanielgreg | 481 | 502 | 8380 | 47045 | --- | 19.1 |
722 | Maltrapilho | HueBRHue | 518 | 517 | 8722 | 83427 | HayDay | 24.8 |
1266 | Ninharia | HueBRHue | 515 | 527 | 10251 | 83427 | HayDay | 30.9 |
491 | 001 OC 55 ![]() | everton amorim batista | 515 | 519 | 10864 | 69506 | .*.BRABOS DE KONOHA.*. | 24.2 |
812 | 55-007 | Thalesag | 527 | 522 | 11636 | 122484 | THE ADULTS | 34.8 |
9537 | Cidade de killerb91 | killerb91 | 529 | 485 | 11860 | 103333 | THE ADULTS | 32.6 |
214 | EXT | exterminador111 | 511 | 506 | 12536 | 25194 | CRACUDOS | 12.5 |
14470 | 08- | *Satoro Gojo | 474 | 474 | 12763 | 168461 | THE ADULTS | 36.8 |
1411 | Fulano | kalbeck | 515 | 527 | 14428 | 184453 | .*.BRABOS DE KONOHA.*. | 30.9 |
2318 | 55-003 | Thalesag | 515 | 519 | 15559 | 122484 | THE ADULTS | 24.2 |
5717 | Cidade de Braveheart.Sc 2 | Braveheart.Sc | 486 | 476 | 16254 | 59381 | BLOOD MOON | 27.8 |
506 | 55-008 | Thalesag | 515 | 519 | 17786 | 122484 | THE ADULTS | 24.2 |
Players list: manelana; kitinho14; HueBRHue; ZéVinicius6; lopesaldemir; Thalesag; Seiya Divino; rhanielgreg; everton amorim batista; killerb91; exterminador111; *Satoro Gojo; kalbeck; Braveheart.Sc
[town]15984[/town] 5035pts [player]manelana[/player] 523/524 33.2
[town]17554[/town] 5264pts [player]kitinho14[/player] 522/512 25.1
[town]18155[/town] 6325pts [player]HueBRHue[/player] 522/512 25.1
[town]728[/town] 6447pts [player]ZéVinicius6[/player] 518/517 24.8
[town]736[/town] 6961pts [player]lopesaldemir[/player] 518/517 24.8
[town]6833[/town] 7848pts [player]Thalesag[/player] 527/522 34.8
[town]17626[/town] 8063pts [player]Thalesag[/player] 518/517 24.8
[town]3517[/town] 8123pts [player]Seiya Divino[/player] 473/529 39.6
[town]396[/town] 8380pts [player]rhanielgreg[/player] 481/502 19.1
[town]722[/town] 8722pts [player]HueBRHue[/player] 518/517 24.8
[town]1266[/town] 10251pts [player]HueBRHue[/player] 515/527 30.9
[town]491[/town] 10864pts [player]everton amorim batista[/player] 515/519 24.2
[town]812[/town] 11636pts [player]Thalesag[/player] 527/522 34.8
[town]9537[/town] 11860pts [player]killerb91[/player] 529/485 32.6
[town]214[/town] 12536pts [player]exterminador111[/player] 511/506 12.5
[town]14470[/town] 12763pts [player]*Satoro Gojo[/player] 474/474 36.8
[town]1411[/town] 14428pts [player]kalbeck[/player] 515/527 30.9
[town]2318[/town] 15559pts [player]Thalesag[/player] 515/519 24.2
[town]5717[/town] 16254pts [player]Braveheart.Sc[/player] 486/476 27.8
[town]506[/town] 17786pts [player]Thalesag[/player] 515/519 24.2
[town]15984[/town] 5035pts [player]manelana[/player] 523/524 33.2
[town]17554[/town] 5264pts [player]kitinho14[/player] 522/512 25.1
[town]18155[/town] 6325pts [player]HueBRHue[/player] 522/512 25.1
[town]728[/town] 6447pts [player]ZéVinicius6[/player] 518/517 24.8
[town]736[/town] 6961pts [player]lopesaldemir[/player] 518/517 24.8
[town]6833[/town] 7848pts [player]Thalesag[/player] 527/522 34.8
[town]17626[/town] 8063pts [player]Thalesag[/player] 518/517 24.8
[town]3517[/town] 8123pts [player]Seiya Divino[/player] 473/529 39.6
[town]396[/town] 8380pts [player]rhanielgreg[/player] 481/502 19.1
[town]722[/town] 8722pts [player]HueBRHue[/player] 518/517 24.8
[town]1266[/town] 10251pts [player]HueBRHue[/player] 515/527 30.9
[town]491[/town] 10864pts [player]everton amorim batista[/player] 515/519 24.2
[town]812[/town] 11636pts [player]Thalesag[/player] 527/522 34.8
[town]9537[/town] 11860pts [player]killerb91[/player] 529/485 32.6
[town]214[/town] 12536pts [player]exterminador111[/player] 511/506 12.5
[town]14470[/town] 12763pts [player]*Satoro Gojo[/player] 474/474 36.8
[town]1411[/town] 14428pts [player]kalbeck[/player] 515/527 30.9
[town]2318[/town] 15559pts [player]Thalesag[/player] 515/519 24.2
[town]5717[/town] 16254pts [player]Braveheart.Sc[/player] 486/476 27.8
[town]506[/town] 17786pts [player]Thalesag[/player] 515/519 24.2
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.