Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
6735 | BITCOIN FOR MUK | SWEET SAVAGE | 477 | 477 | 6160 | 159442 | Fight Club | 32.5 |
1314 | HAMPTON ROADS | SWEET SAVAGE | 521 | 490 | 7039 | 159442 | Fight Club | 23.3 |
10822 | Slayer | Titus Aeneas | 511 | 498 | 7661 | 105321 | Fight Club | 11.2 |
1132 | NORFOLK NAVAL | SWEET SAVAGE | 526 | 484 | 7665 | 159442 | Fight Club | 30.5 |
1179 | BRICK TOP | SWEET SAVAGE | 522 | 477 | 7832 | 159442 | Fight Club | 31.8 |
12440 | 44-1 Red Keep | RicknMotsl | 475 | 482 | 8074 | 134933 | Fight Club | 30.8 |
11987 | LOVE BUZZ | SWEET SAVAGE | 475 | 482 | 8330 | 159442 | Fight Club | 30.8 |
10624 | Hatebreed | Titus Aeneas | 513 | 495 | 8491 | 105321 | Fight Club | 13.9 |
8545 | -FC- | SWEET SAVAGE | 477 | 477 | 8940 | 159442 | Fight Club | 32.5 |
498 | Pantera | Titus Aeneas | 500 | 480 | 9088 | 105321 | Fight Club | 20.0 |
9927 | FERGUS COLM | SWEET SAVAGE | 490 | 476 | 9107 | 159442 | Fight Club | 26.0 |
9416 | Petras's city 2 | Petras | 501 | 483 | 9123 | 45695 | Fight Club | 17.0 |
10548 | Piratical's city 4 | Monkey D Luffy | 501 | 525 | 9381 | 180017 | Piranhas | 25.0 |
981 | BIG DUKE 6 | SWEET SAVAGE | 528 | 488 | 9464 | 159442 | Fight Club | 30.5 |
562 | LawWolf's city | Monkey D Luffy | 480 | 511 | 9549 | 180017 | Piranhas | 22.8 |
362 | bama jama | SWEET SAVAGE | 492 | 474 | 9810 | 159442 | Fight Club | 27.2 |
6987 | 44 MD | Rolltide140 | 486 | 486 | 9834 | 187943 | Big Fish | 19.8 |
131 | J012 | Rolltide140 | 500 | 499 | 9934 | 187943 | Big Fish | 1.0 |
6070 | Parasite | Sinamoda | 494 | 498 | 9966 | 75604 | Fight Club | 6.3 |
1191 | Machine Head | Titus Aeneas | 522 | 477 | 10352 | 105321 | Fight Club | 31.8 |
247 | 006PTERMA | Rolltide140 | 496 | 501 | 10754 | 187943 | Big Fish | 4.1 |
188 | Aztec | Monkey D Luffy | 486 | 486 | 10827 | 180017 | Piranhas | 19.8 |
9924 | As I Lay Dying | Titus Aeneas | 490 | 476 | 11027 | 105321 | Fight Club | 26.0 |
9867 | Amon Amarth | Titus Aeneas | 497 | 488 | 11164 | 105321 | Fight Club | 12.4 |
5019 | Stalk Me | Sinamoda | 498 | 471 | 11463 | 75604 | Fight Club | 29.1 |
126 | 55 LSU | Rolltide140 | 500 | 499 | 11612 | 187943 | Big Fish | 1.0 |
1875 | 54-4 Essos | RicknMotsl | 512 | 488 | 12019 | 134933 | Fight Club | 17.0 |
2650 | Hartlepool | Rolltide140 | 472 | 516 | 12839 | 187943 | Big Fish | 32.2 |
694 | 003 Homicide | Monkey D Luffy | 521 | 521 | 13074 | 180017 | Piranhas | 29.7 |
8375 | Otep | Titus Aeneas | 496 | 473 | 13113 | 105321 | Fight Club | 27.3 |
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233 | Angry Bird | Miamiamia | 481 | 494 | 13280 | 126489 | Big Fish | 19.9 |
7111 | 54-1 King's Landing | RicknMotsl | 515 | 497 | 13773 | 134933 | Fight Club | 15.3 |
8369 | 55 Columbia | therapyassassin | 501 | 529 | 13780 | 116187 | Big Fish | 29.0 |
363 | MD1 so bad | TheFightingMuktuk | 515 | 497 | 14129 | 53718 | Fight Club | 15.3 |
1108 | 530 490 | AzLS1kid | 528 | 488 | 14258 | 96703 | Fight Club | 30.5 |
769 | MUK SENT ME | SWEET SAVAGE | 477 | 477 | 14528 | 159442 | Fight Club | 32.5 |
4151 | 45 Atlanta | therapyassassin | 495 | 528 | 14826 | 116187 | Big Fish | 28.4 |
641 | 45 Athens | therapyassassin | 495 | 528 | 14917 | 116187 | Big Fish | 28.4 |
260 | Bad Team Rage | TheFightingMuktuk | 515 | 497 | 15630 | 53718 | Fight Club | 15.3 |
1047 | 55 Angola | Cuban Sandwich | 501 | 529 | 16368 | 173213 | Piranhas | 29.0 |
784 | 55 Chapel Hill | therapyassassin | 501 | 525 | 16405 | 116187 | Big Fish | 25.0 |
865 | 55 Bradshaw | Cuban Sandwich | 501 | 525 | 16732 | 173213 | Piranhas | 25.0 |
619 | 45 Fulsom | Cuban Sandwich | 495 | 528 | 16992 | 173213 | Piranhas | 28.4 |
1192 | MOLOK | SWEET SAVAGE | 522 | 477 | 17276 | 159442 | Fight Club | 31.8 |
Players list: SWEET SAVAGE; Titus Aeneas; RicknMotsl; Petras; Monkey D Luffy; Rolltide140; Sinamoda; Miamiamia; therapyassassin; TheFightingMuktuk; AzLS1kid; Cuban Sandwich
[town]6735[/town] 6160pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 477/477 32.5
[town]1314[/town] 7039pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 521/490 23.3
[town]10822[/town] 7661pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 511/498 11.2
[town]1132[/town] 7665pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 526/484 30.5
[town]1179[/town] 7832pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 522/477 31.8
[town]12440[/town] 8074pts [player]RicknMotsl[/player] 475/482 30.8
[town]11987[/town] 8330pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 475/482 30.8
[town]10624[/town] 8491pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 513/495 13.9
[town]8545[/town] 8940pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 477/477 32.5
[town]498[/town] 9088pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 500/480 20.0
[town]9927[/town] 9107pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 490/476 26.0
[town]9416[/town] 9123pts [player]Petras[/player] 501/483 17.0
[town]10548[/town] 9381pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 501/525 25.0
[town]981[/town] 9464pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 528/488 30.5
[town]562[/town] 9549pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 480/511 22.8
[town]362[/town] 9810pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 492/474 27.2
[town]6987[/town] 9834pts [player]Rolltide140[/player] 486/486 19.8
[town]131[/town] 9934pts [player]Rolltide140[/player] 500/499 1.0
[town]6070[/town] 9966pts [player]Sinamoda[/player] 494/498 6.3
[town]1191[/town] 10352pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 522/477 31.8
[town]247[/town] 10754pts [player]Rolltide140[/player] 496/501 4.1
[town]188[/town] 10827pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 486/486 19.8
[town]9924[/town] 11027pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 490/476 26.0
[town]9867[/town] 11164pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 497/488 12.4
[town]5019[/town] 11463pts [player]Sinamoda[/player] 498/471 29.1
[town]126[/town] 11612pts [player]Rolltide140[/player] 500/499 1.0
[town]1875[/town] 12019pts [player]RicknMotsl[/player] 512/488 17.0
[town]2650[/town] 12839pts [player]Rolltide140[/player] 472/516 32.2
[town]694[/town] 13074pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 521/521 29.7
[town]8375[/town] 13113pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 496/473 27.3
[town]233[/town] 13280pts [player]Miamiamia[/player] 481/494 19.9
[town]7111[/town] 13773pts [player]RicknMotsl[/player] 515/497 15.3
[town]8369[/town] 13780pts [player]therapyassassin[/player] 501/529 29.0
[town]363[/town] 14129pts [player]TheFightingMuktuk[/player] 515/497 15.3
[town]1108[/town] 14258pts [player]AzLS1kid[/player] 528/488 30.5
[town]769[/town] 14528pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 477/477 32.5
[town]4151[/town] 14826pts [player]therapyassassin[/player] 495/528 28.4
[town]641[/town] 14917pts [player]therapyassassin[/player] 495/528 28.4
[town]260[/town] 15630pts [player]TheFightingMuktuk[/player] 515/497 15.3
[town]1047[/town] 16368pts [player]Cuban Sandwich[/player] 501/529 29.0
[town]784[/town] 16405pts [player]therapyassassin[/player] 501/525 25.0
[town]865[/town] 16732pts [player]Cuban Sandwich[/player] 501/525 25.0
[town]619[/town] 16992pts [player]Cuban Sandwich[/player] 495/528 28.4
[town]1192[/town] 17276pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 522/477 31.8
[town]6735[/town] 6160pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 477/477 32.5
[town]1314[/town] 7039pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 521/490 23.3
[town]10822[/town] 7661pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 511/498 11.2
[town]1132[/town] 7665pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 526/484 30.5
[town]1179[/town] 7832pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 522/477 31.8
[town]12440[/town] 8074pts [player]RicknMotsl[/player] 475/482 30.8
[town]11987[/town] 8330pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 475/482 30.8
[town]10624[/town] 8491pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 513/495 13.9
[town]8545[/town] 8940pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 477/477 32.5
[town]498[/town] 9088pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 500/480 20.0
[town]9927[/town] 9107pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 490/476 26.0
[town]9416[/town] 9123pts [player]Petras[/player] 501/483 17.0
[town]10548[/town] 9381pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 501/525 25.0
[town]981[/town] 9464pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 528/488 30.5
[town]562[/town] 9549pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 480/511 22.8
[town]362[/town] 9810pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 492/474 27.2
[town]6987[/town] 9834pts [player]Rolltide140[/player] 486/486 19.8
[town]131[/town] 9934pts [player]Rolltide140[/player] 500/499 1.0
[town]6070[/town] 9966pts [player]Sinamoda[/player] 494/498 6.3
[town]1191[/town] 10352pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 522/477 31.8
[town]247[/town] 10754pts [player]Rolltide140[/player] 496/501 4.1
[town]188[/town] 10827pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 486/486 19.8
[town]9924[/town] 11027pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 490/476 26.0
[town]9867[/town] 11164pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 497/488 12.4
[town]5019[/town] 11463pts [player]Sinamoda[/player] 498/471 29.1
[town]126[/town] 11612pts [player]Rolltide140[/player] 500/499 1.0
[town]1875[/town] 12019pts [player]RicknMotsl[/player] 512/488 17.0
[town]2650[/town] 12839pts [player]Rolltide140[/player] 472/516 32.2
[town]694[/town] 13074pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 521/521 29.7
[town]8375[/town] 13113pts [player]Titus Aeneas[/player] 496/473 27.3
[town]233[/town] 13280pts [player]Miamiamia[/player] 481/494 19.9
[town]7111[/town] 13773pts [player]RicknMotsl[/player] 515/497 15.3
[town]8369[/town] 13780pts [player]therapyassassin[/player] 501/529 29.0
[town]363[/town] 14129pts [player]TheFightingMuktuk[/player] 515/497 15.3
[town]1108[/town] 14258pts [player]AzLS1kid[/player] 528/488 30.5
[town]769[/town] 14528pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 477/477 32.5
[town]4151[/town] 14826pts [player]therapyassassin[/player] 495/528 28.4
[town]641[/town] 14917pts [player]therapyassassin[/player] 495/528 28.4
[town]260[/town] 15630pts [player]TheFightingMuktuk[/player] 515/497 15.3
[town]1047[/town] 16368pts [player]Cuban Sandwich[/player] 501/529 29.0
[town]784[/town] 16405pts [player]therapyassassin[/player] 501/525 25.0
[town]865[/town] 16732pts [player]Cuban Sandwich[/player] 501/525 25.0
[town]619[/town] 16992pts [player]Cuban Sandwich[/player] 495/528 28.4
[town]1192[/town] 17276pts [player]SWEET SAVAGE[/player] 522/477 31.8
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.