Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
8044 | bobbymcgee's city 11 | bobbymcgee | 496 | 520 | 5233 | 132713 | LethalDiaper | 20.4 |
3058 | Jormungandr | SlayerBaam | 500 | 497 | 5363 | 132084 | The Posse | 3.0 |
4146 | Rinona's city | Rinona | 506 | 526 | 5749 | 5749 | --- | 26.7 |
6176 | GB 12 | Getbent50 | 516 | 524 | 5937 | 166012 | POISON | 28.8 |
989 | GB 15 | Getbent50 | 529 | 514 | 5988 | 166012 | POISON | 32.2 |
8006 | 005 Hillyo | GoldPanDan | 493 | 517 | 6036 | 74859 | LethalDiaper | 18.4 |
5901 | Balder | SlayerBaam | 478 | 491 | 6757 | 132084 | The Posse | 23.8 |
5251 | Freyja | SlayerBaam | 485 | 492 | 6901 | 132084 | The Posse | 17.0 |
9113 | 045 - Hells Gate | Snakez55 | 476 | 528 | 6922 | 55566 | LethalDiaper | 36.9 |
798 | Danny Dimes | FadedFish11 | 516 | 524 | 7228 | 9054 | Grass Touchers LLC | 28.8 |
934 | 54 Foreigner | GuardianAngel671 | 516 | 482 | 7253 | 123830 | TURKS | 24.1 |
5380 | Nerd here | bobbymcgee | 478 | 491 | 7281 | 132713 | LethalDiaper | 23.8 |
3286 | 045 - Jumpers | Snakez55 | 476 | 528 | 7388 | 55566 | LethalDiaper | 36.9 |
4343 | beerman city06 | beerman | 491 | 474 | 7390 | 115386 | TURKS | 27.5 |
3547 | beerman city03 | beerman | 515 | 476 | 8170 | 115386 | TURKS | 28.3 |
2888 | 45 - Gold | pinkfloyd312 | 476 | 528 | 8333 | 20311 | Farmers Only | 36.9 |
5141 | 54 Shiner | Nobud | 528 | 472 | 8385 | 144928 | TURKS | 39.6 |
5672 | bobbymcgee's city 8 | bobbymcgee | 495 | 507 | 8439 | 132713 | LethalDiaper | 8.6 |
13 | 045 - SideSwipe | Snakez55 | 497 | 504 | 8521 | 55566 | LethalDiaper | 5.0 |
4557 | bobbymcgee's city 6 | bobbymcgee | 480 | 494 | 8592 | 132713 | LethalDiaper | 20.9 |
1277 | Zoo | Calabin | 495 | 510 | 8993 | 174308 | Flame Throwing Otters | 11.2 |
849 | 045 - Reapers | Snakez55 | 473 | 524 | 9089 | 55566 | LethalDiaper | 36.1 |
3345 | 54 Bearded Iris | Nobud | 515 | 476 | 9162 | 144928 | TURKS | 28.3 |
1056 | beerman city01 | beerman | 503 | 472 | 9178 | 115386 | TURKS | 28.2 |
977 | 54 Druid City | Nobud | 503 | 472 | 9180 | 144928 | TURKS | 28.2 |
34 | San Antonio | Anakim | 497 | 504 | 9269 | 160108 | Flame Throwing Otters | 5.0 |
216 | Loki | SlayerBaam | 486 | 509 | 9345 | 132084 | The Posse | 16.6 |
166 | Fenrir | SlayerBaam | 477 | 497 | 9362 | 132084 | The Posse | 23.2 |
1909 | beerman city02 | beerman | 528 | 479 | 9501 | 115386 | TURKS | 35.0 |
361 | 55 Straight to Ale | Nobud | 511 | 512 | 9624 | 144928 | TURKS | 16.3 |
891 | 055 - Kerrigan | Snakez55 | 507 | 528 | 9911 | 55566 | LethalDiaper | 28.9 |
366 | 44 Urban South | Nobud | 498 | 480 | 9988 | 144928 | TURKS | 20.1 |
6308 | 003 Yukon | GoldPanDan | 485 | 513 | 10198 | 74859 | LethalDiaper | 19.8 |
2969 | Z54.04 | zphor | 517 | 479 | 10309 | 179488 | TURKS | 27.0 |
6808 | 004 Dawson | GoldPanDan | 485 | 513 | 10320 | 74859 | LethalDiaper | 19.8 |
3384 | Z54.05 | zphor | 515 | 476 | 10698 | 179488 | TURKS | 28.3 |
6217 | 002 Deadwood | GoldPanDan | 476 | 511 | 10950 | 74859 | LethalDiaper | 26.4 |
873 | Blood Sacrifice | IamParanoid | 529 | 527 | 11836 | 88631 | POISON | 39.6 |
7622 | Z55.01 | zphor | 516 | 505 | 12144 | 179488 | TURKS | 16.8 |
4094 | Z54.06 | zphor | 509 | 494 | 12856 | 179488 | TURKS | 10.8 |
1134 | C-01 | Atlantis | 529 | 527 | 13275 | 166243 | POISON | 39.6 |
329 | 55 Ozzy | GuardianAngel671 | 507 | 514 | 13445 | 123830 | TURKS | 15.7 |
1219 | 55 Queensryche | GuardianAngel671 | 516 | 518 | 13445 | 123830 | TURKS | 24.1 |
420 | 045 - Sliders | Snakez55 | 489 | 514 | 13841 | 55566 | LethalDiaper | 17.8 |
1076 | Cavite | damor | 529 | 527 | 14697 | 65705 | Undaunted Warlords | 39.6 |
2144 | GB 09 | Getbent50 | 523 | 529 | 15048 | 166012 | POISON | 37.0 |
5 | Lyndelby | Frodothree | 511 | 508 | 15416 | 174778 | Undaunted Warlords | 13.6 |
1940 | GB 03 | Getbent50 | 529 | 527 | 16231 | 166012 | POISON | 39.6 |
Players list: bobbymcgee; SlayerBaam; Rinona; Getbent50; GoldPanDan; Snakez55; FadedFish11; GuardianAngel671; beerman; pinkfloyd312; Nobud; Calabin; Anakim; zphor; IamParanoid; Atlantis; damor; Frodothree
[town]8044[/town] 5233pts [player]bobbymcgee[/player] 496/520 20.4
[town]3058[/town] 5363pts [player]SlayerBaam[/player] 500/497 3.0
[town]4146[/town] 5749pts [player]Rinona[/player] 506/526 26.7
[town]6176[/town] 5937pts [player]Getbent50[/player] 516/524 28.8
[town]989[/town] 5988pts [player]Getbent50[/player] 529/514 32.2
[town]8006[/town] 6036pts [player]GoldPanDan[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]5901[/town] 6757pts [player]SlayerBaam[/player] 478/491 23.8
[town]5251[/town] 6901pts [player]SlayerBaam[/player] 485/492 17.0
[town]9113[/town] 6922pts [player]Snakez55[/player] 476/528 36.9
[town]798[/town] 7228pts [player]FadedFish11[/player] 516/524 28.8
[town]934[/town] 7253pts [player]GuardianAngel671[/player] 516/482 24.1
[town]5380[/town] 7281pts [player]bobbymcgee[/player] 478/491 23.8
[town]3286[/town] 7388pts [player]Snakez55[/player] 476/528 36.9
[town]4343[/town] 7390pts [player]beerman[/player] 491/474 27.5
[town]3547[/town] 8170pts [player]beerman[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]2888[/town] 8333pts [player]pinkfloyd312[/player] 476/528 36.9
[town]5141[/town] 8385pts [player]Nobud[/player] 528/472 39.6
[town]5672[/town] 8439pts [player]bobbymcgee[/player] 495/507 8.6
[town]13[/town] 8521pts [player]Snakez55[/player] 497/504 5.0
[town]4557[/town] 8592pts [player]bobbymcgee[/player] 480/494 20.9
[town]1277[/town] 8993pts [player]Calabin[/player] 495/510 11.2
[town]849[/town] 9089pts [player]Snakez55[/player] 473/524 36.1
[town]3345[/town] 9162pts [player]Nobud[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]1056[/town] 9178pts [player]beerman[/player] 503/472 28.2
[town]977[/town] 9180pts [player]Nobud[/player] 503/472 28.2
[town]34[/town] 9269pts [player]Anakim[/player] 497/504 5.0
[town]216[/town] 9345pts [player]SlayerBaam[/player] 486/509 16.6
[town]166[/town] 9362pts [player]SlayerBaam[/player] 477/497 23.2
[town]1909[/town] 9501pts [player]beerman[/player] 528/479 35.0
[town]361[/town] 9624pts [player]Nobud[/player] 511/512 16.3
[town]891[/town] 9911pts [player]Snakez55[/player] 507/528 28.9
[town]366[/town] 9988pts [player]Nobud[/player] 498/480 20.1
[town]6308[/town] 10198pts [player]GoldPanDan[/player] 485/513 19.8
[town]2969[/town] 10309pts [player]zphor[/player] 517/479 27.0
[town]6808[/town] 10320pts [player]GoldPanDan[/player] 485/513 19.8
[town]3384[/town] 10698pts [player]zphor[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]6217[/town] 10950pts [player]GoldPanDan[/player] 476/511 26.4
[town]873[/town] 11836pts [player]IamParanoid[/player] 529/527 39.6
[town]7622[/town] 12144pts [player]zphor[/player] 516/505 16.8
[town]4094[/town] 12856pts [player]zphor[/player] 509/494 10.8
[town]1134[/town] 13275pts [player]Atlantis[/player] 529/527 39.6
[town]329[/town] 13445pts [player]GuardianAngel671[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]1219[/town] 13445pts [player]GuardianAngel671[/player] 516/518 24.1
[town]420[/town] 13841pts [player]Snakez55[/player] 489/514 17.8
[town]1076[/town] 14697pts [player]damor[/player] 529/527 39.6
[town]2144[/town] 15048pts [player]Getbent50[/player] 523/529 37.0
[town]5[/town] 15416pts [player]Frodothree[/player] 511/508 13.6
[town]1940[/town] 16231pts [player]Getbent50[/player] 529/527 39.6
[town]8044[/town] 5233pts [player]bobbymcgee[/player] 496/520 20.4
[town]3058[/town] 5363pts [player]SlayerBaam[/player] 500/497 3.0
[town]4146[/town] 5749pts [player]Rinona[/player] 506/526 26.7
[town]6176[/town] 5937pts [player]Getbent50[/player] 516/524 28.8
[town]989[/town] 5988pts [player]Getbent50[/player] 529/514 32.2
[town]8006[/town] 6036pts [player]GoldPanDan[/player] 493/517 18.4
[town]5901[/town] 6757pts [player]SlayerBaam[/player] 478/491 23.8
[town]5251[/town] 6901pts [player]SlayerBaam[/player] 485/492 17.0
[town]9113[/town] 6922pts [player]Snakez55[/player] 476/528 36.9
[town]798[/town] 7228pts [player]FadedFish11[/player] 516/524 28.8
[town]934[/town] 7253pts [player]GuardianAngel671[/player] 516/482 24.1
[town]5380[/town] 7281pts [player]bobbymcgee[/player] 478/491 23.8
[town]3286[/town] 7388pts [player]Snakez55[/player] 476/528 36.9
[town]4343[/town] 7390pts [player]beerman[/player] 491/474 27.5
[town]3547[/town] 8170pts [player]beerman[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]2888[/town] 8333pts [player]pinkfloyd312[/player] 476/528 36.9
[town]5141[/town] 8385pts [player]Nobud[/player] 528/472 39.6
[town]5672[/town] 8439pts [player]bobbymcgee[/player] 495/507 8.6
[town]13[/town] 8521pts [player]Snakez55[/player] 497/504 5.0
[town]4557[/town] 8592pts [player]bobbymcgee[/player] 480/494 20.9
[town]1277[/town] 8993pts [player]Calabin[/player] 495/510 11.2
[town]849[/town] 9089pts [player]Snakez55[/player] 473/524 36.1
[town]3345[/town] 9162pts [player]Nobud[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]1056[/town] 9178pts [player]beerman[/player] 503/472 28.2
[town]977[/town] 9180pts [player]Nobud[/player] 503/472 28.2
[town]34[/town] 9269pts [player]Anakim[/player] 497/504 5.0
[town]216[/town] 9345pts [player]SlayerBaam[/player] 486/509 16.6
[town]166[/town] 9362pts [player]SlayerBaam[/player] 477/497 23.2
[town]1909[/town] 9501pts [player]beerman[/player] 528/479 35.0
[town]361[/town] 9624pts [player]Nobud[/player] 511/512 16.3
[town]891[/town] 9911pts [player]Snakez55[/player] 507/528 28.9
[town]366[/town] 9988pts [player]Nobud[/player] 498/480 20.1
[town]6308[/town] 10198pts [player]GoldPanDan[/player] 485/513 19.8
[town]2969[/town] 10309pts [player]zphor[/player] 517/479 27.0
[town]6808[/town] 10320pts [player]GoldPanDan[/player] 485/513 19.8
[town]3384[/town] 10698pts [player]zphor[/player] 515/476 28.3
[town]6217[/town] 10950pts [player]GoldPanDan[/player] 476/511 26.4
[town]873[/town] 11836pts [player]IamParanoid[/player] 529/527 39.6
[town]7622[/town] 12144pts [player]zphor[/player] 516/505 16.8
[town]4094[/town] 12856pts [player]zphor[/player] 509/494 10.8
[town]1134[/town] 13275pts [player]Atlantis[/player] 529/527 39.6
[town]329[/town] 13445pts [player]GuardianAngel671[/player] 507/514 15.7
[town]1219[/town] 13445pts [player]GuardianAngel671[/player] 516/518 24.1
[town]420[/town] 13841pts [player]Snakez55[/player] 489/514 17.8
[town]1076[/town] 14697pts [player]damor[/player] 529/527 39.6
[town]2144[/town] 15048pts [player]Getbent50[/player] 523/529 37.0
[town]5[/town] 15416pts [player]Frodothree[/player] 511/508 13.6
[town]1940[/town] 16231pts [player]Getbent50[/player] 529/527 39.6
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.