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IdTownPlayerXYTown score ▾Player scoreAllyDistance
101351Hurlspin's city attacked playerHurlspin480493698215098---21.2
105506ivanhoe22's city 4ivanhoe225115147328176826Cold Steel Guild17.8
107851ivanhoe22's city 5ivanhoe225185157896176826Cold Steel Guild23.4
60Numbah TENSoldierZW21503501800537690Death Watch3.2
107800ivanhoe22's city 3ivanhoe225055268074176826Cold Steel Guild26.5
100854Boring attacked playerHurlspin480493811615098---21.2
107224ivanhoe22's cityivanhoe2249852910151176826Cold Steel Guild29.1
6449ivanhoe22's city 8ivanhoe2252152412193176826Cold Steel Guild31.9

Players list: Hurlspin; ivanhoe22; SoldierZW21
[town]101351[/town] 6982pts [player]Hurlspin[/player] 480/493 21.2
[town]105506[/town] 7328pts [player]ivanhoe22[/player] 511/514 17.8
[town]107851[/town] 7896pts [player]ivanhoe22[/player] 518/515 23.4
[town]60[/town] 8005pts [player]SoldierZW21[/player] 503/501 3.2
[town]107800[/town] 8074pts [player]ivanhoe22[/player] 505/526 26.5
[town]100854[/town] 8116pts [player]Hurlspin[/player] 480/493 21.2
[town]107224[/town] 10151pts [player]ivanhoe22[/player] 498/529 29.1
[town]6449[/town] 12193pts [player]ivanhoe22[/player] 521/524 31.9

. = This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.

. = This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.

. = This player is inactive or in vacation mode.

Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.