Id | Town | Player | X | Y | Town score ▾ | Player score | Ally | Distance |
2172 | jeffbuell's city 2xc | jeffbuell | 509 | 500 | 5135 | 27729 | --- | 9.0 |
2226 | jeffbuell's city 1xc | jeffbuell | 509 | 500 | 5232 | 27729 | --- | 9.0 |
11021 | W05. Tribute Ro Hero | JaiMalik | 475 | 489 | 5930 | 117357 | MOUNTAIN WARRIORS | 27.3 |
8683 | malken's city 8 | malken | 478 | 480 | 5975 | 83246 | Black Ravens | 29.7 |
3004 | 55 bore | MarinaDanka1 | 527 | 523 | 6139 | 51828 | Gold Fish | 35.5 |
1445 | Rock Lobster | -SF- | 509 | 500 | 6588 | 162109 | Slimer | 9.0 |
1175 | 55.07 Cancun Bay | jw123456 | 502 | 521 | 6610 | 199001 | Slimer | 21.1 |
10428 | SARAJEVO | JaiMalik | 478 | 491 | 6788 | 117357 | MOUNTAIN WARRIORS | 23.8 |
5947 | Day 002 | good day 23 | 495 | 508 | 6891 | 38817 | WARRIORS | 9.4 |
2289 | J0004 | -SF- | 493 | 523 | 7135 | 162109 | Slimer | 24.0 |
2169 | J0003 | jbro1985 | 507 | 518 | 7292 | 14618 | --- | 19.3 |
5630 | Red hawk | Monkey D Luffy | 502 | 506 | 7303 | 53215 | WARRIORS | 6.3 |
862 | J0002 | jbro1985 | 494 | 516 | 7326 | 14618 | --- | 17.1 |
1936 | Lwiza hadaiwi city 2 | Lwiza | 505 | 473 | 7547 | 182195 | WARRIORS | 27.5 |
1022 | 45 004 | Lisica | 478 | 502 | 7749 | 143643 | Qwerty | 22.1 |
1775 | Jacodrop city | Jacobo | 505 | 473 | 7909 | 147041 | WARRIORS | 27.5 |
916 | 916 | DivineDream | 494 | 516 | 8022 | 145137 | The High Command | 17.1 |
8497 | Yikes | Mrs. House | 478 | 519 | 8039 | 8039 | Alliance of the Gods | 29.1 |
1875 | Kakamgreen | kamte | 505 | 473 | 8088 | 126114 | WARRIORS | 27.5 |
2195 | Guci | Graceana | 505 | 473 | 8256 | 154201 | WARRIORS | 27.5 |
8918 | Lyonesss 44 | Zamguk | 478 | 480 | 8308 | 79599 | Ghosted | 29.7 |
2403 | Graceda city | Graceana | 507 | 472 | 8371 | 154201 | WARRIORS | 28.9 |
2380 | Jacoma city | Jacobo | 505 | 473 | 8467 | 147041 | WARRIORS | 27.5 |
6606 | Airesking's city 4 | Airesking | 527 | 516 | 8542 | 163590 | Dog Soldiers Clan | 31.4 |
1206 | 404 | oksanka | 489 | 488 | 8795 | 8795 | --- | 16.3 |
1967 | 003GOLDTRADE045 | good day 23 | 495 | 508 | 8981 | 38817 | WARRIORS | 9.4 |
2251 | Woodrow | el jeffe 82 | 519 | 506 | 9049 | 103436 | Slimer | 19.9 |
8564 | Lyonesss 44 2 | Zamguk | 478 | 480 | 9451 | 79599 | Ghosted | 29.7 |
2694 | Lyonuux 44 | Zamguk | 481 | 476 | 9503 | 79599 | Ghosted | 30.6 |
613 | 44 001 | Lisica | 486 | 490 | 9537 | 143643 | Qwerty | 17.2 |
2393 | Lwizama | Lwiza | 507 | 472 | 9545 | 182195 | WARRIORS | 28.9 |
6846 | 45 00 | PERECBET | 477 | 505 | 9570 | 98515 | Alliance of the Gods | 23.5 |
1924 | 002GOLDTRADE45 | good day 23 | 495 | 508 | 9573 | 38817 | WARRIORS | 9.4 |
5618 | BLACKBEARD | Monkey D Luffy | 495 | 508 | 9745 | 53215 | WARRIORS | 9.4 |
2090 | 2090 | DivineDream | 494 | 516 | 9774 | 145137 | The High Command | 17.1 |
2042 | KH 5505 | April Fool | 520 | 500 | 9837 | 93613 | top to top | 20.0 |
7325 | 7325 | DivineDream | 495 | 529 | 9893 | 145137 | The High Command | 29.4 |
3988 | GOLD D ROGER | Monkey D Luffy | 495 | 508 | 10354 | 53215 | WARRIORS | 9.4 |
941 | Backspace | good day 23 | 486 | 508 | 10630 | 38817 | WARRIORS | 16.1 |
488 | 488 | DivineDream | 489 | 526 | 10649 | 145137 | The High Command | 28.2 |
2464 | 2464 | DivineDream | 495 | 529 | 10837 | 145137 | The High Command | 29.4 |
153 | Miller | -SF- | 496 | 518 | 10978 | 162109 | Slimer | 18.4 |
5098 | Radzyn Keep | randmac | 520 | 513 | 11028 | 57931 | Harmless | 23.9 |
6913 | 45 gold me up rockie | MarinaDanka1 | 485 | 528 | 11127 | 51828 | Gold Fish | 31.8 |
7102 | 55 gold me up rockie | MarinaDanka1 | 528 | 520 | 11386 | 51828 | Gold Fish | 34.4 |
685 | Goose Island | -SF- | 501 | 529 | 11872 | 162109 | Slimer | 29.0 |
1953 | 45.02 Marshall | jw123456 | 495 | 529 | 11996 | 199001 | Slimer | 29.4 |
1655 | 1655 | DivineDream | 506 | 525 | 12061 | 145137 | The High Command | 25.7 |
2157 | 005- Hello | -SF- | 493 | 523 | 12214 | 162109 | Slimer | 24.0 |
8632 | ANDOVER-54 | jcsheehan | 526 | 472 | 12693 | 132835 | Black Ravens | 38.2 |
1506 | C-05 Club Studio 54 | Lord DJ | 509 | 492 | 12776 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 12.0 |
2264 | Feruche 1 | randmac | 509 | 500 | 12960 | 57931 | Harmless | 9.0 |
2177 | B-02 Broken Arrow | Lord DJ | 485 | 494 | 13004 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 16.2 |
3803 | B-04 Boron Carbide | Lord DJ | 485 | 494 | 13021 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 16.2 |
4634 | BILLERICA-54 | jcsheehan | 526 | 472 | 13079 | 132835 | Black Ravens | 38.2 |
5114 | D-06 Dill Pickle 55 | Lord DJ | 501 | 501 | 13122 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 1.4 |
8483 | E-15 Expunge | Lord DJ | 497 | 503 | 13217 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 4.2 |
5658 | D-07 Dark Phoenix 55 | Lord DJ | 501 | 501 | 13307 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 1.4 |
7210 | C1-12 Cant Buy Love | Lord DJ | 516 | 496 | 13439 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 16.5 |
6316 | C-09 Corsair 54 | Lord DJ | 509 | 492 | 13464 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 12.0 |
7603 | D-13 Deleku Point 55 | Lord DJ | 501 | 501 | 13534 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 1.4 |
11534 | Taipa | randylee | 527 | 516 | 13534 | 190122 | WARRIORS | 31.4 |
8787 | E-16 Exponential | Lord DJ | 497 | 503 | 13586 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 4.2 |
9329 | Randy | randylee | 520 | 513 | 13678 | 190122 | WARRIORS | 23.9 |
6584 | E-10 Echo Base 45 | Lord DJ | 497 | 503 | 13769 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 4.2 |
7837 | E-14 Esprit de corps | Lord DJ | 497 | 503 | 13831 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 4.2 |
3494 | 002. Omar | JaiMalik | 475 | 489 | 13890 | 117357 | MOUNTAIN WARRIORS | 27.3 |
6092 | W01. Tribute Kappa | JaiMalik | 475 | 489 | 14067 | 117357 | MOUNTAIN WARRIORS | 27.3 |
7155 | E-11 Easy Green 45 | Lord DJ | 497 | 503 | 14156 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 4.2 |
1930 | B-03 Back to Basics | Lord DJ | 485 | 494 | 14801 | 199449 | Ghostbusters | 16.2 |
Players list: jeffbuell; JaiMalik; malken; MarinaDanka1; -SF-; jw123456; good day 23; jbro1985; Monkey D Luffy; Lwiza; Lisica; Jacobo; DivineDream; Mrs. House; kamte; Graceana; Zamguk; Airesking; oksanka; el jeffe 82; PERECBET; April Fool; randmac; jcsheehan; Lord DJ; randylee
[town]2172[/town] 5135pts [player]jeffbuell[/player] 509/500 9.0
[town]2226[/town] 5232pts [player]jeffbuell[/player] 509/500 9.0
[town]11021[/town] 5930pts [player]JaiMalik[/player] 475/489 27.3
[town]8683[/town] 5975pts [player]malken[/player] 478/480 29.7
[town]3004[/town] 6139pts [player]MarinaDanka1[/player] 527/523 35.5
[town]1445[/town] 6588pts [player]-SF-[/player] 509/500 9.0
[town]1175[/town] 6610pts [player]jw123456[/player] 502/521 21.1
[town]10428[/town] 6788pts [player]JaiMalik[/player] 478/491 23.8
[town]5947[/town] 6891pts [player]good day 23[/player] 495/508 9.4
[town]2289[/town] 7135pts [player]-SF-[/player] 493/523 24.0
[town]2169[/town] 7292pts [player]jbro1985[/player] 507/518 19.3
[town]5630[/town] 7303pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 502/506 6.3
[town]862[/town] 7326pts [player]jbro1985[/player] 494/516 17.1
[town]1936[/town] 7547pts [player]Lwiza[/player] 505/473 27.5
[town]1022[/town] 7749pts [player]Lisica[/player] 478/502 22.1
[town]1775[/town] 7909pts [player]Jacobo[/player] 505/473 27.5
[town]916[/town] 8022pts [player]DivineDream[/player] 494/516 17.1
[town]8497[/town] 8039pts [player]Mrs. House[/player] 478/519 29.1
[town]1875[/town] 8088pts [player]kamte[/player] 505/473 27.5
[town]2195[/town] 8256pts [player]Graceana[/player] 505/473 27.5
[town]8918[/town] 8308pts [player]Zamguk[/player] 478/480 29.7
[town]2403[/town] 8371pts [player]Graceana[/player] 507/472 28.9
[town]2380[/town] 8467pts [player]Jacobo[/player] 505/473 27.5
[town]6606[/town] 8542pts [player]Airesking[/player] 527/516 31.4
[town]1206[/town] 8795pts [player]oksanka[/player] 489/488 16.3
[town]1967[/town] 8981pts [player]good day 23[/player] 495/508 9.4
[town]2251[/town] 9049pts [player]el jeffe 82[/player] 519/506 19.9
[town]8564[/town] 9451pts [player]Zamguk[/player] 478/480 29.7
[town]2694[/town] 9503pts [player]Zamguk[/player] 481/476 30.6
[town]613[/town] 9537pts [player]Lisica[/player] 486/490 17.2
[town]2393[/town] 9545pts [player]Lwiza[/player] 507/472 28.9
[town]6846[/town] 9570pts [player]PERECBET[/player] 477/505 23.5
[town]1924[/town] 9573pts [player]good day 23[/player] 495/508 9.4
[town]5618[/town] 9745pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 495/508 9.4
[town]2090[/town] 9774pts [player]DivineDream[/player] 494/516 17.1
[town]2042[/town] 9837pts [player]April Fool[/player] 520/500 20.0
[town]7325[/town] 9893pts [player]DivineDream[/player] 495/529 29.4
[town]3988[/town] 10354pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 495/508 9.4
[town]941[/town] 10630pts [player]good day 23[/player] 486/508 16.1
[town]488[/town] 10649pts [player]DivineDream[/player] 489/526 28.2
[town]2464[/town] 10837pts [player]DivineDream[/player] 495/529 29.4
[town]153[/town] 10978pts [player]-SF-[/player] 496/518 18.4
[town]5098[/town] 11028pts [player]randmac[/player] 520/513 23.9
[town]6913[/town] 11127pts [player]MarinaDanka1[/player] 485/528 31.8
[town]7102[/town] 11386pts [player]MarinaDanka1[/player] 528/520 34.4
[town]685[/town] 11872pts [player]-SF-[/player] 501/529 29.0
[town]1953[/town] 11996pts [player]jw123456[/player] 495/529 29.4
[town]1655[/town] 12061pts [player]DivineDream[/player] 506/525 25.7
[town]2157[/town] 12214pts [player]-SF-[/player] 493/523 24.0
[town]8632[/town] 12693pts [player]jcsheehan[/player] 526/472 38.2
[town]1506[/town] 12776pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 509/492 12.0
[town]2264[/town] 12960pts [player]randmac[/player] 509/500 9.0
[town]2177[/town] 13004pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 485/494 16.2
[town]3803[/town] 13021pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 485/494 16.2
[town]4634[/town] 13079pts [player]jcsheehan[/player] 526/472 38.2
[town]5114[/town] 13122pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 501/501 1.4
[town]8483[/town] 13217pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 497/503 4.2
[town]5658[/town] 13307pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 501/501 1.4
[town]7210[/town] 13439pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 516/496 16.5
[town]6316[/town] 13464pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 509/492 12.0
[town]7603[/town] 13534pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 501/501 1.4
[town]11534[/town] 13534pts [player]randylee[/player] 527/516 31.4
[town]8787[/town] 13586pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 497/503 4.2
[town]9329[/town] 13678pts [player]randylee[/player] 520/513 23.9
[town]6584[/town] 13769pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 497/503 4.2
[town]7837[/town] 13831pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 497/503 4.2
[town]3494[/town] 13890pts [player]JaiMalik[/player] 475/489 27.3
[town]6092[/town] 14067pts [player]JaiMalik[/player] 475/489 27.3
[town]7155[/town] 14156pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 497/503 4.2
[town]1930[/town] 14801pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 485/494 16.2
[town]2172[/town] 5135pts [player]jeffbuell[/player] 509/500 9.0
[town]2226[/town] 5232pts [player]jeffbuell[/player] 509/500 9.0
[town]11021[/town] 5930pts [player]JaiMalik[/player] 475/489 27.3
[town]8683[/town] 5975pts [player]malken[/player] 478/480 29.7
[town]3004[/town] 6139pts [player]MarinaDanka1[/player] 527/523 35.5
[town]1445[/town] 6588pts [player]-SF-[/player] 509/500 9.0
[town]1175[/town] 6610pts [player]jw123456[/player] 502/521 21.1
[town]10428[/town] 6788pts [player]JaiMalik[/player] 478/491 23.8
[town]5947[/town] 6891pts [player]good day 23[/player] 495/508 9.4
[town]2289[/town] 7135pts [player]-SF-[/player] 493/523 24.0
[town]2169[/town] 7292pts [player]jbro1985[/player] 507/518 19.3
[town]5630[/town] 7303pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 502/506 6.3
[town]862[/town] 7326pts [player]jbro1985[/player] 494/516 17.1
[town]1936[/town] 7547pts [player]Lwiza[/player] 505/473 27.5
[town]1022[/town] 7749pts [player]Lisica[/player] 478/502 22.1
[town]1775[/town] 7909pts [player]Jacobo[/player] 505/473 27.5
[town]916[/town] 8022pts [player]DivineDream[/player] 494/516 17.1
[town]8497[/town] 8039pts [player]Mrs. House[/player] 478/519 29.1
[town]1875[/town] 8088pts [player]kamte[/player] 505/473 27.5
[town]2195[/town] 8256pts [player]Graceana[/player] 505/473 27.5
[town]8918[/town] 8308pts [player]Zamguk[/player] 478/480 29.7
[town]2403[/town] 8371pts [player]Graceana[/player] 507/472 28.9
[town]2380[/town] 8467pts [player]Jacobo[/player] 505/473 27.5
[town]6606[/town] 8542pts [player]Airesking[/player] 527/516 31.4
[town]1206[/town] 8795pts [player]oksanka[/player] 489/488 16.3
[town]1967[/town] 8981pts [player]good day 23[/player] 495/508 9.4
[town]2251[/town] 9049pts [player]el jeffe 82[/player] 519/506 19.9
[town]8564[/town] 9451pts [player]Zamguk[/player] 478/480 29.7
[town]2694[/town] 9503pts [player]Zamguk[/player] 481/476 30.6
[town]613[/town] 9537pts [player]Lisica[/player] 486/490 17.2
[town]2393[/town] 9545pts [player]Lwiza[/player] 507/472 28.9
[town]6846[/town] 9570pts [player]PERECBET[/player] 477/505 23.5
[town]1924[/town] 9573pts [player]good day 23[/player] 495/508 9.4
[town]5618[/town] 9745pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 495/508 9.4
[town]2090[/town] 9774pts [player]DivineDream[/player] 494/516 17.1
[town]2042[/town] 9837pts [player]April Fool[/player] 520/500 20.0
[town]7325[/town] 9893pts [player]DivineDream[/player] 495/529 29.4
[town]3988[/town] 10354pts [player]Monkey D Luffy[/player] 495/508 9.4
[town]941[/town] 10630pts [player]good day 23[/player] 486/508 16.1
[town]488[/town] 10649pts [player]DivineDream[/player] 489/526 28.2
[town]2464[/town] 10837pts [player]DivineDream[/player] 495/529 29.4
[town]153[/town] 10978pts [player]-SF-[/player] 496/518 18.4
[town]5098[/town] 11028pts [player]randmac[/player] 520/513 23.9
[town]6913[/town] 11127pts [player]MarinaDanka1[/player] 485/528 31.8
[town]7102[/town] 11386pts [player]MarinaDanka1[/player] 528/520 34.4
[town]685[/town] 11872pts [player]-SF-[/player] 501/529 29.0
[town]1953[/town] 11996pts [player]jw123456[/player] 495/529 29.4
[town]1655[/town] 12061pts [player]DivineDream[/player] 506/525 25.7
[town]2157[/town] 12214pts [player]-SF-[/player] 493/523 24.0
[town]8632[/town] 12693pts [player]jcsheehan[/player] 526/472 38.2
[town]1506[/town] 12776pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 509/492 12.0
[town]2264[/town] 12960pts [player]randmac[/player] 509/500 9.0
[town]2177[/town] 13004pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 485/494 16.2
[town]3803[/town] 13021pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 485/494 16.2
[town]4634[/town] 13079pts [player]jcsheehan[/player] 526/472 38.2
[town]5114[/town] 13122pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 501/501 1.4
[town]8483[/town] 13217pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 497/503 4.2
[town]5658[/town] 13307pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 501/501 1.4
[town]7210[/town] 13439pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 516/496 16.5
[town]6316[/town] 13464pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 509/492 12.0
[town]7603[/town] 13534pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 501/501 1.4
[town]11534[/town] 13534pts [player]randylee[/player] 527/516 31.4
[town]8787[/town] 13586pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 497/503 4.2
[town]9329[/town] 13678pts [player]randylee[/player] 520/513 23.9
[town]6584[/town] 13769pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 497/503 4.2
[town]7837[/town] 13831pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 497/503 4.2
[town]3494[/town] 13890pts [player]JaiMalik[/player] 475/489 27.3
[town]6092[/town] 14067pts [player]JaiMalik[/player] 475/489 27.3
[town]7155[/town] 14156pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 497/503 4.2
[town]1930[/town] 14801pts [player]Lord DJ[/player] 485/494 16.2
= This player has only one town so his academy might not be well developed.
= This player has lost some points during the last week and may be inactive.
= This player is inactive or in vacation mode.
Note: The "radius" of search is "square", so if X = 400 and Y = 500, for a radius of 10, the search will take place in a square area with X between 390 and 410 and Y between 490 and 510. Consequently, a radius of 50, covers a whole sea.